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I know who should and absolutely would have been brilliant on this show - William Regal. If they could have got him as some sort of 'in stadium announcer' or to give comments and pointers for the many that almost certainly aren't wrestling fans per se, then that would have kicked it up a level I feel. 

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18 hours ago, Supremo said:

Despite enjoying the Blackpool Combat Club instantly getting their heat back after Blood and Guts by doing the most dastardly things possible (steal Penta’s mask, smash up Sue’s van), the whole BCC/Death Triangle/Best Friends feud has mostly felt like a muddle mess. I can’t even remember how it started or what they’re even fighting for. At first, the Wembley match seemed to be Moxley vs. Cassidy, but now they’ve stolen a mask from the Lucha Brothers, I had no idea where any of this was going. But then it hit me. Three-way Stadium Stampede! BCC vs. Best Friends vs. Death Triangle! And don’t you worry about Pac being injured because the greatest replacement you could ever hope for just so happens to be PENTA’S BEST FRIEND.


I'm in a weird place with this feud in that I'm enjoying everything they're doing and would be happy with a big multi man hardcore match at All In but story wise it's like they skipped the beginning, they're currently in the middle and it's really entertaining but because they skipped the beginning I'm not really sure what the endgame is supposed to be or why I should care.

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28 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

I'm in a weird place with this feud in that I'm enjoying everything they're doing and would be happy with a big multi man hardcore match at All In but story wise it's like they skipped the beginning, they're currently in the middle and it's really entertaining but because they skipped the beginning I'm not really sure what the endgame is supposed to be or why I should care.

There was something simple there. PAC comes in as the hired hand for Blood & Guts and leaves the BCC in the lurch. Lucha Bros come to the rescue for Death Triangle v. BCC.

It's not helped by Claudio & PAC happening on ROH PPV and the weak/random inclusion of the Best Friends stemming from there as well. 

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5 hours ago, The King Of Swing said:

Feels like they are just keeping BCC, Death Triangle and Best Friends busy while everyone else is tied up.

I'd be well up for OC Vs. Mox at Wembley. No real interest in a multi match. 

Yeah, I’m the same. The abundance of multi-man matches do nothing for me. Great characters such as Hangman, Cassidy. Mox and Penta typically get watered down due to the nature of these feuds. We’ve seen how good all of these wrestlers are in singles feuds; and I’d really like to see more of that in AEW.

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Everyone will want to be a part of this Wembley card, and I'm sure Khan will try and oblige where possible. It's why I think the Stadium Stampede with BCC Vs Lucha Bros and Kingston? Vs Best Friends at All In, with Mox v OC for the belt at All Out makes sense. 

Hangman is out in the cold and I can't begin to describe just how little interest I have in Osprey Vs Jericho, so personally I'd go with Hangman/Omega Vs Takeshita/Jericho and tell Osprey that his plane ticket, that wasn't  ordered, will be at the airport check in waiting for him. 

Then a battle royale should take care of the rest. 

That The Bucks got that match out of The Hardy's in 2023 was a minor miracle, fair play to them lads. Gotta say though, The Bucks are miscast as faces. That was always the drawback of Hangman rejoining these guys. Hangman is the loveable cowboy and these pair come across as smackable little gits. 

RVD had way more in the tank than I was expecting. That was really enjoyable. If he adapts to walking up to the top post for the frog splash, as well as for the split leg climbing to the top then dropping into the split leg moonsault (can't remember who it is that does it that way, Andrade maybe?) Rather than trying to hop from the mat, then other than those two things he was pretty on point here. Definitely room to use him here and there going forward. 

Like most of the rest of yourselves, I follow this shite fairly closely and yet that Talk Sport segment was the first time in my life I'd ever laid eyes on Grado. If I was going to this Wembley show I wouldn't be expecting him to be there. Nor would I be overly keen on watching someone that has nothing to do with AEW when there are plenty of goofy characters on the roster that I enjoy, that probably won't be on the show. If this was going out as an ITV special on the Sunday evening, like I guess they had hoped for, then it would make sense. As is? There's 80,000 people there that have bought tickets to see an AEW show and people buying on PPV are going to be even more in the bubble than those people, and with an even lower percentage of British people among them. 

Grado may well be the fucking second coming of Jeff Jarrett, in which case he's obviously incredible, I'd don't know, but that wouldn't be my first or second thought should he wander out in the middle of an already bloated (probably) 4-5 hour show. 

Edited by WeeAl
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Took me 3 goes to get through this show. Nothing was bad but nothing felt particularly hot either. 

MJF/Cole has been entertaining but I also think it stands out because everything else is so cold. Oddly, I'm starting to wonder if they actually considered having Hayter close Wembley. 

I hate the AEW trope of wrestlers agreeing to a match and Khan apparently agreeing to it, adding a stipulation to it and getting the truck to put a graphic together in about 2 seconds. It's proper shite. 

We're at an odd stage where there's no obvious big singles feuds for their biggest stars heading into their biggest show ever (with the exception of Punk having a rematch with either Joe or Starks, neither of which I could give two hoots about). Jericho has spent weeks deliberating about Callis. The obvious feud would be Sammy but it isn't happening. Moxley is fucking around with the Best Friends. Omega was on the show wheeling luggage! Who knows why. Hangman is nowhere. 

I'd love to know what's gone in behind the scenes. If the rumours were right about Jericho/Sting and Omega/Danielson you can see they were genuinely looking to put two massive matches on the show. 

Feasibly, we could have probably got:








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AEW is about to do one of the biggest stadium shows of all time and feels colder than ever. 
Reason - awful booking. 

Outside of MJF / Cole (and don't get me started on why they're in a pre show tag match) there is nothing shaping up for All In or All Out that I remotely interested in. 
The angles and product is just all over the place at the moment and Im not sure how they are going to get that momentum back. 

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5 hours ago, Daddymagic said:

AEW is about to do one of the biggest stadium shows of all time and feels colder than ever. 
Reason - awful booking. 

Outside of MJF / Cole (and don't get me started on why they're in a pre show tag match) there is nothing shaping up for All In or All Out that I remotely interested in. 
The angles and product is just all over the place at the moment and Im not sure how they are going to get that momentum back. 

While I agree to a certain extent, I do think if you're going to the event itself it'll be a great atmosphere and it won't really matter at that point. Will it be any more than one of those cool one-off type events that was fun to be at? Probably not. I'm not seeing it as a game changer or anything like that. But I think it'll be a show fans will be glad they got to attend.

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6 hours ago, Daddymagic said:

AEW is about to do one of the biggest stadium shows of all time and feels colder than ever. 
Reason - awful booking. 

Outside of MJF / Cole (and don't get me started on why they're in a pre show tag match) there is nothing shaping up for All In or All Out that I remotely interested in. 
The angles and product is just all over the place at the moment and Im not sure how they are going to get that momentum back. 

Why would you be annoyed they're in a pre-show tag match? It's great... we get to do the DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE bit and pretend everything is fine before all our dreams get shattered at circa 10pm.


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I wonder if they're going to run that main back to back. Cole turns on MJF (the only real option at this stage), and they run it with a stipulation a week later. 

Logically you'd have a number one contenders match at Wembley and have a main event for All Out set up by the end of the night.


Anyway, something I wanted to ask people who have watched more AEW than I have, is Tony Khan meant to be very careless when it comes to people's safety (in storylines)? I hadn't really thought about it after Nick Wayne and his unsigned friends got the shit beaten out of them in a gang attack but then Swerve mentioned that nobody in authority is going to do anything about it and it made me wonder if Khan's meant to be useless in "kayfabe" (urgh). 

It makes sense in the WWE because Vince obviously isn't the type to give two shits. And I wouldn't really have thought about it if they hadn't lampshaded it. I quite like the idea of a boss character who's useless and negligent rather than spiteful.

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20 minutes ago, Vamp said:

Anyway, something I wanted to ask people who have watched more AEW than I have, is Tony Khan meant to be very careless when it comes to people's safety (in storylines)? I hadn't really thought about it after Nick Wayne and his unsigned friends got the shit beaten out of them in a gang attack but then Swerve mentioned that nobody in authority is going to do anything about it and it made me wonder if Khan's meant to be useless in "kayfabe" (urgh). 

It makes sense in the WWE because Vince obviously isn't the type to give two shits. And I wouldn't really have thought about it if they hadn't lampshaded it. I quite like the idea of a boss character who's useless and negligent rather than spiteful.

You're thinking too much into it. Tony Khan, kayfabe wise, doesn't really have a character.

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23 hours ago, Vamp said:

Anyway, something I wanted to ask people who have watched more AEW than I have, is Tony Khan meant to be very careless when it comes to people's safety (in storylines)? I hadn't really thought about it after Nick Wayne and his unsigned friends got the shit beaten out of them in a gang attack but then Swerve mentioned that nobody in authority is going to do anything about it and it made me wonder if Khan's meant to be useless in "kayfabe" (urgh). 

It makes sense in the WWE because Vince obviously isn't the type to give two shits. And I wouldn't really have thought about it if they hadn't lampshaded it. I quite like the idea of a boss character who's useless and negligent rather than spiteful.

Wasn't Swerve talking about "the authorities", as in the cops? I thought Swerve had a Mr Nimbus-style control over the police.

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On its own, that was an enjoyable episode of wrestling. In the wider scheme of things that was an absolute bonkers mess. I'll post more thoughts later but my main 2 takeaways:

1) Fuck the fuck off with a Will Ospreay singles match on their biggest show ever. Against Jericho no less! Meanwhile the best singles wrestler on the planet and two former World Champions are in a meaningless thrown together 6 man. ABSOLUTE BULLSHIT NONSENSE. 

2) three mystery men for Stadium Stampede is hilariously insane. I can't really think of 3 natural candidates for this. The only people who would get me excited for this that I can think of are Santana and Ortiz. 

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