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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Yeah, it's definitely been a bit shit in here recently. Perhaps we can try and keep the discussion on the backstage bollocks and the bad faith posters Tony Khan twat thread and just stick to the show in here that may make things bearable. I'll definitely try to, this thread used to be fun.

In other news, I love this man:

Edited by LaGoosh
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It took me forever to realise John Silver was attempting a Geordie accent on Wednesday. One hundred percent just sounded like a pirate. A great man. Hopefully now some of these ex-WWE guys have proven to be bad signings we’ll see a return of focus on the original homegrown guys like Silver.

Edited by Supremo
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He should definitely be featured more. He's one of those great characters who is guaranteed to make the most of every second of TV time he gets. I'd get him away from the Dark Order and put him on some kind of delusional "giant killer" run.

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Silver has always been brilliant, just great comedic timing and I'd like to see them give more focus back to The Dark Order. Uno as well is fantastic, maybe not in ring, but there's just something so loveable about those two.

Fuck it, bring Colt back and make him the leader.

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I would have liked Death Triangle to get a proper run, but i'd have Dark Order win the Trios titles. Doesn't look like anything will happen on Battle of the Belts. 4 title defenses in one night. Might as well have one change, maybe i'm greedy.

There's a ready made story there for the return of The Elite. Dark Order v. whatever version of the LFI that still might be around. Plus it'd be more fun seeing Silver run rampant on the Trustbusters/Embassy/Factory in random defenses. Than waiting for PAC to crisscross the Atlantic.

Edited by Infinity Land
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MJF looks in great shape as well. Best of his career. Getting ready for that top spot.

Good ratings for AEW again, hitting consistently over a million these days and without the suspended stars. Shows that most people don't give a shit about the backstage stuff and just enjoy a really fun wrestling show

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59 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Not yet. Let Jade get to 49-0 first, then Willow gets the big win on the main event of Dynamite. 

That would be great, have Jade coming down with the parade and celebration all ready for the 50th win, only for her to lose and then Willow can take over the celebration while Jade is gutted as confetti falls all around. Magic.

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2 hours ago, Chili said:

I fucking hate this thread now. Only on here to really chat about the show but because its been a lower standard recently, as wrestling fans we've gone to the jugular. Either, it's all fucked, 'Vince wouldn't have that' or in RedRooster's case seemingly hate watching and the company being shit because their wants aren't happening. Calm it a bit. I'm probably sticking to off-topic, everyone just seems misered. 

Firstly, I'm not "hate-watching"; I've liked the company enough throughout to stick with it. I want it to get better, and I want it to succeed. 

If you want to create an AEW thread where only positive opinions are allowed, then do that, I suppose. If people seem to be down on the product on the whole, then there's probably a reason for that. Gate-keeping what opinions are or are not allowed on here defeats the point of a discussion forum. 

2 hours ago, LaGoosh said:

Perhaps we can try and keep the discussion on the backstage bollocks and the bad faith posters Tony Khan twat thread and just stick to the show in here that may make things bearable.

To be fair, the vast majority of discussion about the backstage stuff in here is entirely relevant; and it's of Tony Khan's doing. For example, how can you talk about the main event and Sammy's role in it without considering what happened with Andrade? As far as MJF goes, the behind-the-scenes stuff is at the root of his storyline. The fact things are a bit up in the air, and, at times directionless - the Punk/Elite situation is so relevant to that. Perhaps, if things had gone as planned, we'd be watching a red-hot product right now with an obvious end game?

And when Jay Lethal performs, how can you ignore the allegations made against him? Same goes for Darby. Fuck, that in itself will make a lot of viewers feel shit about what they're watching. 

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11 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

Nitpick everything when in the moment.

That's true of all wrestling; when I go back and watch old shows, I don't find myself nearly as irritated by bad booking or weird decisions as I would have done at the time, because I'm removed from the day-to-day of it all and it doesn't matter any more (not that it ever really mattered, but you know what I mean). Whatever Wrestlemania had the Triple H/Sting match, I watched that with a bunch of friends, and we were all just gobsmacked at how ridiculous it was, how little sense it made, and how much it contradicted the story they'd been telling beforehand. During lockdown, another friend started up a weekly stream where we'd all watch wrestling stuff together, and that match was on it a few times, and removed from context it's ridiculous fun. 

75% - 90% of wrestling is ephemeral, throwaway bullshit, and often actively bad. People will tell you that 2000 was one of the best years in the history of the WWF, but the Wrestlemania go-home show for that year had four matches that went under two minutes, and only two that went over five. If you take the highest rated episode of RAW from 1998 on Cagematch, there are only two matches that go over five minutes, two DQs, and two no contests. Storyline-wise, you don't need me to tell you how much abject shite was going on in the midcard even when the WWF's main event scene was the most exciting and dynamic it's ever been. 

I often compare wrestling to being a long-time fan of Doctor Who, though probably any long-running series works as well. I would watch it every single week, even though more often than not, it was rubbish. You'd get through three or four bad episodes, and be telling yourself, "this is awful, I don't know why I still bother watching this". And then an episode like "Heaven Sent" comes along and you think, "fucking hell, this is incredible", and that sense of how good it can be carries you through the next few bad episodes before you start thinking it's shit again. If they ever get that ratio wrong, and you get too many bad episodes without those episodes or moments that remind you how good it can be, then you'd probably give up on it and stop watching, but just often enough there's a reminder that this can be absolutely brilliant. In AEW, every time it feels like they've lost their way, you get something like the Trios Title match at All Out, where the crowd are so into every single Omega/Hangman reaction and you're reminded that this is what it was all about, this is still great, and people still give a shit about this part.

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According to Cultaholic, it looks like Saraya has been cleared to return to the ring which is a good thing and now makes sense why she was signed. Definitely will be better with her wrestling than just being a Manager / authority figure. If they weren't so top heavy on the heels being the better of the women, I would have her as a heel, but the face side is very light.

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I still don't know what will happen. People got their hopes up the last time she returned. Then if I remember right it was a random tag match on TV that she got hurt again.

She gained her reputation in part based on workrate coming from the indy scene. It's not something that translates to the aura of Sting or physicality of Awesome Kong.

What Tony Khan should be pitching is a new AEW related panel game show. WBD love their cheap disposable content and being in the UK we know how TV here loves filling up their schedules with a studio show with the same 16 comedians and Jimmy Carr.

'Who's House?' - A modern twist on the classic 'Through the Keyhole' with Saraya and Swerve as opposing team captains. RJ City can host.  

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