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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Well that was bollocks. I get protecting Punk and the heel turn is incoming, but no no no. You do not waste a match like that. That loses your audiences faith and the next time you have a match like that it lessens the impact.

All the 'work shoot' stuff that's currently going on can fuck off as well.

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16 minutes ago, Factotum said:

Well that was bollocks. I get protecting Punk and the heel turn is incoming, but no no no. You do not waste a match like that. That loses your audiences faith and the next time you have a match like that it lessens the impact.

I suppose, to be fair, it depends on the context. Perhaps it emerged that Punk's injury was more serious than expected, or he somehow reinjured himself after his initial return. Even if it's a deliberate angle, a promo from a desperate Punk could heat the entire feud up again next week. 

18 minutes ago, Factotum said:

All the 'work shoot' stuff that's currently going on can fuck off as well.

Agreed. There are too many references to what's going on backstage, and quite a few of them have completely gone over my head until I read this thread (eg. Britt Baker and the sandbag, The Acclaimed's reference to the backstage meeting)

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1 minute ago, RedRooster said:

Agreed. There are too many references to what's going on backstage, and quite a few of them have completely gone over my head until I read this thread (eg. Britt Baker and the sandbag, The Acclaimed's reference to the backstage meeting)

Yeah I don't want to know. The MJF thing is a perfect work/shoot type thing which makes sense with the character and probably where they are at. But everything else is crap and is the worst of the Russo masturbatory stuff.

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Ahahahhaha.  Ha.

The minute they announced the match wasn't even the main event, you knew some fuckery was afoot.  Even so - imagine WCW putting Goldberg v Hogan midway through the show with Jung Dragons v 3 Count as the main event?  Even Bischoff wasn't that stupid.

AEW is a mess.  A mess.  One has to assume Punk is either injured or has decided not to renew his contract, because otherwise they've just made him look incredibly weak.  Even if either of those scenarios is true, this was a terrible mistake.

The wheels are falling off right as WWE begins to really pick up steam as well.  Ticket sales for Survivor Series are through the roof.  WWE is the hot product right now, unbelievably.

Edit: oh yeah, Thunder Rosa injury angle in a backstage interview, fuck women's wrestling I guess.


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I've been sat here for a while trying to work out how I feel about it all and to be honest I still don't know.

My immediate reaction was 'oh'.. and not really in an OMG THAT WAS AMAZING WOW way. I just felt quite cold by the end of it. And it's weird because I absolutely wanted Mox to win. There was just something about the whole thing being on Dynamite and being done in this way that felt like this was a step down from what it could have been. When you look at say Lesnar/Goldberg as a direct example, at least that was built up and presented on PPV as a big deal and yeah.. this just didn't have that for me. I know it's different but it's the first thing that came to mind anyway.

I'd feel bad about Thunder Rosa more if her title reign wasn't shit.

After the really good promo they had on Dark, I thought they were going to use that opportunity with Britt more.. maybe it changed after the PPV plans changed? A shame if so.

Why the fuck are MCMG teaming with Jay Lethal? Isn't he a heel? Unless they've turned and I missed it somewhere, as I don't really have a chance to regularly watch Impact. If so then ignore that.

Trios match was as good as expected although if you'd told me I'd be ending Dynamite thinking about Kip Sabian rather than MJF or Hangman this week I would've laughed in your face.

There was other stuff but yeah I'm a bit 'meh' at the moment after all that.

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I think there are two possibilities with the Punk thing: Either his injury is worse than we thought so all they could do was a short match and get him off TV again, or (if the rumblings about him are true) he's done with the company. I guess we'll see what comes out over the next couple of days, but instinctively it felt like a write off match to me. If his injury is worse, then how was he cleared for anything, especially delivering a roundhouse kick? 


I'd be extremely surprised if he's back next week to set up a match for All Out, considering the injury angle. @Loki is right, as soon as they said "the trios match is the main event" it was clear that trouble was coming. I guess part of the logic of moving it was that Mox would be more cheered for winning Ohio than at All Out in Chicago

Edit: Now I've read suggestions that it might be Punk putting his career on the line for a rematch. That's...pretty believable, to be fair

All in all, a show that was a bit all over the place. I assume they've come to the conclusion that Satnam Singh is not ready for PPV, hence the machine gun upgrade, but if that's the case why book the match and build it around the Wardlow power bomb in the first place? MCMG are undoubtedly an upgrade, but it just feels weird.

Thunder Rosa is vacating either because she's injured or she has heat, but I'm afraid no one cares either way. @RedRooster is absolutely right that there's no way they'd make an announcement like that for the men's title, but I'd go further and say they wouldn't do it for the TBS title if Jade needed to vacate.

Eddie Kingston was suspended apparently, which...is entirely believable.

It was very un-AEW and very crap to end the main event with Pac being attached by Kip Sabian (of all people), interference which went on for a while and the ref somehow didn't notice. A damp squib end to a really good match.

Thought Ricky Starks was great, thought Daniel Garcia was great, looking forward to Stokely's faction of "underused guys".


Still can't believe that the first time Kenny and Ospreay are going to wrestle in AEW is in a trios match on Dynamite. 


I can believe AEW having some relationship problems now. Last year (or was it 2 years ago?) they looked like they were going to start beating Raw, WWE was losing steam and it looked like a terrible place to work. Now the company has stalled a bit, WWE has picked itself back up and we're starting to see opportunities be given to guys who wouldn't have had them before. There will be some guys who are thinking that the grass may not be as green any more, just as some fans are doing. The whole rebellious alternative that gives you freedom thing only works if the other guys are control freak bad guys


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7 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

When you look at say Lesnar/Goldberg as a direct example, at least that was built up and presented on PPV as a big deal and yeah.. this just didn't have that for me. I know it's different but it's the first thing that came to mind anyway.

Yup. If they had Mox come out and just brutally destroy a cocky Punk it may have worked. But this just made everyone look shit

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Just now, Merzbow said:

t's had a majority of bad weeks over the past couple on months or so.

Yeah, and they had turned a corner. I hated this week but a mess is way overstating it. They've still had great moments the last few months. They just need to focus the company a bit more. Its not unfixable.

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It's been pretty messy all year. I've still enjoyed a lot of it, but the honeymoon period is over. 

"Becoming like any other major wrestling promotion" is probably a better way of putting it. But every major wrestling promotion in history has been a mess. 

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