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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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Love Dax but hate Jay so won't be bothering with that.

So over Britt Baker at the moment unfortunately.

Trios match will be a banger but Ospreay's still a cunt.

Definitely interested in seeing where they go with this Garcia stuff. 

The Gunns are there.

I really hope they have a proper match for the title in the main event. Save any shenanigans involving the next challenger until after the match.

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17 minutes ago, DavidB6937 said:

I really hope they have a proper match for the title in the main event. Save any shenanigans involving the next challenger until after the match.

Agreed. If MJF is to return, I hope it is AFTER the match.

Is there a time limit? Could perhaps see it going to a draw and then setting up the PPV Main for something a bit special (not that I want that to happen)

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Has anyone done any investigating to see if MJF “definitely bought a plane ticket” for any flights today?

If MJF does return tonight, then as others have mentioned, post-match is the way to go. Doing the “costs so & so the title” would absolutely stink the joint out, and surely in kayfabe he’d be starting from the bottom after being off for 3 months.

Thats if he returns at all, I reckon we’re more likely just going to get Hangman confronting the winner, who considering all the talk last week was about Punk going into business for himself would suggest it’ll be him, and they face off at the PPV

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Either way I'm still pretty disappointed they're changing direction with such a short time until the PPV. Punk/Mox should've been built up to that and that would've been absolutely great. But now throwing out one of them vs MJF or Hangman with very little time to give a genuine build is a pretty rubbish move, as both options could be really great. It's just not enough time for me to kick it into a must-see gear.

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I think the whole situation with this Punk/Mox match is pretty shit. Okay, I'm not a ticket-buying punter, and I suspect a lot of fans will have bought tickets to see AEW's biggest show regardless of the main event card, but to have a card still coming together with just a fortnight to go, AND to throw any version of your marquee match out on free TV a week beforehand is kneejerk fag-packet booking or out-and-out shithousery. The match quality will no doubt be stonking, but it sure feels like any other show, at the moment.

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15 minutes ago, CavemanLynn said:

I think the whole situation with this Punk/Mox match is pretty shit. Okay, I'm not a ticket-buying punter, and I suspect a lot of fans will have bought tickets to see AEW's biggest show regardless of the main event card, but to have a card still coming together with just a fortnight to go, AND to throw any version of your marquee match out on free TV a week beforehand is kneejerk fag-packet booking or out-and-out shithousery. The match quality will no doubt be stonking, but it sure feels like any other show, at the moment.

It’s insane that they’re giving it away on TV. A unification match is the simplest thing to build

”2 Champions, but there can be only 1. Find out who when AEW presents All Out, only on PPV”

Fuck it, go all out (no pun intended) and stick Christopher Lambert and Clancy Brown in the front row

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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I am loving the buzz around it all I must say. Going to be on hardcore spoiler lockdown til I can watch it tomorrow evening. Lovely to have a reason to do that with the wrasslin these days. 

Edited by JLM
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I'm not really bothered they're doing Punk v. Mox on TV. They've done it before in terms of giving away their supposed "biggest matches". TV wins out over PPV quite often with AEW. With only the 4 real PPVs in a year Mox v. Punk was never a draw to me buying regardless. It just was better than the Jericho v. Mox or Mox v. another people were speculating on ahead of Quake by the Lake.

The main problem i've had is that often times AEW PPV builds can be weak as piss. They always deliver though. This time it's looking very shaky, and they've only themselves to blame as there's been some blatant open goals.

  • AEW World Title Unification: Mox v. Punk. This is one that looks like it might be saved just because they have something up their sleeve.
  • AEW Women's World Title: Thunder Rosa v. Toni Storm. Would have been great. Except they threw it on Forbidden Door with no build. Feels like Storm should win and that just caps a very lacklustre Rosa reign. Or the Britt & Jamie stuff pays off in the next week and they randomly get tacked on. It's just 'meh'.
  • AEW World Tag Titles: Champions v. FTR. Didn't have to be the Bucks, that would have been nice. Swerve in Our Glory v. 7 star FTR more than acceptable. Haven't a clue what Swerve & Lee are doing.
  • AEW World Trios final: The Elite v. anyone. Got Omega's return. Doesn't matter who they're against if you're a fan of The Elite's stuff this is going to go great.
  • AEW TBS Title: Should have been Jade v. Statlander. Injury has intervened. Because of Athena & Statlander playing mates. Athena's debut has been quite weak. It's hard to care.

That's just the titles where if they put any real effort into would have been enough for you to spend your money. TNT title isn't often defended so i've ignored it as we know what we're getting. So what are we getting that's not been mentioned?

Eddie v. Sammy, nah! Eddie & Ruby v. Sammy & Tay, nah!

Casino ladder match: spotfest, next. MJF as Joker is about all anyone is going to care about. If it doesn't happen crowd will crap all over it.

FTR & Wardlow v. Lethal/Satnam/Dutt: Remember when MJF & FTR v. Punk/Sting/Darby happened or Punk & FTR v. Caster & Gunn Club or FTR & Tully v. Jungle Boy/Luchasaurus/Stunt. All of those 6 mans felt bigger than this! That's not a slight on Wardlow by the way. It's on the opponents.

Speaking of Jungle Boy. Him vs. Christian is decent but not expecting anything spectacular.

There's other things playing out. A week and half to go things should have been a lot clearer on what that's going to look like. Hobbs v. Starks might be the only clear cut add. Unless i'm missing something as Jericho/Danielson/Garcia/BCC/JAS could go in different directions.


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Hangman accidentally cleans out Mox, then MJF deliberately cleans out Punk and drapes him over a prone Mox for the 123.

gives you two top of the card matches for the ppv 

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