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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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20 minutes ago, LaGoosh said:

Certainly didn't help that MJF cut a promo hyping up his title match against Mox BEFORE the main event.

I'd say it was more about hyping the title match and about proving himself. MJF made sure to include Penta a couple of times. When he was summing up he was saying he wouldn't be fighting Regal, he wouldn't be fighting Moxley, he wouldn't be fighting Penta. He'd be fighting all the people that didn't think he was good enough.

Stokely comes out makes it all about Moxley. To which MJF came back saying that if Mox retains tonight against Penta, he's not to be touched as he didn't want any excuses for when he wins.

It wasn't as dismissive as it could have been.

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30 minutes ago, Big'Olympic_Hero'Pete said:

Would it be fair to say that Claudio Castagnoli has found his niche in AEW compared to being 'Cesaro' ? I think he's much much better.

I'm not seeing much difference to be honest. His in-ring expertise were never an issue. He just doesn't need to have much of a personality in AEW. So yeah he probably fits in better but I wouldn't say he is better.

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Being part of the BCC kind of gives Claudio personality by association. It makes sense that a superb athlete wrestler would be mixing it with a dungeon of similar wrestling hard cases.

Penta vs Mox was great fun, but another frustration I have with AEW that great matches happen because they need matches to fill TV. It also felt hotshotted because of that iconic photo of blood soaked Penta. Just because there's a swell of buzz about a guy doesn't mean you just bung him into a main event. It comes off desperate. You've just had a champion legit knock out a contender with a lariat, and you've got a guy who has form as an arm-snapping skeleton. I'd have liked at least a fortnight of Mox clubbing jobbers while Penta snaps some arms elsewhere, so there's some in-AEW spice.

Edited by CavemanLynn
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if Mox had held up a pic of a bloody Penta and said I want a lights out match with that guy it’s an easy way to have a tv match and not be about a title. Even gives a little intrigue. For the title it was a forgone conclusion 

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8 hours ago, Loki said:

I genuinely thought Keith Lee had had a heart attack halfway through that tag match.  He looked fucking terrible, he managed that leapfrog and then just fell over and was completely blown up.


Leapfrog, drop down is as basic a wrestling sequence as it gets. Wasn’t bad at all when I watched it, he was back up and tackled them which is when he kinda stumbled onto his knees 

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Quite a bit of good in ring action on this show, but that's never really in doubt. I would have had Danielson beat the piss out of Guevara in three minutes, Brodie Lee on Cody style, due to being more fired up than usual because of the stuff with Yuta. He did act more aggressive, but it didn't help him win any quicker than usual. Again, having a long match for the sake of a long match when the story would have worked perfectly well in less time.

That beat down at the end did not go as I was expecting at all. I had it in my head after Stokely got very publicly admonished again, that it was all a ploy by MJF to make sure that he was seen to be trying to make the match with Mox a straight up affair, but for it to come out that behind the scenes he was arranging for the Firm to take out Moxley the whole time.

When MJF comes out at the end I think I've it nailed on, young Max is going to come to the save, chase them off or maybe eat a shot to make it look good. Then he proceeded to get the piss beaten out of him to the point I have no idea what the plan is here, as surely to God Khan can't be thinking The Firm are strong enough heels by themselves, to carry a program opposite whichever one of MJF or Moxley have the belt after Full Gear?

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2 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

Part of me is thinking that it's a play on Karl Anderson's situation with NJPW/WWE.

Match wise don't get why Mox doesn't just sub into the tag match.


Announcing Mox should sell more tickets 

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1 hour ago, cena's mam's clunge said:

Utterly awful booking for the title match, like Katie Lee bad. Not one person thinks the fat midget stands a chance of winning, the story direction is MJF vs Moxley, wtf was that match about?! 

Do you mean Katie Vick? Katie Lee just had to pretend to be having sex with her bro....oh nevermind

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6 hours ago, cena's mam's clunge said:

Utterly awful booking for the title match, like Katie Lee bad. Not one person thinks the fat midget stands a chance of winning, the story direction is MJF vs Moxley, wtf was that match about?! 

Were you watching in the wrong aspect ratio?

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9 hours ago, cena's mam's clunge said:

fat midget

Ha, you what?

Having stood next to Penta in person he's probably just slightly under six foot and built like a brick shithouse (which surprised me, it doesn't come across on telly how big he is). He's also has an incredibly intimidating aura around him. He was friendly to all the fans but just has this presence/vibe that he could quite easily and happily fuck you up. 

I'm a huge Penta fan but his AEW run has been mostly a bust. I'm desperate for a heel turn and singles run. He's such a dull babyface. 

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