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AEW Dynamite Thread 2022


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They often get more than 5 minutes for a match. Those that are shorter playing into a feud.

There's been women on commentary before.

Fortunately they skipped a lumberjack match (does it really even count if the ring isn't actually surrounded?) and went to decent gimmick matches.

Reminds me of Eric Bischoff back in WWE and only talking about Becky Lynch as it was all he seemed to know.


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3 hours ago, Infinity Land said:

For me it just re-enforced the worst bits of AEW's women's division. Let's just smoosh it all into one segement and get it over with.

Could easily have a similar segment where Saraya comes out and wants to be the revolution leading to Britt & Co out to confront her, leading to a brawl. Leaving the Interim Women's Title match alone.

Storm v. anybody already exists as she's the Interim Champion. Baker & Saraya was set up by the debut last week, they're going to have to figure out soon what Saraya can actually do in the ring. Hayter v. Nightingale leading to a feud i'd be cool with that. If it's just a match that's what Willow's done her entire stint in AEW so far.

It made sense to have it all in one segment in my opinion given Britt and Toni are still kinda feuding over the title. And if they'd gone with two or three different segments, one being an interrupted backstage interview and the other being a good kicking backstage where somebody gets thrown into the shutters then we'd all be bitching about them doing the same old things again.

Basically it's one of those segments in theory that makes sense but in practise it fell on it's arse - partly because she was introducing us all to the women and at leasr half of them.were nowhere to be seen. It also doesn't help that her accent is irritating either because she sounded as bad on commentary as she did in the ring. But I will give AEW some leeway for at least trying to further things in the division in a slightly different way to what has become the norm. 

Given AEW's love for the history of wrestling and the use of the word bitch in their women's division, I can see her and Hayter teaming up as the British Bulldog Bitches.

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1 hour ago, JimmyAnderson said:

It made sense to have it all in one segment in my opinion given Britt and Toni are still kinda feuding over the title. And if they'd gone with two or three different segments, one being an interrupted backstage interview and the other being a good kicking backstage where somebody gets thrown into the shutters then we'd all be bitching about them doing the same old things again.

Basically it's one of those segments in theory that makes sense but in practise it fell on it's arse - partly because she was introducing us all to the women and at leasr half of them.were nowhere to be seen. It also doesn't help that her accent is irritating either because she sounded as bad on commentary as she did in the ring. But I will give AEW some leeway for at least trying to further things in the division in a slightly different way to what has become the norm. 

Given AEW's love for the history of wrestling and the use of the word bitch in their women's division, I can see her and Hayter teaming up as the British Bulldog Bitches.

My conspiracy take on the segment is that it's leading to the AEWomen show.

Around the time Saraya became a free agent AEW started talking soon. Soon after her release came the news of an AEWomen trademark for a show. Madison Rayne was brought in as a producer and they started booking two live events in October onwards. That doesn't appear to be ROH show otherwise they'd have announced something by now.

With Saraya quasi status of matchmaker, commentator, and doesn't look like she's wrestling anytime soon. It would be a way to parlay her social media status onto a new show. Even if it's just on Youtube.


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2 hours ago, Nick James said:

Imagine claiming that segment as a win for the women's division. Not only that, the tweet highlights how shite the women have been treated so far.

Fucking hell. How to make a bad situation worse!

It’s like she’s never even watched the product and is just spouting Diva Revolution shit from a decade ago.

Length of matches is so far down on the list of problems with AEW women’s division. When they’re actually out there they get a fair shake between the ropes. The problem is that they’re portrayed as a compete after-thought, every segment featuring them feels completely obligatory, barely anyone has any character, they’re always positioned in the piss-break segment before the main event and you can count the number of actual storylines they’ve had this year on one hand.

The more I think about it the more I’m certain it’s one of the worst segments they’ve ever done.

Absolutely insane that at a time when WWE are tightening up and improving across the board, putting out segments like that phenomenal Sami Zayn T-shirt thing, AEW have gone the other way and put out one of the most WWE-at-it’s-worst segments of all time. Misery TV where everyone is moaning that everything is shit and they aren’t being pushed~! enough. Saraya acting like a Poundland Stephanie McMahon, positioned in a way that whilst she’s supposed to be shining a spotlight on everyone all it does is make it seem like she’s the teacher looking after all the idiot children. And horrendous dialog where you’re absolutely baffled as to who you’re supposed to be rooting for. I just wanted all of them to fuck off.

Has there been a worse debut week in AEW history? I know we’ve had shaky starts in the past but this has got to top the list.

Edited by Supremo
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34 minutes ago, Infinity Land said:

My conspiracy take on the segment is that it's leading to the AEWomen show.

Around the time Saraya became a free agent AEW started talking soon. Soon after her release came the news of an AEWomen trademark for a show. Madison Rayne was brought in as a producer and they started booking two live events in October onwards. That doesn't appear to be ROH show otherwise they'd have announced something by now.

With Saraya quasi status of matchmaker, commentator, and doesn't look like she's wrestling anytime soon. It would be a way to parlay her social media status onto a new show. Even if it's just on Youtube.


I wouldn't be totally against that as long as they put some effort into it and it's not just their version of 205 live (which I'd given up on WWE by the point that turned up but I heard it was fucking pointless). They would need to build the show around Jade Cargill though because right now she's the only female in the company the fans and company seem to have interest in. If they're serious about building up the division into a credible part of their company then yeah I'm on board. But if it's just a PR stunt to say we've got a show that we don't give a toss about but it's dedicated solely to women so how can anyone say we don't care about women's wrestling then nah leave it as it is. 

I don't know if I want to see Saraya anywhere near a microphone again in any capacity. I know I'm harking on about her accent but she sounds like somebody trying to put on a typically British accent rather than sounding authentic like Regal and Hayter do. And I apologise if that is how she genuinely sounds but it grates on me. The thought of a show where her and Vickie Guerrero are the main mouth-pieces is enough to make me not want to watch. 

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Everyone being shocked that fucking Paige was bad, imagine that. She's always been bad at everything. She got where she is because she has a certain look, one that attracts the same type of fan who loves Alexa Bliss. You know the type.



I didn't watch the segment because it was Paige and I knew it would be crap. Rest of the show was watchable but flawed.

I'm really enjoying everything Jericho related. He's on a roll at the moment. The Garcia stuff is all good but I'm not really sure I want the inevitable payoff - Garcia is a natural heel and should remain so. The one issue with this stuff is it's a perfect B story, except there's no A story going on in AEW at the moment so it's the only thing of any consequence happening on the shows. Booking 101 AEW - the Champion always needs to be the main story!

Not a good use of TV time on this episode - that Juice match could have easily been scrapped as it was pointless and Juice is a bland wrestler who doesn't even work there. Equally you could have scrapped the MJF/Wheeler segment and just kept the great attack angle.

Lance Archer, Dante Martin, Lucha Bros, Best Friends,  Brian Cage and Danhausen were on the Dark Elevation taping this week - scrap that Juice match, shave 2-3 minutes off Danielson/Menard and dump that Yuta promo segment and you could have put them on the show for some extra fun and energy. I would love to see Lance Archer vs Dante Martin for example - you could build an easy little feud between those guys. Or Starks beating Cage again instead of some random jobber would have been a nice little return match. Danhausen and Best Friends know how to get a lot out of 2-3 minutes of TV time. Plenty of space available here to let more people get some shine.

I love AEW but it's very frustrating to watch.

Edited by LaGoosh
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21 hours ago, Supremo said:

It’s not even MJF being cooled down or lowered to Yuta’s level that’s struck me the most about this feud. It’s what an absolute slaughter of Yuta it’s been. He’s looked a fucking chump every time he’s been tasked with cutting a promo alongside MJF. If you didn’t know better you’d think he was being humiliated on purpose.

Yuta is a chump though. Wrestles okay- that bloody match with Mox was fun- but everyone can wrestle nowadays. The rest of the time, he's had bland but technically sound matches, and every time he gets a microphone, I'd rather listen to the sound of paint drying. And this is him TRYING to be fiery, charismatic etc etc!

From day 1, I've been baffled what AEW has seen in Yuta. Almost got it in the Mox match, but then he went back to being a boring CAW.

At least Saraya is there to prevent poor Yuta from being the worst promo in the company.

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My wife puts up with me watching Dynamite on the tablet on a Thursday night, but she very rarely pays it any attention. Saraya got her attention this week - “it’s … it’s her! Florence Pugh’s character! Is she back? Is she fighting, is she commentating, what’s she going to be doing?” I didn’t have answers for her, and I had earbuds on so she didn’t actually hear any of the segment, but the fact she became interested because Saraya was there was worth mentioning, I thought.

I also woke up this morning to a message from a friend who has had zero interest in any wrestling since 1999, and the message said “Luigi Primo is back!” 

How to hook in new viewers? Pizza, no matter how problematic the pizza guy is.

(I did mention that to him, and his response was “but it’s wrestling, they’re all terrible people, what does it matter”, so… yay Luigi, I guess!)

Edited by HarmonicGenerator
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Saraya feels like someone who needs direction, rather than letting just freestyle when out there. Remember how insufferable she was on Tough Enough when given free reign to say what she wants? 

There is no doubt she could be an asset to AEW (Casuals~!), but as above, maybe the Stephanie McMahon route is not the move. It probably doesn't help that it hasn't really been clarified what her role actually is going to be (whether she can wrestler or even physical).

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42 minutes ago, HarmonicGenerator said:

My wife puts up with me watching Dynamite on the tablet on a Thursday night, but she very rarely pays it any attention. Saraya got her attention this week - “it’s … it’s her! Florence Pugh’s character! Is she back? Is she fighting, is she commentating, what’s she going to be doing?” I didn’t have answers for her, and I had earbuds on so she didn’t actually hear any of the segment, but the fact she became interested because Saraya was there was worth mentioning, I thought.

This just makes me wish Florence Pugh turned up instead. I'd be okay with that.

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