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46 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

Well fuck, Microsoft just bought ZeniMax/Bethesda..

I personally couldn't give a toss about most of their games outside of those made by Arkane but this is the biggest acquisiton I can recall by either MS or Sony.

That means they get id software too. They can really go head to head with EA now for FPS games; they own the IP for Doom, Quake, Dishonored, Prey, Wolfenstein and a bunch of others. This is probably premeptive deck-stacking for Gamepass to launch the new Xbox very strong.

Not sure if this will be better or worse for the endless barrel-scrape of Fallout 76. Speaking of Fallout, they are now siblings of Obsidian so all the Fallout talent is back in the building.

Edited by Onyx2
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6 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

That means they get id software too. They can really go head to head with EA now for FPS games; they own the IP for Doom, Quake, Dishonored, Prey, Wolfenstein and a bunch of others. This is probably premeptive deck-stacking for Gamepass to launch the new Xbox very strong.

Not sure if this will be better or worse for the endless barrel-scrape of Fallout 76. Speaking of Fallout, they are now siblings of Obsidian so all the Fallout talent is back in the building.

Kinda, few of the main writers on New Vegas aren't with Obsidian any longer but yeah there's finally a chance for a sequel!

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That's a huge coup for Microsoft. Bethesda might be the reigning whipping boy studio, but everyone will run out and buy their games anyway, so having them under the Microsoft/Xbox banner suddenly gives their catalogue a huge boost in terms of titles and identity. I have gamepass on PC - which they're about to push like fuck even further - so best case scenario I won't be paying for new Bethesda games this generation. Might spell trouble if you're PlayStation only and those IPs mean something to you, though. 



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Interesting that Sony were heavily featuring Ghostwire Tokyo as a PS5 (timed?) exclusive - that may now not even get a ps5 release at all. Massive acquisition as others have said, Microsoft now own a massive catalogue of big IPs to bolster their first party offerings.

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1 minute ago, Bicurious Dad said:

Interesting that Sony were heavily featuring Ghostwire Tokyo as a PS5 (timed?) exclusive - that may now not even get a ps5 release at all. Massive acquisition as others have said, Microsoft now own a massive catalogue of big IPs to bolster their first party offerings.

It's still a timed excluive on PS5 along with Deathloop, those contracts are being kept and Microsoft are doing all future games on a case by case basis.

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You’d think that distribution deals and exclusivity would be tied in on any forthcoming releases but it would be weird to have a game under XBox’s stable to be exclusive to PlayStation.

It’s a mighty dick swing by Microsoft and you wonder if it gives them some leverage to swap titles with Sony at some point which would be cool. It wont affect me as two of my least favourite type of games are FPS and space shit but if I get an Xbox down the line it’s nice to know that I have the option to try them for the price of a Gamepass, if that’s the way Xbox keep going with their acquired studios.


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I wonder if it even matters whether or not Bethesda games are Xbox exclusive? Having them available day one as part of Games Pass is a massive coup in itself, especially when you consider how expensive PS5 games are shaping up to be. 

I pre-ordered a PS5, but I'm seriously reconsidering my decision. I really want to play Final Fantasy XVI, but Games Pass is shaping up to be incredible value. 

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Well Microsoft would be best served to say no and distribute the games to PS whilst offering them for fuck all to Gamepass. I don’t  think they’ll make up the apparent lost ground by stealing away exclusives like PS do. The power of Xbox is in it’s value and what better way to showcase that to potential customers than by letting those competitors flog your games for £70 a pop. You won’t even need an Xbox to play these games just a subscription and a good phone/tablet.


Either way I hope the brilliant service that Xbox are building forces PlayStation to be a bit more competitive in that respect.

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Well, being dead clever I've pretty much talked myself into setting my alarm to pre-order the Xbox tomorrow. 

Sony exclusives don't do much for me, and I have a good feeling about Microsoft's competitiveness this time around. I have a gaming laptop but it's decent at best for everything currently on the market. Something like Cyberpunk would probably be its limit. So this seems like a good deal at the moment to future proof my gaming. It's base consumer hype too, of course. I've admitted that to myself. Gaming's been one of the few bankable things in this stinker of a year and I'd rather like a new console this Christmas. 

Plus, black boxes rule. I'm one of those lunatics who thinks the original Xbone was what a console should look like. That PS5 looks like Marvin from the Hitchhiker's film. 

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  • Awards Moderator
12 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:

Theres no way you will see the next Elder Scrolls or Fallout on PS5. Those are now going to be the flagship system sellers for Microsoft/Game Pass. They didn't spend 7.5 billion to mess about and publish games on PlayStation.

You say that but times are very different. Look at Minecraft, a Microsoft property on every circuit board under the sun crapping money through microtransactions. Locking a title like those mentioned is just leaving money on the table. 

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