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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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Started Dragon's Crown on PS4 last night. The best way I can think to describe it is a beat em up version of Diablo?

The left analogue stick controls your character's movement, the d-pad manages your inventory, and the right analogue stick/touch pad moves a cursor around the screen, which will help find more treasure, and if you encounter a door or treasure chest you can direct Rannie The Rogue, your companion, to unlock and open them for you. You've got a jump, a light attack, a strong/special attack and a jump. You can also pick up weapons - such as crossbows, daggers, and fire bombs - dropped by enenies The attacks buttons can also be used with a direction for different types of attack as well. 

There are 6 characters to choose from: Fighter, Amazon, Dwarf, Elf, Sorceress, and Wizard. Each has their own playstyle and stats. There's a great tutorial at the start of the game to explain how each character works. The magic users can put together some really damaging combos. 

The art style is "interesting". Some of the female player characters have rather "disproportionate" sprites, but the art style is generally pretty good, albeit a little reminiscent of Terry Gilliam's cut out stuff on Monty Python.

You can play on your own, online, or with other CPU controlled characters you find as piles of bones in the dungeon, then resurrect when you get back to the main hub town in the temple.

From what I can gather these CPU allies are based on other player characters who have died during their plauthrough, and can be added to your party up to a maximum of 4.

It looks like it's going to have an interesting story, and you can go back through previous dungeons to grind up your levels as well.

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7 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

You dirty boy @jazzygeofferz. Interesting art style indeed. 

Makes Rob Liefeld's art look positively realistic. 


3 minutes ago, Merzbow said:

If you like that then Odin Sphere might be your thing also, same developers with a similar hand drawn artstyle.

I'll keep an eye out for it. 

I also picked up 99 Vidas for £1.59. It's based on a Brazilian podcast. Hand drawn really basic graphics. Some of the hit boxes are a little odd, but it seems fine. A lot of nice nods to other beat em ups as well. I think in total it says there's 11 characters to pick, but some need unlocking. It's available on Switch, but doesn't work on Switch lite, or at least it sisnt when I downloaded the demo. It's designed with a single joycon in kind for the control. It's certainly better than Raging Justice, but not as good as Fight 'n' Rage. Worth a look at that price, which it will be for the next couple of days on PSN. 

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Lads, discovered in Flight Simulator that one of the aircraft is a helicopter / drone thing that you can be airborne and still. I’ve been flying very low over cities and looking where I lived in Coventry and Manchester. Honestly, it’s fucking brilliant. 

Going to do a tour of footie grounds like the sad bastard I am, I’m well excited!

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10 hours ago, PunkStep said:

You realise he'll quickly switch the footage to a certain event from 1987 during the stream if he knew you were watching?

I've got the song stuck in my head now. "go for it go for it city! Sky blues!" that's all I remember of it. 

I keep getting sponsored ads on social media about the next Bitmap Books release, and it's the history of King Of Fighters. 

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If you bought Go Straight you can submit a review for a 5% discount on your next purchase. I wonder how far into the history of Fatal Fury & Art Of Fighting it'll go. I bet it's a heck of a read. 

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After being all "we don't understand what you're complaining about, losers" they've done a big 180 on GT7.


Updates which will come into effect beginning of April:

  • Increase rewards in the events in the latter half of the World Circuits by approximately 100% on average.
  • Addition of high rewards for clearing the Circuit Experience in all Gold/All Bronze results.
  • Increase of rewards in Online Races.
  • Include a total of eight new one-hour Endurance Race events to Missions. These will also have higher reward settings.
  • Increase the upper limit of non-paid credits in player wallets from 20M Cr. to 100M Cr.
  • Increase the quantity of Used and Legend cars on offer at any given time.

Beyond this there will be a few additional patches deployed between now and the end of April which will add new cars and course layouts and make some other fixes.

Finally, we also want to take the opportunity to lay out some of the near-term updates we are working on. We can’t confirm an exact date or specifics yet, but will give advance notice via www.gran-turismo.com.

  • Increase the payout value of limited time rewards as we develop as a live service.
  • Further World Circuit event additions.
  • Addition of Endurance Races to Missions including 24-hour races.
  • Addition of Online Time Trials and awarding of rewards according to the player’s difference with the top ranked time.
  • Make it so cars can be sold.


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They did take a heck of a hammering on meta critic over this. I think at one point it was one of the poorest reviewed games on there. 

Rockstar have announced GTA+, a paid subscription for GTA Online. 


Edited by jazzygeofferz
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