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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 3.0


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This has been released on PSN today. £15.99. Has anyone played it on other formats? Looks like it'll be fun. I believe it has local multiplayer. Not sure about crossplay.

Very reminiscent of Skidmarks and Ironman Off Road Racer. Looks good value.

Had a quick go at it. It's a bit more basic than I expected, and surprisingly difficult. 

Edited by BigJag
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I just had a little go on Not For Broadcast which just came out of Early Access on Steam this week, you're thrust in to controlling a TV station in 90's Britain just as a fresh new party has won the general election. It's pretty funny but a lot of it so far has me wishing that Chris Morris was behind it and pushing it even further down a The Day Today like route which seems to be an influence for sure.

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Sony have acquired Bungee. Surely at some point Sony and Microsoft will just have a game trade off. Sony are meant to be looking at more acquisitions, I reckon Square Enix have got to be high up the list especially with Sony looking to bolster their IP for films and television. From Software would be another I could see them going for. 

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The Outer Wilds is great, eh? So happy it came to Gamepass because I've been wanting to play it for ages.

How much are Sony paying for Bungie? Their library isn't exactly massive. Oni, Destiny, what else?

Edit: $3.6bn. That seems like a lot for what they're getting. Apparently the only IP they own is Destiny and Marathon. This purchase seems somewhat reactionary.

Edited by 69MeDon
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12 hours ago, 69MeDon said:

The Outer Wilds is great, eh? So happy it came to Gamepass because I've been wanting to play it for ages.

How much are Sony paying for Bungie? Their library isn't exactly massive. Oni, Destiny, what else?

Edit: $3.6bn. That seems like a lot for what they're getting. Apparently the only IP they own is Destiny and Marathon. This purchase seems somewhat reactionary.

Apparently it's to do with tech more than the IPs, though I don't know enough about that sort of thing to know what that means.


Years ago, I remember a developer talking about how games consoles are quite a ridiculous thing, and how he thought the "Us vs. Them" console wars would die out in what turned out to be this generation. His reasoning was that it if you were a company that made DVD Players, you wouldn't say "you can only use this to play our DVDs" while a rival manufacturer makes a DVD Player that will only play theirs, yet that's what we accept as normal for video games. He figured that, eventually, there'd be a range of games consoles but they'd be less proprietary than what we have now, with games effectively being in a single format that would play on any of them, and the differences being more or less just quality of life stuff.

Like so much tech stuff, it was all imagined that it would come about through some kind of utopian ideal of technology solving all our problems, while in reality I can genuinely see us being in that position by the end of the decade purely because one or two major corporations will own everything and someone like Sony might decide that, actually, there's really no point competing any more when it's costing them a lot of their old exclusives. Not saying it's definitely happening, but it feels like that's the trajectory we're on, short of some groundbreaking new IP or developer emerging that shakes things up.

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4 minutes ago, BomberPat said:

I can genuinely see us being in that position by the end of the decade 


That could be the future but your forgetting about Nintendo who have sold 92 million Switch consoles and have zero plans of selling up. It would need two or maybe 3 Wii U style failures in a row, for them to even consider giving up on the hardware market.

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17 minutes ago, Cousin Jim Bob said:


That could be the future but your forgetting about Nintendo who have sold 92 million Switch consoles and have zero plans of selling up. It would need two or maybe 3 Wii U style failures in a row, for them to even consider giving up on the hardware market.

Yeah, for sure, I think Nintendo continuing doing their own thing for the foreseeable - it would take a massive sea change for them to pack it in, and even then, it would more likely end up being a pivot to something like mobile games and Pachinko machines than just churning out content for another developer.

I've been guilty there of doing what I normally criticise "console war" types for and sidelining Nintendo because they "don't count", even when they're consistently extremely successful. I think, certainly since the Wii, there has always been a bit of a sense that people might get a Sony or Microsoft console and a Nintendo console for their exclusives, while people are less likely to buy both Sony and Microsoft consoles. Obviously there's a price point element at play there, but a large part is that I think people are more likely to take a risk on getting a Nintendo console purely for one or two games than they would any other console - I know plenty of people who bought a Switch just for Breath of the Wild or Animal Crossing.

I'm as big a Nintendo cheerleader as anyone, really - I loved the Wii U as a console, and felt it was a victim of bad marketing rather than bad ideas, and generally I have time for even their maddest, most outside the box concepts, as they tend to get it right more often than not, even if they can be infuriating at times.

In this hypothetical situation where the "console wars" die out and it just becomes an issue of preferred tech, I would still see Nintendo as a separate entity sitting on the outside of that, largely by continuing to carve out their niche of appealing to "people who don't normally play video games".

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Any possibility of a single console format has been rendered moot by the advent of streaming. The future of gaming is the same as the future of music, film, and TV. Once current trends reach their natural conclusion you won't need an Xbox or a PlayStation any more than you'll need a Netflix machine or a Disney+ machine. Will it happen by next gen? Possibly not, as Internet connections aren't universally sufficient and the cultural shift may take a little more time, but it is happening.

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Does Destiny still do decent numbers? It wouldn't surprise me if Sony also made a move for Capcom. They pretty much bankrolled Street Fighter 5, and if they got some exclusivity for Monster Hunter they could do alright off the back of it. 

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out, especially with Sony looking into their own version of Gamepass. 

Can we mention mobile games we're playing in here? I got recommended Mini Metro on the Google Play store. It's the same price as freedom (£1.09) and a fun little distraction.

It starts with some shapes on a simplified map of a part of a world city, little circles and squares and triangles to start with, and you link them up with one of three coloured lines.

Smaller shapes appear above your station, indicating that this is their desired destination. A train will run along each of your lines picking the passengers up and dropping them at their destination. The trains and stations have a limited capacity, and if one of the stations gets full, the game ends. There's also a casual mode which never ends where you can just keep trying to create as efficient as system as possible. 

As the game goes on, more shapes appear. These may be more square, circles or triangles, but also new shapes such as a tear drop, diamond, cross, oval, star, pentagon. You can link these up by either dragging part of an existing line to meet them, or extending a line from each end. You start with 3 lines, and 2 bridges or tunnels in case you need to cross any rivers. 

The game clock runs from Monday to Sunday, and at the end of every Sunday you get gifted with an extra locomotive that you can pop onto your busier lines, and a choice from one of two extras, which could be a new line (to a maximum of 7 lines, but which will utilise your extra locomotive), two extra tunnels/bridges, a carriage which will enable one of your trains to carry more passengers, or an interchange which you can use to double the capacity of one of your stations. 

It starts simply, has a nice chill soundtrack of some minimal synthwave type stuff, but can soon get hectic enough. 

It can be frustrating when the RNG sticks a load of the same shape on the map as the best strategy is to try and have a variety of shapes as alternate stations. You can also pause the game, delete all your lines and try to redraw the whole network if your current layout isn't working for you. If that feels like cheating there is an extreme mode which means your lines are permanent. There's also a creator mode where you can decide which stations to place, and where. 

There are a lot of cities to play on, including London, Paris, New York, Budapest, Berlin, Melbourne Tokyo, Moscow, Beijing, Mumbai, and plenty more. Some can only be unlocked by achieving a certain score on an earlier map. There are also cheevos if you've got a Google Play Games account. 

Well worth a look, especially for such a reasonable price. 

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1 hour ago, Uncle Zeb said:

Any possibility of a single console format has been rendered moot by the advent of streaming. The future of gaming is the same as the future of music, film, and TV. Once current trends reach their natural conclusion you won't need an Xbox or a PlayStation any more than you'll need a Netflix machine or a Disney+ machine. Will it happen by next gen? Possibly not, as Internet connections aren't universally sufficient and the cultural shift may take a little more time, but it is happening.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see Xbox have Gamepass that runs to a playable standard through tv’s before the end of this gen. That’s where all the Microsoft money has been going. Whilst Sony were ‘winning’ the console war they were ploughing there resources in to streaming infrastructure. Phase two would seem to be filling up their library with IP.

One thing is for sure, the weird corporate fanaticism that goes with the consoles won’t be dying down for a while.

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1 minute ago, Mr_Danger said:

One thing is for sure, the weird corporate fanaticism that goes with the consoles won’t be dying down for a while.

Says you, with your stupid green app. #TeamBlueRulz

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