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WWE going for more edge? *Smackers spoilers*


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Is this coincidence or has there been a slight shift of late in the edginess on WWE TV?

Last week we had a tease of Mandy Rose and Sonya being together. This week we've had the massive spot on Raw, then Lashley calling Strowman a son of a bitch and threateneing to send him to the morgue. There was the weird Maria stuff on Raw. Then Kofi gave Joe the finger on Smackers.

Reading too much into it?

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11 minutes ago, tiger_rick said:

Is this coincidence or has there been a slight shift of late in the edginess on WWE TV?

Last week we had a tease of Mandy Rose and Sonya being together. This week we've had the massive spot on Raw, then Lashley calling Strowman a son of a bitch and threateneing to send him to the morgue. There was the weird Maria stuff on Raw. Then Kofi gave Joe the finger on Smackers.

Reading too much into it?

I reckon you're probably right - and at this point they have nothing to lose. 
I am old enough to remember Diesel flipping off The Undertaker at Royal Rumble '96 and then saying loudly, into camera, [at Mania, I think] 'I'm the shit!'. It was something a bit different and made the show feel more 'OOh, was he meant to do/say that?' and that can't be a bad thing.

As long as they don't start over doing it and having commentators say 'shit' every week I think it is a good idea to throw in these occasional 'edgy' moments.

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After what a Raw that was, Smackdown was a lot more chilled out I thought. The crowd were a bit pants and all. It wasn't a terrible show, by any means, but reports that Bischoff won't be starting until after Extreme Rules would seem to be on the money. If Raw continues to build on what they've started next week, it'll be setting the standard for what feels like the first time in years. Can't help but be optimistic, given what a year it's been for the company so far. 

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41 minutes ago, Ricc1PW said:

Corey saying 'holy shit' on commentary after the Lashley/Storwman spot on RAW really helped to sell the impact of it. it felt like a lot bigger moment than it would have otherwise.

This moment made me cringe so hard. 

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On 7/4/2019 at 11:58 AM, theringmaster said:

The kids that were drawn to WWE when they did their big PG reboot about 10 years ago are now young adults, so the product has to appeal.


Whilst its not as black and white as that, it is as black and white as that.

That logic would only work if ten years ago, WWE got an unusual influx of kid fans, and I don’t think there’s ever been any evidence that that’s the case.

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To be fair, it’s not been that long since WWE ran that Mandy Rose/Naomi/Jimmy USO hotel room angle. They seem to flirt with the idea of edginess now and again, but I can’t imagine they’ll ever go all-in and make it the tone they go for week-to-week.

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