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All Tories Are Cunts thread

Devon Malcolm

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1 minute ago, Chest Rockwell said:

Ah yeah. Your post implied this move was part of a cash grab mentality, so I was asking how that worked in this scenario.

I wasn’t on about cutting benefits, I was on about their general approach seems very closing down sale so no fucks are given. Cutting benefits wouldn’t, but relaxing regulations and removing the cap on bonuses in the financial sector certainly would. 

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1 hour ago, Keith Houchen said:

I can’t work due to health issues and am reliant on benefits/ I’m work shy dole scum pretending to have a bad back or whatever trendy ailment they have these days. 

A year ago I was paying £76 quid a month for gas and leccy for my one bedroom flat, next month it’s going up to £483 a month. More than what I have after I top up housing benefit to pay rent. I’m sure when I phone them it’ll be kept at the current level but it does set off the old anxiety. 

Oh well, better get rid of my flat screen TV, cancel my nonexistent Sky Sports package and making the coffee I never drink at home. Then I’ll dust off the Nokia 3210 to use instead of the brand new iPhone. What’s the other things I can do? Nails and hair extensions seem to be on the list that all benefits scrounges have. Is trainers one or have I imagined that?

Maybe speak to your coke dealer and see if you can get a better deal on tick for bulk orders? Gotta have something for yourself, after all it is just you and your kids from now on hun.

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4 minutes ago, Mr_Danger said:

Maybe speak to your coke dealer and see if you can get a better deal on tick for bulk orders? Gotta have something for yourself, after all it is just you and your kids from now on hun.

Not a bad idea, will ask and see what he says, bab. 

EDIT - that Supertanksii bollocks is back on twitter? Thought she fucked off after shitting her pants publicly. 

Edited by Keith Houchen
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12 minutes ago, Keith Houchen said:


EDIT - that Supertanksii bollocks is back on twitter? Thought she fucked off after shitting her pants publicly. 

if you want to give me a list of lefty commentators you like i'll make sure I source them for you rather then her and Femi. And people wonder why the Tories keep getting in, it's because the left want to each each other up.

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33 minutes ago, Hannibal Scorch said:

if you want to give me a list of lefty commentators you like i'll make sure I source them for you rather then her and Femi. And people wonder why the Tories keep getting in, it's because the left want to each each other up.

Well there’s your first mistake. Her and Femi aren’t lefty commentators. And therein lies the rub, too many people think if you oppose or dislike the tories or Brexit, it makes you a lefty. 

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6 minutes ago, SuperBacon said:

The one who blamed her 911 conspiracies on a bad break up? Must've been some good dick to make someone spiral that bad.

Oh come on, who hasn't watched Short Change and decided it was a US led terrorist attack by American lizard people and the planes were just for dramatic effect?

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Just now, Hannibal Scorch said:

Oh come on, who hasn't watched Short Change and decided it was a US led terrorist attack by American lizard people and the planes were just for dramatic effect?

I saw someone on twitter say that conspiracy theories used to be fun until neo nazi American right wingers monopolised them, I had to agree. 

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Well, the Tories have just tanked the pound and sent the markets into freefall 💥 So much for the boost to the economy we’ll need to pay for all the tax cuts.


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