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Just read a piece on the BBC website about people who actively seek out spoilers, which is of course also applicable to wrestling.


Due to the obvious time difference and historical, sometimes many days delay in TV broadcasts, I've always felt they've been more of a factor on this side of the Atlantic.

So how do you deal with spoilers? Do you bother with them or can you go whole days without seeking them out?

Personally I'm such an impatient bastard that if there's anything I'm interested in, I'm straight on the NEWZ! sites the following morning to see what happened.

Ever since I had internet access, I can't recall a single show that I haven't watched live where I didn't know what was going to happen beforehand. 

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Wrestling - If I'm going to see something within a day, I'll wait. Back when Raw was on Fridays, I'd always read the spoilers because I just couldn't wait to watch it. Obviously if I'm not that bothered, I'll just spoil it anyway and then maybe watch something that takes my fancy. Not often fallen foul of that but The Rock returned once which I ruined for myself.

TV/Movies - Generally wouldn't bother seeking out spoilers. Had shows on my Sky+ box for months at times before I get around to watching stuff. Can't think of many exceptions.

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I avoid them for the Rumble, Chamber and Mania, then for any other individual show where I have big investment in a result. Which only happens once every 3 years or something. I'm so lapsed it's untrue.

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I'll actively avoid them as much as I can for anything really, unless I know I don't have the time to watch Raw/Smackdown etc and then I'll just read the spoilers.

I generally read NXT spoilers as I usually forget most stuff before it airs anyway and I often just end up binging NXT before a Takeover.

Luckily spoiler avoidance is a lot easier these days, especially with US shows that we get a far better crack at now in the majority.

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I don't follow any wrestling accounts on Twitter since The Rock spoiled the swerve ending of Bryan/Cena at SummerSlam for me (which I've just seen was SIX BASTARD YEARS AGO) by hashtagging the word 'Viper'. The tit.

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I’m barely invested when I watch these days anyway, if I knew the results ahead of time I expect I’d just not bother watching. So I do avoid spoilers for the wrestling I watch (205 and the NXTs weekly, PPVs and Takeovers) because not knowing gives me at least a bit of a reason to care. And if there’s a genuine surprise, then it’s a genuine genuine surprise which is nice when it happens.

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With new films, I avoid spoilers but I always check the film thread to see if Gladstone says it's a good film or not, before I decided whether to watch it.

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I read them for wrestling as I want to see if there's anything I should check out now. I'm not a hardcore watcher anymore, so if I see 'STING DEBUT' then I'll go and watch it, or if its a great match/promo.

For TV/Film, I'll avoid if I really want to see something, but I can't say it takes away from my enjoyment. Sometimes it can make it better!

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I prefer not to see spoilers but don't actively avoid social media in order to do so. I'll not read a thread on here til I've watched the show but don't go overboard trying to avoid spoilers.



as a result, now a days, if I see spoilers for Raw it generally means something noteworthy has happened and its worth seeing - if I go through an entire day without seeing any spoilers on my timelime you can safely assume it was a crap Raw/Smackdown.

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