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Fatty Facesitter's Snooker Loopy thread

Fatty Facesitter

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What a cool, composed 147 from Ding. About to get whitewashed by Ronnie and he comes out with that. 

Love these two playing together! 

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42 minutes ago, MungoChutney said:

Is there a separate pot of money for making a 147 at The Masters? 

Not sure there is outside the regular highest break bonus.

Went pretty much as you would expect this afternoon. Two great players with quite similar games and Ronnie will win 8/10 times because he's better at pretty much all the things that Ding is good at.

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Ding’s a fantastic player and never quite seems to put it all together to win major tournaments.  I echo that these two is my favourite matchup.

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If I could pick one player to be deleted from the game like I was cheating at Football Manager it would be Trump. I can't stand him and I'm not even sure why to the extent I do. Wilson is one of my favourites and all - he just isn't that good but by God he tries - so this afternoon was like a double kick in the balls.

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Kinda odd that this is a 'quiet' Masters so far (and it is, I think. A lot of players just scrapping below par etc) considering there's been another 147! Don't think I've ever seen one where so many less than ideal positional shots were so smoothly recovered from. 

I'd be happy with a Sullivan/Murphy Vs. Allen final. Carter can get in the bin. Always get a bad buzz off him. 

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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I'm a bit sad that Selby didn't get through only because he's the one player who gets Ronnie out of the 'Don't really care mate. I was stinking the gaff out today. The venue is 'orrible not like out in China' routine.

Some interesting combinations left though (though I'd prefer no Ali Carter also) and that 147 last night was probably the best I've watched live. Amazing recovery pots.

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The yellow was a great pot and then that black was fantastic with the pressure he must have been feeling.

I have mixed feelings on Murphy. He can be annoying but seeing him sitting in the studio at gone midnight when he's got to play O'Sullivan later today for a place in the final is the kind of carefree attitude we need. 

It would be special to see O'Sullivan win, especially if he was to go on and win the world championship. Wining the triple crown series in the same season is one of the few things he hasn't done yet. But I'm going more towards a Murphy vs Allen final. At least it will be more on the lighthearted side instead of the angry and intense final O'Sullivan vs Carter would be.

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Is there beef between O’Sullivan and Carter?  Ronnie alluded to that in his interview just now.

I know that Ronnie likes to protest that he’s not really bothered by wins and losses and it’s just a job but there’s obviously something driving him in at this stage of his career when most have begun their gradual retirement.

 He doesn’t mean it disrespectfully but it must be galling to get blown away like Murphy just did and have your opponent say that he didn’t play well because his eyesight is going and his knees are shot.  

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1 minute ago, Loki said:

Is there beef between O’Sullivan and Carter?  Ronnie alluded to that in his interview just now.

There was this a few years ago. I know there’s always been some kind of tension but don’t know where it stems from. 

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Carter just... fell apart at the end there.  Quite disappointing as he definitely had chances.  The last two misses in the last frame, it was almost like he'd given up.

I felt the crowd were pretty disrespectful for a lot of that final session too.

Ah well.  Great match up till near the end when O'Sullivan put his foot down.  Never has someone sounded so dejected about winning championships.

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