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Post a picture of the inside of your fridge

Bus Surfer

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 Not much going on here and pretty shoddy overall. Few bits and bobs to possibly scrape a sandwich but pretty grim offerings. We only really buy what we need so by the end of the week we're usually looking like this. Thankfully, Saturday is shopping day (fuck yeah, Lidl~) so if this awful idea for a thread doesn't bomb then I may update. 

This photo flatters my awful alcohol consumption and the condiments on the side should have probably been thrown months (years) ago.

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8 minutes ago, Onyx2 said:

Friday night is Tesco delivery so we're bursting. 


And there's the fridge in the garage... 

I just knew you'd waltz in here, with your multiple laden fridges, bursting at the seams with delights. 

I am also rocking the second fridge, although it's entirely full of booze at the moment.


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Weekly shop is here. £60 roughly all in. Not filled to the brim like some in here but it will last us til next Friday because I'm a tight bastard. Plenty in the cupboards too. Maybe I should branch this thread out.. 





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