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It's today then ... (Trump thread)


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20 hours ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

This is an immense shitshow already — I hate congressional hearings. Mark Meadows is a nob.

Had it on in the background while I was in work. The mix of grandstanding and character assassination was almost child-like...and then they had a 'liar, liar, pants on fire' sign. American politics is very special.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For anyone who's not sure what he's rambling on about, it's the controversial Virginia House Bill 2491, known as the Virginia abortion bill.

As things stand an abortion in Virginia requires a 24-hour waiting period, and a mandate that 2nd trimester abortions take place within a hospital. 3rd trimester abortion is the contentious area here, with the current law stating that three different doctors must certify that continuing with the pregnancy would cause the woman's death or “substantially and irremediably impair” her mental or physical health.

The Bill proposed would see both the 24 hour waiting period and the hospital mandate for 2nd trimester abortions taking place in a hospital rolled back.

It would also see the number of doctors required for certification in 3rd trimester abortions to be reduced from three to one, and the removal of the “substantially and irremediably” part of the current law.

For those who may not be sure, third trimester is basically a pregnancy from month 7 until birth.

To add more controversy to an already dicey subject, the Bill's sponsor, Kathy Tran has said in a committee hearing that technically the new Bill would allow for abortion right up until the point of birth. She was questioned at the hearing by fellow delegate Todd Gilbert.

“How late in the third trimester could a physician perform an abortion if he indicated it would impair the mental health of the woman?” Gilbert asked.

“Through the third trimester,” Tran responded. “The third trimester goes all the way up to 40 weeks.”

“Where it’s obvious that a woman is about to give birth,” Gilbert then asked, “would that still be a point at which she could request an abortion if she was so certified? She’s dilating.”

“My bill would allow that,” Tran said.

Then to make matters even worse the Governor that Trump is talking about was asked in a radio interview what would happen if a child was born after a failed late abortion attempt, to which he replied “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

Trump's obviously laying it on thick, but no matter where you stand on the subject the bill surely makes for pretty disturbing reading. I'm pro-choice, but find it pretty fucking unsettling to be honest.

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Proving why he isn't fit to run a country.

This is a contentious issue for sure, and Trump going on TV and making it sound like women are giving birth and then doctors are murdering the babies doesn't help in any way.  Not everyone knows what the bill is about or even if the bill exists...so this speech could very well be the first they hear of it and all it does is further stoke the division.  

It's like his stance on border security...either you want a wall or you want open borders and crime...Like there is no middle ground to that or any other position.  This bill could easily be rejected, amended and have the language in it clarified better so things like “the infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” Wouldn't be in doubt.  But instead, we have to sit back and watch these imbeciles fumble fuck their way through and pick through what people "mean" when they say something horrifically hyperbolic.

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17 minutes ago, Dolph Pigglers said:

This is a contentious issue for sure, and Trump going on TV and making it sound like women are giving birth and then doctors are murdering the babies doesn't help in any way.  Not everyone knows what the bill is about or even if the bill exists...so this speech could very well be the first they hear of it and all it does is further stoke the division.

If there's anything positive that's come from Trump doing what Trump does it's that this relatively obscure Bill will now become more well-known, which I think is important. 

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1 minute ago, David said:

If there's anything positive that's come from Trump doing what Trump does it's that this relatively obscure Bill will now become more well-known, which I think is important. 


I didn't know there was a bill like this till you said something about it.  All Trump said was the is a Virginian Democrat that want us to murder new borns so that's what the majority of people watching that clip will think so he didn't make me aware about it at all...Most people don't have a David on a message board to help read between the lines.

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5 minutes ago, Dolph Pigglers said:

I didn't know there was a bill like this till you said something about it.  All Trump said was the is a Virginian Democrat that want us to murder new borns so that's what the majority of people watching that clip will think so he didn't make me aware about it at all.

Yeah, but the majority of news coverage surrounding his comments have gone on to explain what he was talking about, which means that the Bill and its details are discussed. Put it this way, if he hadn't said anything I doubt many would have known much about this Bill at all, so he's inadvertently managed to draw some attention to it, which is a good thing in my opinion.

Granted, he's not went in with that intention. His intention was to seize an opportunity to bash a Democrat who's already under pressure from other matters.

5 minutes ago, Dolph Pigglers said:

Most people don't have a David on a message board to help read between the lines.

That's true. There's only so many of us out there, unfortunately 😁

Edited by David
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Unsurprisingly, the way Trump phrases it is near identical to the right wing troll/Russian bot framing of the issue on Twitter in recent months. I wouldn't be surprised if the exact wording made Fox News too.

The most powerful country in the world is being run by your racist uncle on Facebook or that bloke down the pub who half-remembered a Daily Mail headline.

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So for all his talk of being a “savvy business man” and a “great negotiator”, Deutche Bank, who have given him loans of over $2billion over the last two decades and who essentially saved Trump’s Real Estate Empire, estimate his Net Worth to be around $788million. Or to put more bluntly, worth as much as his Father left him when Papa Trump passed away - https://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=i&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiL66aSoo_hAhVYA2MBHUzCCrwQzPwBegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fopinions%2F2019%2F03%2F19%2Fdeutsche-bank-george-conway-black-hole-trumps-corruption%2F&psig=AOvVaw18R0dyW0ODh6GQu7pArMEa&ust=1553121379695751

Also, Behind The Bastards Podcast did a fascinating pair of episodes covering Trump University, which has to be heard to be believed

Part 1 -  https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?mt=2&i=1000431118975

Part 2 - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?mt=2&i=1000431283359

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Whilst I stopped listening to him a long time ago, on account of him being a nob on almost all subjects, David Pakman had some good discussions on Trump's financial acumen. Almost impossible to verify, but if he'd just put his money in a solid slate of stocks and bonds, he'd be a good bit richer than he is now. Obviously, there's plenty of side discussions, like job creations and whether he has been much richer comparatively at other times, such as when his development firm was really popping (half the big residential buildings around me seem to be Trump properties), but in all, SAD!

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13 minutes ago, Sergio Mendacious said:

Almost impossible to verify, but if he'd just put his money in a solid slate of stocks and bonds, he'd be a good bit richer than he is now.

He probably knows that, but I don't think that being the richest has ever been the end-game for Trump. As much of a twat as he is, he'll have had more than enough advisers around him who could have made his money work for him in that way if he'd wanted.

Also, if he'd just stuck all his money into stocks and bonds he'd be rich, but he wouldn't be "the Donald," which is what really matters, isn't it?

He strikes me more as the type who simply wants to be rich enough to wield power over people, and in that regard he's been very successful. Despite being a thoroughly detestable human being and proud of it by all accounts he still managed to win the keys to the White House. Even if he eventually goes down swinging and is forced out of office before his term is up he'll likely consider what he's accomplished to be a success.

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He definitely wants to be rich, but even more so he desperately wants to be perceived as being the richest. It's the whole image he's spent decades trying to build. His net worth was the only topic that was off limits for his roast. The reason he didn't just have advisors make the money for him is because he's also an egomaniac who's not as smart as he thinks he it's.

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