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Minor PPVs that don't deserve a thread *Spoilers*


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The card is excellent, the poster not so much. I glanced at it and had to try and remind myself when The Rock was announced.


The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one. Plus, if they add the Universal title to Brock/Goldberg it almost guarantees it goes on last, whereas they've been promoting the WWE Championship match as being the​ main event. Of course, they could probably throw up some bollocks DOUBLE MAIN EVENT but I'd be happy with Jericho/Owens for the Universal belt, and Goldberg/Brock being contested under No Disqualifications to make it a little easier on both men.


But then I'm also fairly convinced we're having Undertaker cost Reigns to properly set them up for Wrestlemania. Both Roman and Strowman are protected to fuck, and it's difficult to envision either of them dropping a clean loss a month before their biggest show. The storyline is there for Reigns/Undertaker, but there's fuck all way Undertaker is getting booed in that situation, despite the fact he'd be getting booked as a heel. Whether you then want to end your PPV with two fuck finishes in a row is another story in itself, but I'm seriously doubting we're having two clean finishes to see this one out.


The undercard is solid mind. Joe/Zayn will be a good 15 minute showcase for Joe, setting him up nicely for Wrestlemania, Gallagher/Neville will be great if they're given time, and Bayley/Charlotte will hopefully improve on their disappointing Rumble match. I'm going to presume Sasha screws Bayley, right? Her heel turn seems inevitable, and I don't see why they'd want to end Charlotte's PPV streak a month before Wrestlemania.

Edited by AdamTH17
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The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one. 




But Goldberg has already accepted the challenge. Why would Brock screw himself out of a title shot?

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The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one. 




But Goldberg has already accepted the challenge. Why would Brock screw himself out of a title shot?



Oh has he? That'll teach me to pay more attention to RAW.


Maybe play it up as Brock fucking with Goldberg then. He's never been presented as a guy who's after titles for the glory and adulation, at least in his current run, has he? Even when he won the belt, he only did that because The Authority specifically brought him in to do so, and he went against Rollins because HHH wanted Rollins to prove himself. He's never been presented as someone who's overly concerned about whether he has the belt or not. You run the risk of making the title look shit of course, but after the way it's been booked since its inception, it couldn't really get any worse.

Edited by AdamTH17
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The card is excellent, the poster not so much. I glanced at it and had to try and remind myself when The Rock was announced.


The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one.


On the contrary, the match might not need the title, but the title definitely needs the match. The Universal Championship hasn't had a single clean defence since it's inception, and it's been held by nobody important. Having 2 of the biggest names face off for it at the biggest show of the year will give the title some much needed credibility.

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I definitely agree that the title certainly needs Goldberg/Lesnar. Just those two names are big enough for any title match, but esp for a title that's new and that needs some credibility.


Reigns/Strowman could he a great, big ass brawl. Hope so anyway. Goldberg has to be winning the belt now after what he said on Raw, promising everyone and his family he's winning it.


It'd be great to see him with a belt again, even though it's the UT. Never thought I'd see Goldberg wrestle ever again let alone carry a belt.

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Plus, if they add the Universal title to Brock/Goldberg it almost guarantees it goes on last, whereas they've been promoting the WWE Championship match as being the​ main event.


What does it matter?


I'd be happy with Jericho/Owens for the Universal belt


That screams B-level PPV to me.


Card looks great as it stands.

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It does look like a solid card.


My guess would be if anybody's going to get involved in the title match it could be either Tripper to help keep his chosen guy as Universal champ, or Jericho?


Reigns Vs Strowman could be a good hoss style match. I honestly can't pick a winner, but think it'd be easier to reheat Roman if he's going to be wrestling 'Taker at Mania than it would for Strowman. Unles they're going for a screwy finish.

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The card is excellent, the poster not so much. I glanced at it and had to try and remind myself when The Rock was announced.


The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one.


On the contrary, the match might not need the title, but the title definitely needs the match. The Universal Championship hasn't had a single clean defence since it's inception, and it's been held by nobody important. Having 2 of the biggest names face off for it at the biggest show of the year will give the title some much needed credibility.



That's a fair away of looking at it.


From my perspective anyway, putting the belt in that match would make it feel as though an afterthought. As though WWE Creative has decided to tack it onto the two men because it's just something else for them to fight for. We know they're going to fight anyway, and no doubt WWE will position it as the star attraction of Wrestlemania. Tagging their latest title on the end of it won't do much in terms of making it seem bigger.


Goldberg/Lesnar has never been about the title, it's about Brock being determined as fuck to prove he's better than Goldberg. Slotting the title into their feud this late just feels like another shiny accolade is being added onto the end of their match. Whereas with the Owens/Jericho match, their whole feud has been based around the title. You could have story revolve around Owens only remaining champion due to Jericho, Jericho giving up his prior chances at the belt because of Owens, Owens trying to prove he can do it without Jericho, etc. I'd say it's unfair to call it B-Level PPV. It isn't of the caliber of main eventing Wrestlemania, not by a long shot, but this has been building since Summerslam. That's 8 months worth of build, and the split itself has garnered actual heel heat for Owens. Jericho showed during that segment he would be more than capable of building sympathy towards himself, and Owens did a fantastic job of making himself look like a heartless bastard. The belt has been at the crux of their slow-burning rivalry, and from my point of view it would make more sense for those two guys to face one another for the title. 

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The card is excellent, the poster not so much. I glanced at it and had to try and remind myself when The Rock was announced.


The two top matches are interesting because I'm certain we're going to get interference in one of them. I could feasibly see Brock costing Goldberg the title in order to have him accept his Wrestlemania challenge, because if there's one match on that card that doesn't need a title involved to give it some extra heat, it's that one.



On the contrary, the match might not need the title, but the title definitely needs the match. The Universal Championship hasn't had a single clean defence since it's inception, and it's been held by nobody important. Having 2 of the biggest names face off for it at the biggest show of the year will give the title some much needed credibility.


That's a fair away of looking at it.


From my perspective anyway, putting the belt in that match would make it feel as though an afterthought. As though WWE Creative has decided to tack it onto the two men because it's just something else for them to fight for. We know they're going to fight anyway, and no doubt WWE will position it as the star attraction of Wrestlemania. Tagging their latest title on the end of it won't do much in terms of making it seem bigger.


Goldberg/Lesnar has never been about the title, it's about Brock being determined as fuck to prove he's better than Goldberg. Slotting the title into their feud this late just feels like another shiny accolade is being added onto the end of their match. Whereas with the Owens/Jericho match, their whole feud has been based around the title. You could have story revolve around Owens only remaining champion due to Jericho, Jericho giving up his prior chances at the belt because of Owens, Owens trying to prove he can do it without Jericho, etc. I'd say it's unfair to call it B-Level PPV. It isn't of the caliber of main eventing Wrestlemania, not by a long shot, but this has been building since Summerslam. That's 8 months worth of build, and the split itself has garnered actual heel heat for Owens. Jericho showed during that segment he would be more than capable of building sympathy towards himself, and Owens did a fantastic job of making himself look like a heartless bastard. The belt has been at the crux of their slow-burning rivalry, and from my point of view it would make more sense for those two guys to face one another for the title.

But they're comedy midcarders. They've spent months pissing about doing comedy and have had one beat down angle. It was good, but they're still comedy midcarders. And of course, they're just guys. Neither are stars. Goldberg and Lesnar are. And, rightly or wrongly, the stars get all the smoke and mirrors and props to make their matches the most important.

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I think the plan is that Reigns goes over Taker at Mania, then challenges Lesnar based on the fact that they're the only two to have beaten Taker at Mania and wins the belt from Brock to be "The Guy" again.

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I think the plan is that Reigns goes over Taker at Mania, then challenges Lesnar based on the fact that they're the only two to have beaten Taker at Mania and wins the belt from Brock to be "The Guy" again.

This would be perfect if Roman turned heel during his feud with Taker. Beat him. Then beat Brock. Then went on to beat all the babyface heroes until eventually losing to someone important (who they admittedly haven't found yet). I think Roman is ace and that he'd be a brilliant heel. Trouble is, as soon as he turns heel, the shit crowds will start cheering for him again and they'll turn him back too quick thinking they've finally "won".

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I'd definately have Roman or Braun take the title as a heel following Mania, not sure when either the night after or perhaps at the next PPV to give a tad more value to the title from the winner of Goldberg vs Lesnar. The only thing I hope they don't do is have Goldberg retain and then vacate the fucker as then it doesnt really do much for the drawing power if the champion feels only one opponent was worthy and he was smashed down 3 times. Really it's got to be a Brock win followed this time by someone beating him more decisively than Rollins did.

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