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All Purpose Weather Moaning Thread

Gus Mears

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Even in Winter I sleep with a Fan next to my bed, because I get irrationally hot when I sleep. So you can imagine nights this week have been grim.


My wife actually threw a blanket on the bed last night because she was cold, and I declared her completely insane and slept on the sofa downstairs. The living room was so much cooler I thought I might accidentally have installed air conditioning and had a cracking nights sleep. 

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Even in Winter I sleep with a Fan next to my bed, because I get irrationally hot when I sleep. So you can imagine nights this week have been grim.


My wife actually threw a blanket on the bed last night because she was cold, and I declared her completely insane and slept on the sofa downstairs. The living room was so much cooler I thought I might accidentally have installed air conditioning and had a cracking nights sleep. 


Your username is apt.


I hate the Underground even more on days like today, especially sitting next to inconsiderate twats who breach your personal space. Someone who looked like Goldberg was leaning on a handrail near me and I swear his B.O. stunk of grilled onions and stilton.

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Just got back from Waterloo after a 1 hour and a half wait, second day running. Fucking insanely hot on these trains how do people not faint more.


To be fair, our directors took us down the pub for the afternoon and are pretty relaxed with dress code (polos and shorts) but I can bet my old firm are all sitting there in suits and ties, the cunts. How can anyone put up with that on a day like today?


Oh and lovely scenes on the train home, older lady who's husband is ill, having a panic attack as the train just stopped in the middle of the tracks for about 20 minutes or so, and these awesome ladies helped her out immeasurably even though they were slowly melting as well.


And big up the Goth I saw today in London, in all black, hoody, baggy jeans and overcoat...BIG THE FUCK UP. Rocking kayfabe till they die

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I can bet my old firm are all sitting there in suits and ties, the cunts. How can anyone put up with that on a day like today?


When the air-conditioner faltered today we were given the option to loose the tie and I didn't. It just didn't bother me and the tie would make no noticeable difference, like throwing a suitcase of the titanic.

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Jeezo, I had to get up three times in the night to piss, like an old semi-incontinent man. Sheer amount of water I'm taking on board is ridiculous.


In other bodily function news, the humidity in my bathroom made my morning dump permeate the room like an elephant shit in an Attenborough doc. Awful.I'll be using the air conditioned crappers at work where I can.

Edited by Gus Mears
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This heat has bollocksed up TW training, it simply is too hot to do, i'm a sweaty puddle getting out of bed, let alone doing an hour and a half cardio and weights. Fuck that right off. I did go hiking yesterday with girl from relly thread which was nice, found a proper decent chippy on way home and eat that watching some old people try not to do their best Raiders of the Lost Ark impression and stare into the Ark of The Covenant, playing bowls.


Artist impression of Old People playing bowls




The weather here has broke and we are now expecting torrential downpours and thunderstorms, however at the moment it's just arsing about with a bit of rain and a few 'grumbles' of thunder

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I can bet my old firm are all sitting there in suits and ties, the cunts. How can anyone put up with that on a day like today?


When the air-conditioner faltered today we were given the option to loose the tie and I didn't. It just didn't bother me and the tie would make no noticeable difference, like throwing a suitcase of the titanic.

100% mate, I'm not having a go at people wanting to wear suits/ties whatever, it's more the draconian way that they used to say you HAVE to, even when it's like this.


Plus they'd be cunts, suits or not ;)


Today's hilarious. Everyone has over-estimated and are rocking vests and shorts and freezing in the office.

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And big up the Goth I saw today in London, in all black, hoody, baggy jeans and overcoat...BIG THE FUCK UP. Rocking kayfabe till they die

Probably soon and via a combination of dehydration and heatstroke!


Saying that, where I was in Essex yesterday it hit 34. Today an overcast 26. Too soon to blame Brexit?

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It had cooled down nicely this morning and I overheard some people talking about a thunderstorm being due at three o'clock, which I began looking forward to as well.


Boy was the joke ever on me. Back up to gates of hell degrees this afternoon and not a cloud in the sky.

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While I've mostly enjoyed being entirely naked except for about 5 minutes in the past 3 days, the sun is a cunt. I haven't slept in 2 of these 3 days. I haven't slept in these bedsheets since I last washed them and they'll need another spin soon. Putting pants on feels like being strangled. I fucking reek after 8 cold showers. All you lot living it up and calling us misery guts because our bodies struggle to adapt with these levels of temperatures can fuck off to Tenerife with the rest of the lizards.

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My cat hates this heat more than the lot of us put together. I actually feel quite bad for him. He's just slumped around looking like he's in a K hole with this absurd vinegar stroke expression. Dogs are more of a mixed bag. It's great seeing greyhounds do what I can only percieve to be an added bit of socialising in the park whereas others look like they've been walked by the wrong trousers for the past 12 hours on the trot.

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