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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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There's three traps in our toilets and I've been in there when all are occupied and it is legitimately, dead up, like the Mexican stand off at the end of Reservoir Dogs.

You hear some initial niggling aggro from everyones pipe (your few squeakers escaping and what nots) but once one person finally relents and opens up, it's fucking havoc. An absolute massacre...

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I won't be nervous to poo next to someone, but I don't go out of the stall at the same time as them because I don't want to look a person who I just shat with in the eye.

Exactly, especially at work. So you get this Mexican shit-stall standoff. You don't want to know who's just had a shit, likewise you don't want your colleagues to look at you knowingly that you've just curled one out.

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I can't shit if there's someone else shitting, so I'll hold it until I'm alone or until somebody uses the hand dryer.


There's an obese chap in work who has made a habit of sitting in the next cubicle to me no matter how many other stalls are free. I know it's him because of the heavy breathing from walking up the few stairs to get to the toilets, and then the utility belt he removes which takes forever. I swear one side of that belt has a different time zone to the other.


Anyway, once he's sat down he ruthlessly unloads. Absolutely no care in the world, just millions of plops and comically loud farts. If it wasn't so disgusting, it would be admirable.


Of course, when he anticipates it's going to be a particularly bad evacuation and sprays Febreeze before the poo, you'd better wipe up and leave pretty sharpish or your clothes will smell of his breakfast for the rest of the day.

Edited by Slapnut
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Exactly what it is guys. 3rd floor has 1 stall, 2nd has 3. 3rd was busy so I had to run down to the 2nd and there's someone already in there and my gut is burning. I broke an actual sweat holding it in and he just sat not doing a single thing.

I had to run back up to the 3rd and thank god it was empty because I'd have actually shit on the floor.

Shit Chicken at work is the worst.

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There's three traps in our toilets and I've been in there when all are occupied and it is legitimately, dead up, like the Mexican stand off at the end of Reservoir Dogs.

You hear some initial niggling aggro from everyones pipe (your few squeakers escaping and what nots) but once one person finally relents and opens up, it's fucking havoc. An absolute massacre...


This is wonderful and absolutely spot on for my workplace too.

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Had a cunt of a workmate a few years ago, who switched to working from home when we moved offices. He would figure out who was in the toilet stall when he was using the urinal, and try to initiate a discussion with them, which legitimately sometimes started "how about them <local sports team>?". I once told him that it wasn't the time when I was evacuating a batch, but my much blunter workmate once told me he just told him "fuck off, Bill".

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