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Doomed anecdotal megathread #2

Sergio Mendacious

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Thanks lads.
I admit it was just me being a clown, and they all know me in here for being a mouthpiece, but genuinely, hand on soul, never meant any fuckin offence.
Itā€™s after becoming the talk of the office. One little weasel, boy scout type ā€“ weā€™ve never liked each other ā€“ has said it was racism and I should have known better and pretty much everyone else is finding the whole sitch laughable.

I asked if we could ā€œsquashā€ it ā€“ and used the term ā€˜squashā€™ to further emphasise the fact Iā€™m not racist, but he rudely dismissed me which actually made me want to rinse the cunt. So Iā€™m quite angry and confused now. And I have a horrific temper so I have to try keep this out of my head now even though itā€™s very much to the fore of office gossip at the moment.

What kind of prick would refuse a handshake?

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Hungarian isn't a race. By claiming it that what you did was racism, other than (at worst) just being culturally insensitive/ignorant, suggests that this weasel has a problem with Balazs and sees him as different to the rest of the office and just used this as an opportunity to stir up some shit.


Now he's actively stopping you from resolving the matter and moving on, which is going to continue to make things awkward for Balazs.


Why would he do that? What's it got to do with this cunt anyway? Fucking Daily Mail "I'll decide how offended someone else should be" mentality.

Are you both white Europeans? If so, how can there be any racism?

Edited by Nostalgia Nonce
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Poor cunt wouldn't survive a day at my workplace. We have an Eastern European bloke who started a few months ago, and he's affectionately earned the nickname Borat. The other day I witnessed somebody not let him use the microwave unless he said "my name'a Borat".

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Poor cunt wouldn't survive a day at my workplace. We have an Eastern European bloke who started a few months ago, and he's affectionately earned the nickname Borat. The other day I witnessed somebody not let him use the microwave unless he said "my name'a Borat".


Doesn't sound that affectionate tbh

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I had a similar experience in a previous job a few years ago - we had a colleague who was the only African in the office and was also deaf. Ā He had a hearing aid but refused to wear it which meant he never had a clue what was going on around him unless it was happening directly in front of him. Ā At one point we were both supervisors on the same team and one of the junior staff asked me to explain something to her because he had told her to do it and she didn't know how so I did (she had asked him to explain it and he just told her to go away and get on with it). Ā At some point during it we had a giggle about something - I can't remember now but it was either a typically hilarious joke, accidental innuendo, or something non-work related! Ā 


Anyway, next day I get hauled in by our department manager because this guy complained that we were being racist laughing at him. Ā He wasn't even on the same bank of desks, and we were a few desks behind him so all he could possibly have actually known was I was at her desk and at some point during a conversation, which he wasn't privy to, we laughed. Ā Our manager basically said the same as Branquey's - 'i dont know what to do about it because you two obviously haven't done anything but i have to follow up somehow'. Ā i offered to apologise for any offence and was told categorically not too because it would look like acknowledging doing something wrong when we hadn't. Ā 


Obviously this didn't go down too well and a week or so later hauled in again for the same thing but this time there hadn't even been a conversation or anything so it was a complete phantom accusation so I did threaten to raise a proper grievance if it happened again as he was clearly targeting me as the youngest supervisor in the department, and if he wanted to pull a race card so would I. Ā Unsurprisingly it all died down very quickly although he did pull a couple of other blinders - he complained about his line manager because he called in sick one morning and she asked what was wrong so she could enter it on the computer system (a company requirement at the time) and he decided this was rude and intrusive. Ā He lost that one as well. Ā Incidentally this was about 8 years ago and he is still there and doing the same job so he obviously wasn't that upset.


Slapnut - that sound cuntish rather than 'affectionate'

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Poor cunt wouldn't survive a day at my workplace. We have an Eastern European bloke who started a few months ago, and he's affectionately earned the nickname Borat. The other day I witnessed somebody not let him use the microwave unless he said "my name'a Borat".


Doesn't sound that affectionate tbh




Slapnut - that sound cuntish rather than 'affectionate'


It was described as affectionate by one of the warehouse staff who he works with. I don't think I've ever exchanged as much as a 'hello' with the bloke, so for all I know he could be crying himself to sleep every night.

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Fucking hell Branquey. How does this Hungarian chap feel about the entire situation? The thing is, what you said wasn't racist at all in my view, just a harmless play on words that - as you say - made you out to be a bit of a clown. Yet this weasel has not only made life at work shitter for you, but surely he's created a bit of atmosphere for the Hungarian bloke too?


Counter-claim his arse.

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