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How to do react when you see another Wrestling fan in day to day life?

FWA Goon

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I usually keep my interest in wrestling secret as it's not worth the whole it's fake discussion.


Anyway occasionally you might see a fellow fan. 

I saw a guy in my old job with a Four horseman jacket. I was tempted to give him a wooooo

and I saw a bloke in a bWo shirt in the gym.


What is the protocol? 

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I don't keep it a secret that I like wrestling, but sometimes I wish i had.


With fellow fans, I keep it quiet, like I wont shout over to them as who knows how they'd take it.


In terms of conversation, it depends on the person. I know a few lads at my work who like wrestling that all range from "Awesome blokes who also like wrestling" to "complete spang who has no idea", and there is no telling the latter. I remember lad who'd just gotten into "newz" sites, but found a real bad one and when he quoted real bad/fake things to me, there was no telling him otherwise.

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Like I would anyone else. I'm not about to talk to a stranger on the street on the same basis we're both wearing a Welsh rugby shirt, so I'm not going to talk to a stranger on the street on the basis we both like wrestling.

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 I could buy a pair of Becky Lynch's knickers. Unwashed.

Ask Herbie to ask somebody if she left any spare undercrackers around during the IWW days?

Be worth your while as the smell of bum, vinegar and mackerel maturing over a ten year period - no pun intended, but maybe it was that time too - would be intriguing, if nothing else.


On Topic, I'm with Handsome Butcher.


A bloke I work with is a big wrestling fan and calls me Baby Dave because I dress like suit Batista with shirts and slacks two sizes too small in work, but he's the good type of fan. The one who believes it be real and is genuinely upset and confused that Roman Reigns is being booed.

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Like I would anyone else. I'm not about to talk to a stranger on the street on the same basis we're both wearing a Welsh rugby shirt, so I'm not going to talk to a stranger on the street on the basis we both like wrestling.


What, you mean you don't start chanting "WAR-BUR-TON, WAR-BUR-TON!" and insist it was better when Ieuan Evans was in it?

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I usually think 'you absolute loser' then sudden realisation hits me and I question why the fuck I still watch this weird shit.


Same here sadly. Just yesterday I saw a guy in a Booty-O's t-shirt and my immediate reaction was disgust at how lame he was and then self loathing that I knew what his shirt was, am also a New Day fan and probably equally as lame.

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Most wrestling fans only want to talk about wrestling when they find out a stranger likes it too. I'll happily talk about wrestling with my mates but it's the last thing I wanna discuss with somebody I don't know down the pub when I'm trying to watch the football. I keep my fandom pretty secret in public now, ever since I had some fucking weirdo in a nightclub asking me where I was watching the Rumble.

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I agree that I like to keep it to me and my friends and not others as I've experienced far too many goons who are wrestling fans. However, if you're wearing a wrestling t-shirt, you've gotta realise it's likely you'll get a comment on it.

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