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Grand National


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With tomorrow being the Grand National, who are you backing?

I've never bet on Horses before and I'm clueless, no idea what I'm doing.
Based on the laziest research ever I'm thinking of sticking a fiver each way on Many Clouds, Last Samuri, Goonyella and Holywell.
Now is it stupid to do this with all 4 horses in the same race?, Each Way is paying the top 5 so if they all place I'm sorted, if 2 of them place I more or less get my 40 quid back right?....

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I was lucky enough to get Morning Assembly at 40s on Wednesday. It's dropped right down to 16s with Ladbrokes now. Ditto Shutthefrontdoor from 25s.

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Few daft each ways, I've not spent much so I'm not expecting the break the bank


The Druids Nephew

On His Own




Between me and the missus, feel like we've got half the field on;


Many Clouds

Last Samurai



Silviniaco Conti


First Lieutenant

Morning Assembly

Druids Nephew

Gallant Oscar

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Went Last Samuri and Ballycasey this morning at 10/1 and 50/1 each way. Haven't be a ton of money (poor student) but a Ballycasey placing will still net me £30 and I can see it coming top 5.


Wanted to go for both Walsh siblings but Ruby breaking his wrist didn't help my cause there so went back to my original pick of Samuri from reading up on Monday/Tuesday about as much of the field as I could.


The Last Samuri and First Lieutenant each way and on another site The Last Samuri and holywell


3 quid on bailycasey

  • Paid Members

stumped a few quid down on Many Clouds to win, but then got a few outsiders in there on E/W bets (Ballyganour, La Reve & Saint Are).


I pulled Sir Des Champs out in the work sweep too, not a bad pick.

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Had Rule the World at 50/1 this morning £5 e/w and The Last Samuri at £10 e/w 10/1


I'm laughing

You can get the next round in then.


Great result mate


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