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WHAT PLAY YOU!? Version 2.0


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Just picked up a PS3 for £25. Thought it was a decent buy to be fair.


Only problem is, being an Xbox man myself, I'm out of the loop.


Can I play PS1 or PS2 games on it?


What games do people recommend that I puck up to play?

PS1 yes, PS2 no (apart from the very first launch model. Unlikely that's the one you have).


Well you might as well go through the exclusives, depending what you like to play. Anything by Naughty Dog: the Uncharted series, Last of Us. Infamous. Little Big Planet. Gran Turismo. Metal Gear Solid games. Motorstorm Apocalypse. Warhawk. Heavy Rain. Ratchet and Clank.


Depends what genres you prefer.

Wait you can play PS1 discs on a PS3? I've had one for years and never knew that. I know you can download PS1 games from the store, unless that's what you mean. In that case pretend I never posted this.

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Just picked up a PS3 for £25. Thought it was a decent buy to be fair.


Only problem is, being an Xbox man myself, I'm out of the loop.


Can I play PS1 or PS2 games on it?


What games do people recommend that I puck up to play?

PS1 yes, PS2 no (apart from the very first launch model. Unlikely that's the one you have).


Well you might as well go through the exclusives, depending what you like to play. Anything by Naughty Dog: the Uncharted series, Last of Us. Infamous. Little Big Planet. Gran Turismo. Metal Gear Solid games. Motorstorm Apocalypse. Warhawk. Heavy Rain. Ratchet and Clank.


Depends what genres you prefer.

Wait you can play PS1 discs on a PS3? I've had one for years and never knew that. I know you can download PS1 games from the store, unless that's what you mean. In that case pretend I never posted this.

Both the PS3 consoles I've had played my old PS1 discs.


I'm always fucked it doesn't run ps2 though.

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Just picked up a PS3 for £25. Thought it was a decent buy to be fair.


Only problem is, being an Xbox man myself, I'm out of the loop.


Can I play PS1 or PS2 games on it?


What games do people recommend that I puck up to play?

PS1 yes, PS2 no (apart from the very first launch model. Unlikely that's the one you have).


Well you might as well go through the exclusives, depending what you like to play. Anything by Naughty Dog: the Uncharted series, Last of Us. Infamous. Little Big Planet. Gran Turismo. Metal Gear Solid games. Motorstorm Apocalypse. Warhawk. Heavy Rain. Ratchet and Clank.


Depends what genres you prefer.

Wait you can play PS1 discs on a PS3? I've had one for years and never knew that. I know you can download PS1 games from the store, unless that's what you mean. In that case pretend I never posted this.
Both the PS3 consoles I've had played my old PS1 discs.


I'm always fucked it doesn't run ps2 though.

Cheers man I never knew that. Will give it a go when I get a chance.

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Anyone else been playing the Star Wars Battlefront beta? I need more of this.

Really good fun isn't it? The AT-AT mission is solid if you're the Rebels though. Only managed to destroy 1 of them.

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Anyone else been playing the Star Wars Battlefront beta? I need more of this.

Really good fun isn't it? The AT-AT mission is solid if you're the Rebels though. Only managed to destroy 1 of them.


I was playing with a couple of mates last night and we defeated the AT-ATs twice. It is really fucking tough to do though.

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The balance between rebels and empire on the Hoth level needs sorting out for the final version but is great fun. I'm still not sure about the weapons on it though, doesn't seem a great deal of variety and they seemed to have stripped out and advantage to aiming down you sights or variation between prone and running so playing in third person and running in guns blazing is the best tactic 90% of the time.

Great fun though and does have an epic feel and shitting it while running away from Vader is ace.

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They need to sort out a team balancing system too. More often than not you'll find half a team has left and it's incredibly unfair.

I think it would benefit more from a class system too, as everyone using mostly the same weapons and having vehicles limited to pickups mean that everyone is trying to do the same jobs and it's hard to structure a varied team.

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They need to sort out a team balancing system too. More often than not you'll find half a team has left and it's incredibly unfair. 

I think it would benefit more from a class system too, as everyone using mostly the same weapons and having vehicles limited to pickups mean that everyone is trying to do the same jobs and it's hard to structure a varied team.

A big part of that is down to there being a limited amount of stuff in the beta. Since there are only 5 levels and not much in the way of customisation, you can be sure there's going to be a ton of stuff in the full game. 

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I've downloaded it but between work and family commitments i'm only going to get a brief shot tomorrow all going well.


I used to love the AT-AT themed mission at the start of the N64 Star Wars games so if it's half as good as that i'm in for a treat.


On another note has anyone got Rockband 4 yet? I'm really begrudging £100+ for the basic game/guitar package but pleasently surprised that they are offering almost full support of peripherals from the PS3/360 so will hopefully be able to wait for the solus game only package to come down a bit in price and then dive in once i've retrieved the old drum and guitar from my parents garage.

Edited by Stylin_and_Profilin
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