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The UFC game on Xbox One and PS4 was a bit of a let down for me. Seemed to be a striped down version of the previous games on old gen, so it's lacking when it comes to the game modes and what you can actually do. The game looks really nice and is fun to play, but there's not a lot of replay-ability imo.


I did trade it in a few months after release so I've no idea if they've patched any game updates in. Might be worth grabbing EA Access for a month and trying it from the vault.

Edited by Silky Kisser
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My biggest gripe with EA UFC is that I found the control scheme to be overly complicated compared to Undisputed 3. I did get good at the game at one point, only to return to it a few months later and finding myself put off by having to relearn the controls again. 


EA Sports UFC has beautiful graphics, female fighters and a better submission system, but I prefer Undisputed 3 for everything else. 


That being said, I'd pick it up if you see it cheap on a sale. I got it for twenty quid around Christmas. It's not a bad starting point for EA with the UFC license and I'm interested to see where they take future UFC games going forward. 


As for WWE 2K15, It looks great and I enjoy picking it up and having a few matches from time to time, the match engine is fantastic at times and you can really lose yourself in the action, but it's when you dig outside of the exhibition and showcase modes that you find the game lacks the depth of some of the previous entries. The Universe and Creation modes are very bare bones when compared to entries in the series from the last gen. 


It's a good base game for the beginning of WWE on current gen. I'd say it's worth your money if you can get it on a sale, but consider that WWE 2K16 is right around the corner. 

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UFC on original release felt like a demo. Looked gorgeous, but there were loads of fighters missing and it had some obvious flaws in the gameplay. To their credit the patches that followed added the most obvious fighter omissions and tweaked a tonne of features, to the point where it's certainly a game worth buying. It still lacks massively in longevity though. There's one career mode, which isn't great, and that's about it.


I'm hoping they do a sequel, but there's been no news so far.

Edited by Supremo
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How good are the UFC and WWE games on ps4 ?


I don't like the control scheme of the UFC game, so never got into it. I still prefer UFC 2010 on the old consoles.


The WWE 2K15 game is the best wrestling game yet as far as gameplay, but if you are into the create-a-wrestler type modes, it's quite lacking on that front. The new one that's about to come out will be better for that stuff.

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Have you played it on next gen Pitcos? If so, I assume the ridiculous loading times are now a thing of the past?


WWE 2K15? The loading times on the create-a-wrestler are horrendous on PS4, and the previewing is awful. Between those two things, just trying to put the right wristbands on your man can end up with you putting a hammer through the PlayStation.

Edited by King Pitcos
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I just saw as preview for this game called Hard West. It's like Xcom style gameplay, but wild west setting. It looks pretty sweet!



Ooo, thanks for the heads up. I got into Xcom a little late, managed to get a free steam key last year but since then I've bought the expansion and fallen in love with it.

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So the old PES v's FIFA argument is upon us again. Having played both demos, I'm definitly going for PES this year. Menus and presentation look basic (as usual), but team management is very nice and easy to use and gameplay is pretty great. FIFA is very robotic, arcadey and the balls feels really heavy. Like kicking a bag of sand. It is also very tippy tappy heavy. One touch passing constantly.


I know the demos are not a true represenation of the final game, but I can't see them being much different from the final release this close to them coming out.

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