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What ever happened to?


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Watched all of the Royal Rumbles in the past three weeks, as mentioned. Wondered what happened to these guys. Most still fairly young in wrestling terms, I reckon, but I've never seen a mention of them since they left WWE. I could have googled them all individually but thought it owuld be more interesting to discuss them on here:


Kenny Dykstra - Seemed to get a big push on Raw after the spirit squad and then disappeared. In fact, apart from Nicky (Ziggler) the whole Spirit Squad disappeared. One big Where are they now.


Rene Dupree & Sylvan Grenier - Weren't these two really young when they debuted in La Resistance? Both seemed to have years ahead of them. Dupree in particular. Most importantly, what happened to Fifi?


Maven - Always liked him. Theme song was great, loved that angle with Taker and always liked him after the heel turn. Should have done really well I thought.


Kevin Thorn - He had a couple of gimmick and then went AWOL. He had a fit valet at one point didn't he?


Ricardo Rodriguez - I know he was responible for ever wrestling success from Austin 3:16 to the nWo. He still working?


Trevor Murdoch - I liked him. Wasn't that keen on the tag team with Cade but murdoch had good potential as an old school southern heel I thought.


Charlie Haas - Heard of Benjamin in the last few years but not Charlie sinc ethe WGTT stuff in ROH.


And not a what happened but why:


Alex Riley - Why did he drop off the radar so quickly and end up commentating?

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Maven just got back in the business. He works for Curt Hawkins Create-A-Pro Wrestler school. Charlie Haas got drunk and went spastic backstage at a ROH show and then retired. He's back wrestling occassionally again, though. Ricardo Rodriquez was around quite a lot when Alberto was working the indies, but I imagine his bookings have went flat since ADR returned to the WWE. Kenny Dykstra recently appeared on WWE.com's Where are they now column. Which was a surprise after his twitter was filled dirt regarding John Cena having an affair with Mickie James not to long ago. Last I heard Sylvain Grenier was doing announcing for TNA shows in France. Renee Dupress is still around. He always pops up looking horrendous every few months.


The answer to every "where are they now" is probably that everyone gets a real job waits until their value is up to an ironic comedy booking level and then they return with some faux self awareness to make some money on the gimmick table.


I'm sure Rene was really young like early 20's when he debuted, but as with those gimmicks they can ever only last so long and unless your Rusev you can only go so far with one non usa nationality. 

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Kevin Thorn - He had a couple of gimmick and then went AWOL. He had a fit valet at one point didn't he?


He had Ariel (Shelley Martinez), who went on to be Salinas in TNA. Another forum I used to go to used to white knight hardcore for Martinez — apparently, her dirty film with Jewel D'Nyle wasn't porn, because she didn't get a dick inside any part of her, and she wouldn't do porn, anyway. 


a big one for me is Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von. Charisma up to the eyeballs, decent power worker, cool finisher...just seemed to bugger off full stop once it didn't work out at WWE (which I wasn't really watching at the time, so kind of baffled as to why his career fell flat there too)


Didn't Monty Brown leave the business to look after his mates kids following some tragedy? Or have I completely imagined that.

Also seem to recall he was working as personal trainer.


Alex Riley has been working a Darren Anderton gimmick in which he sticks around for a half dozen matches then gets injured for two years. He worked last nights NXT tapings so he could be on TV until early February and then we'll see him again around Wrestlemania 34

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I usually have a complementary thought when I'm watching old Rumbles which is "Wow, I thought he'd been shitcanned by this point." Usually Shelton.


a big one for me is Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von. Charisma up to the eyeballs, decent power worker, cool finisher...just seemed to bugger off full stop once it didn't work out at WWE


He had to leave to take care of a family issue apparently. I forget the specifics.

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a big one for me is Monty Brown/Marcus Cor Von. Charisma up to the eyeballs, decent power worker, cool finisher...just seemed to bugger off full stop once it didn't work out at WWE

In perhaps the strangest ever signing to such a deal, he's recently been signed to a WWE Legends deal or all things. Monty is usually seen in various instragram accounts at the performance centre.

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I usually have a complementary thought when I'm watching old Rumbles which is "Wow, I thought he'd been shitcanned by this point." Usually Shelton.

Yeah, a few surprise me when they pop up a good couple of years after I thought they'd been binned. Shelton usually too. I liked it when he popped up with blonde hair and a new nickname "Gold Standard". Pretty sure the year before he'd been with his Mama. Or something. I always miss Shelton when I watch old Rumbles. And John Morrison. I'm sure it'd only take three weeks for me to remember why they got binned in the first place but I still do.


Was trying to think of a way of working out who are the biggest names not to have been in the Rumble. Without creating a table of EVERYONE.


Heidenreich and Devon Dudley are my opening offers.


I think La Resistance were 22/23 years old when they won the tag titles, I did think at least one of them would be around a lot longer too. I enjoyed Maven's stuff too, on the whole. I watched the 96 Rumble back the other week, it's a shame the Squat Team members didn't work out, wonder what happened to them... :/

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Scott Hall is the main one. Prominent for a good few years as Razor but always worked non Rumble matches.

Bloody hell, of course. Didn't he chase Kid into the Rumble in 1996? Maybe that's why I think he's been in.


Those that had single or tag matches during the Rumble PPV's never had a spot in the Rumble match itself until '97.  Hall is the only big named WWE star to have never appeared in a Rumble match. 


Riley and Cena used to be buds apparently, then Riley decided he was gonna stop drinking and going out so much and Cena got the mards on and stuck the boot in backstage because in his mind going out getting drunk and partying then still being able to make the gym in the morning was part of the life.


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