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Cornette ... not a fan of muslims it seems.


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I use to like Jim Cornette. I really did. I liked the way he was the top heel manager when I got into wrestling hanging out with Davey Boy, Owen and Vader. But for the longest time now I just find him really jealous and envious of people who have moved with the times. 


I was reading his column in FSM when he said something along the lines of the Young Bucks shouldn't have superkicked a 9 year old boy. Fair enough but he turned it into berating Joey Ryan for teaming with Candice La Rae, saying she shouldn't be treated as anything against a male. Got news Jimmy boy, I know a petite blonde in my office who I'm kinda scared of upsetting because she can and will mess me up! But yeah, Cornette does all these 'I hate religion cause there all angry attention seekers' and then embodies what he hates. Cornette needs to buy the WWE network, lock himself away and watch NWA on a continuous loop and lock the phone and keyboard away. 

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That's an idiotic rant. "We can't hate Muslims because our President has an Islamic sounding name!" is just incredible incredible logic. It's even weaker than "I can't be racist. Some of my best friends are black". Very disappointing that Meltzer, Johnson and co haven't reported it.


I used to really like Cornette but he exposed himself when he kept working for TNA after they hired Russo. It was hypocrisy on a massive scale. He was doing shoot interviews claiming they'd patched things up and were good mates, until he got sacked and then Russo was suddenly a total cunt again. His rebooking of the Invasion was a bit of a killer for him as well. It totally destroyed the image of him being a good booker, much less a great one.

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It totally destroyed the image of him being a good booker, much less a great one.


Where did he get the "great wrestling mind/great booker" reputation in the first place?



Shoot interviews, basically. He talks a great game and it's very easy to look smart when you are criticising Russo's booking, which was all he did for years. People just sort of translated that into "Cornette would be a great booker" despite their being no real evidence to support it. 


Semi-related - I can't remember where I read it but is it true that attendance actually fell when the Gangstas were in SMW? Cornette basically banked on his audience being far more racist than they actually were.

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SMW I'm guessing, or the 1989 WCW committee. SMW was indeed fine watching for the first couple of years if you're into "Rasslin'" like I am, but I think you'd completely hate it.

SMW I'm guessing, or the 1989 WCW committee. SMW was indeed fine watching for the first couple of years if you're into "Rasslin'" like I am, but I think you'd completely hate it.

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Semi-related - I can't remember where I read it but is it true that attendance actually fell when the Gangstas were in SMW? Cornette basically banked on his audience being far more racist than they actually were.

That's what I understand. Of course, he said it was Wade Keller and Bruce Mitchell's fault for reporting on an incident where Cornette called a security guard a "nigger" and started a race riot. There's a (forgotten) Q&A shoot interview from 1995 where Cornette is dropping N-bombs like they are satsumas. "Get that fucking nigger outta here" was what he said to the security man. Wade Keller has tape of a phone call where Cornette called his mother (who is the PA for the Torch) and tells her to "slap that nigger cock out of your mouth." He's got previous.


Cornette really fucked himself booking ROH. You never actually start booking again, after years of telling people they dont know what they are doing. You just leave it up to people to go "only if Jimbo got the job booking WWE again." That's what Heyman does. He was way to smart to write for TNA or ROH when he left WWE. Cornette exposing himself as a clueless, Jim Bowen headed cunt to the modern audience was so daft on his part.

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He's caved.



"I would like to add to MLW's earlier statement concerning controversy over my recent podcast. The very nature of my show and it's appeal is that I issue opinions that people feel very strongly about, either positively or negatively. I have been especially pointed toward all religions, and although most of those rants are meant and taken with a comedy slant, this one may have crossed over from entertaining and into hateful or mean-spirited, and for that I apologize.

Even on this issue the listeners have been widely divided, but if I truly offended ANY of the listeners, I'm sorry.

My New Years' Resolution is to talk about more positive things, I just need some help in finding them."



and on twitter


Jim Cornette @TheJimCornette 3 hrs3 hours ago

I support @MLW 's statement, have sent them one of my own. My whole show is designed to "offend" people, but not REALLY offend--I apologize.


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Ugh! 'apologize' with a Z. What a cunt.

Well to be fair, that is the most popular way to spell the word in America and Canada.


To the point where your computer will autocorrect it to the "z" spelling. 


…If your autocorrect dictionary is set to U.S. English.

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Never Forget: Jim Cornette fantasy books a 2002 Wrestlemania card built around a year long WCW Invasion angle.





WCW and WWF World Heavyweight Championship Unification Match:


Mick Foley (WCW Champion) Vs Steve Austin (WWF Champion)


Terry Funk Vs The Undertaker


Sting Vs The Rock


Dusty Rhodes Vs Hulk Hogan


Ric Flair Vs Vince McMahon


WCW and WWF World Tag Team Championship Unification Match:


Dudley Boys (WWF Tag Team Champions) Vs The Road Warriors (WCW World Tag Team Champions)


Chris Benoit Vs Kurt Angle (Unspecified Ironman Match)


WCW United States and WWF Intercontinental Championship Unification Match:


Booker T (WCW US Champion) Vs Triple H (WWF Intercontinental Champion)


Edge and Christian Vs Jerry Lynn and Nova (Ladder Match)


Big Show and Kane Vs The Steiner Brothers


Chris Jericho Vs Lance Storm


Hardys Vs Dustin Rhodes and Jeff Jarrett


Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn and Dean Malenko Vs Chavo, Rey and Candido


Brock Lesnar Vs Bam Bam Bigelow


Rhino Vs Kevin Nash


14 Man Battle Royale featuring a bunch of young guys




Yes, 2002.

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