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Cornette ... not a fan of muslims it seems.


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Pretty stunning that Meltzer and Alvarez and Mike Johnson and everyone else seems to have not reported on this. They reported on Kevin Nash posing with his shirt off and accusing him of having a midlife crisis and reported on Sunny posting a tweet post Paris attacks (and then deleting it), but THIS they ignore? Fuck off.


This is a reply to an e-mailer on his podcast.

"But let me tell you something dickface after you have gone off on that promo, let me tell you a few things. Number one of which I'll admit that the people running the United States are a really fucked up bunch of people, however, you think it's bad, [if] those fucking dalmatian eating fucking psychopaths that run your fucking countries over there [got] a hold of the U.S.'s resources and you'll see what would happen. The whole fucking Earth would be blown up in six fucking weeks, because your people are a bunch of goddamn lunatics and here's why motherfucker. The Americans are psychopaths? We're fucking amateurs. Here's what you ought to do just before we even get into the meat of the matter, what you ought to do is you ought to put a fucking kibosh on those street celebrations you have where 20,000 of ya are out on the fucking street wearing some shitty clothes that look like they haven't been washed in fucking six weeks with goats firing off automatic weapons up in the air celebrating with the fucking burning fucking George Bush effigies and death to America banners. We know George Bush was a goddamn idiot, but you know what, we also don't really burn people in a fucking street around here for real even if he deserved it, which he did, and you people do, so don't try to tell me about this peaceful fucking Islamic religion when all you see from these goddamn backward ass cave-fucking people's countries are goddamn people burning other people in the streets and throwing them off goddamn roofs, first of all....
But with the Muslims you're not even safe in fucking Disneyland, so as far as I'm concerned the Muslims have lost the right to be indignant when people knock them or their religion or look at them sideways or like they're scared because when a large number of those people are fucking nuts and regardless of what this guy says what you hear on television or you read in the newspapers and magazines and the things that these religious leaders call [for], the fatwahs on people, and they fucking shoot people for cartoons, if your religion calls for a lot of fucked up things to happen to women or gay people and or anybody that tells you that your God is fictitious and you are easily egged on by all those other religions with their fictitious versions of God telling you your God is fictitious, which they all are by the way, so the only way to get even is to blow up a bunch of people you don't know. No, I'm not onboard with your shit their pal....

You can't go out and discriminate against or be violent to anybody just because a bunch of their fucking people but not all do bad things, but you can have a group of people who lose their right to be surprised or offended or indignant when they don't like them or look sideways at them or talk bad about them because their group is involved with so many bullshit fucking incidents in so many places over so long a period of fucking time. The fucking Scientologists may not be there yet, but the Muslims are. And once again, memo Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, [if they didn't] look like a goddamn bunch of fucking, you know, nutcases, Ayatollah Who The Fuck and all the goddamn maniacs with all the automatic rifles with the death to America banners, and have a bunch of people jumping up and down screaming like cave people on acid it would help your fucking public relations.

Yes, and I realise the United States has been fucked up but it doesn't matter even when we get a goddamn guy named Barack Obama in the White House as the leader of the free world and still you think the fucking West is on a goddamn war against Islam? We're in a war against Islam because you keep blowing shit up, motherfucker. So anyway shooting strangers with an AK-47 or blowing up a nightclub in Paris because you're pissed off that you got the wrong end of the stick religiously or politically is not the way that normal people solve their problems and you want to fucking defend your goddamn religion? If it wasn't for this religion, this particular religion, all of these stories are fictitious and made up, there is no invisible, supernatural supreme being, all the stories are bullshit, but yours is the one that people are killing people over, so it's the one I'm going to like the least and there's nothing that you can really do about that because the team that I play for, the atheists, don't fucking kill anybody or blow anybody up, so don't be sending me emails telling me that I need to modify my opinion, motherfucker. How about a large order of fish heads for you? That's my response to you, I don't give a shit."

Not a fan of Cornette these days to be honest. I was told by my Mam to never trust someone who still wears Jim Bowen glasses in 2015, and this just tops it off. What an ignorant cunt.

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Cornette has been outed by the likes of Alex Greenfield and the Young Bucks that his whole thing is a gimmick that he works trying to create weird Internet feuds.


There's no reason to take him seriously anymore. That ROH booking run showed how irrelevant he is in absolutely every way. He's a rent a mouth, who has some very entertaining stories, but also comes out with bollocks like this.

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It wasn't actually half as bad as some of the other stuff I've read/heard over the past few weeks, I do hate the fact that people always defend him with 'Jimmy likes to cut promos about everything' though, unless you've got a camera in front of you and you're trying to sell a show, no one should be 'cutting a promo' cringeworthy

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It wasn't actually half as bad as some of the other stuff I've read/heard over the past few weeks

I dread to think what you've read/heard over the past few weeks in that case! That was horrific, like a complication of the worst Britain First comments.

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Doesn't seem to be spouting anything less than the usual Murdoch/Rothermere bollocks. Just very very loudly and in his venomous self-righteous tone. Cornette's frustrating. Sticking to wrestling and with someone contemporary filtering him, he's got some smart things to say. Unfortunately, he doesn't stick to wrestling and has no filter. Hence, cunt.

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