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Has your interest in wrestling ever been lower?


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Yes. And I think it's simply because I dont treat the WWE as the end all, be all of professional wrestling. A crazy concept, I know. I fucked off TV years ago and I find I seem to enjoy the PPV's a hell of a lot more than most and I'm sure it's not a coincidence.


The UK scene is absolutely on fire at the moment. You can throw a rock and hit a good company now. The indies and Japan aren't quite as great as years gone by but there's still plenty to like with EVOLVE rebooting, PWG consistently being excellent, NJPW firing on all cylinders and companies like Dragon Gate and DDT reportedly doing great things and great business. Lucha has never been easier to watch with people like thecubsfan regularly uploading the various TV to YouTube.


Throw in the thousands of hours of vintage footage from Japan and various US territories that's been unearthed in the last 6 or so years and there's no excuse to completely fall out of love with wrestling. If WWE isn't doing it for you, switch it off and try something else.

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I think me like a lot of people get hyped only for the big shows now, the rest just makes me synical about the product unless it is funny stuff like the new day which is just 3 fellas enjoying themselves.


Stuff like Smackdown, Superstars and Main event are missable (mind you stumbling on Main event had a great owens vs swagger match).


NXT and Lucha underground have been a godsend and are so easy to watch.


I mainly enjoy watching the british scene now more than anything, when there are good shows on the doorstep every week shows the jaded fan there is an alternative not too far away.

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What's some good UK companies? Anything good in East Anglia? Never been to BritWres, don't really know who to look out for beyond 1 or 2 names, don't wanna end up giving my money to Adam Bowler

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It is a tale of two interests for me. As far as the current product, interest has been lower at various points in the last two years. Always catch Raw, even if certain guys get the fast forward treatment. Love New Japan, but my interest has slowed this year with them going back to the fucking awful Bullet Club and keeping guys in holding patterns way too long.


That said, with me doing the podcast (and thanks to tiger_rick for not only the tip of the cap in the OP, but in the podcasts thread - really appreciate the kind words a great deal), my interest in wrestling overall is still as high as ever, just because I get to spend time researching history, watching old stuff and reading whatever I can same as before, chatting with mates and getting so many takes from so many different perspectives that its just as fascinating as ever for me, maybe moreso.

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[WARNING: this is far longer than I intended it to be]


Oddly enough, and in contrast to the title of the thread - in 'real' terms, I don't think my interest in wrestling has ever been higher than it is in 2015.


I first learned of wrestling as an eight year old primary school child in 2000 - I tuned into Smackdown on a Saturday morning that summer and was enticed by The Rock and Rikishi (I did tell you I was eight...) and despite Mum's protests I managed to procure Fully Loaded 2000 on VHS and tape PPV's off Sky Sports from Summerslam through to Survivor Series that year.


I was never allowed to watch Raw is War on Friday (too violent and sexual Ma called it, in hindsight she was probably correct) but this particular PPV streak was cruelly stopped by young Otto failing to understand that Armageddon 2000 was to be broadcast on Channel 4 (I set the video to record Sky Sports 1 where instead of white-hot Hell in a Cell action I got You're on Sky Sports with punters discussing Stan Collymore's move to Bradford). Dad fucked off from the family home before 2001 started and with him went the Sky Sports package, thus started a barren spell where I didn't see a live wrestling show (or footy match) unless it was round a friends or in a pub for several years.


I vaguely remember seeing the 2001 Rumble at a mates but by Mania 17 all I had to go on was WWF magazine and Power Slam. I didn't watch what many of us call the greatest WWF show ever produced in full until the Tagged Classic came out on DVD in 2007. Smackdown 2: Know your role and Shut Your Mouth on the PS1 and PS2 respectively placated my interest after the invasion angle came and went, and the last show I remember watching for a long time was Survivor Series 2001, again that was only because a friend of mine let me borrow his VHS (ta Shiv).


Interest in wrestling status: Budding, but unfulfilled


In 2003 secondary school started and with it came a whole lot of other things to take my mind of the old squared circle until three years later where for some reason, and I genuinely don't remember why (although I do recall buying the December 2005 Power Slam), I got the urge to order Mania 22 live off Virgin Media which led to the start of my second stint of fandom in 2006. By this point I was heavily invested in the internet, and even with our poverty equipment (we only got broadband in December 06, and even then used a Windows ME computer until we upgraded to XP in 2008) and our schools 'only 20 minutes of internet at a time' policy I began to find myself hooked with not only the contemporary goings on, but what had happend in my absent period (some bloke called Brock Lesnar turned up and then left, Eddie Guerrero died and some bloke who everyone hates but is supposed to love became, and still is the WWE champion). Wrestlemania 21 for the Xbox was another purchase contributing to my fandom around this time.


'Mania 22 was class and I was hooked again, even inviting a friend over to sleep over and watch Summerslam that summer then persuading my inebriated father to purchase the same event a year later telling him - "you've got to see the size of the Punjabi guy, who also happens to be the World Champion" (postcolonial-era Commonwealth migration represent yo) whilst buying Power Slam every month. This also includes the time I proudly went to Smiths with my first ever paycheck which I got for photocopying and lugging dressing rails around Elstree Studios. I also fondly remember summer nights at my grannies watching RAW live through the John Cena/Edge angle, Edge slapping Cena's dad still ranks as one of the best things I've ever seen 'as it happened'.


Interest in wrestling status: Fanatical, I couldn't get enough. The first time I ever really watched wrestling week to week.


Benoit happened, but I can't say it put me off at all, I remember a boy in my year telling people in the tennis courts and I didn't believe him but then found out the horrid truth in a Graphics classroom after break that day. My fandom held strong through the exciting Rumble and Mania season  which culminated in still probably my favourite show ever in 'Mania 24. I bought the Steelbook DVD of it which I watched through the day it arrived (the day which ended with my prom night) after which I had the honour of going into the sixth form.


After this it must be said that my interest in wrestling started waning. Taking on four A-Levels (neek yes I know), disovering alcohol, playing footy three times a week and working part-time at John Lewis I only just about had enough time to lament about how crap Liverpool were doing (these were the dark Hicks and Gillet days) and left hardly any room for wrestling on Otto's agenda. I did keep up with storylines via wwe.com and wrestling-forum (this is where you may all stop reading and send me angry PM's) during this time and I did still order and watch Mania 25 live. Perhaps encapsulating my apathy however, I don't even remember enjoying the HBK/Taker match that much and sure enough, by the time 2010 arrived I had no clue what was happening and only caught the last hour of Mania 26 via a dodgy stream after Snakebite Sunday in Watford Walkabout. My first year of uni saw a similar story, in addition to the girlfriend I'd acquired, the study and social pressures meant wrestling was pushed out as something I had time to enjoy or even take a cursory glance at online.


Interest in wrestling status: Cooled off. Wrestling had been usurped by other interests, namely shagging my first proper girlfriend and enduring university exams and drinking sessions.


In the summer of 2011 however something did catch my imagination, CM Punk's famous pipe-bomb promo. I'd heard the fallout from MITB online and was so intrigued I bought my first (and so far only) wrestling related t-shirt - the black and yellow Punk Nexus number which was on sale on Shopzone. I believe the more sought-after "Best in the World" edition was about to be released hence the bargain, I still actually wore the thing outdoors including to university seminars by the way...


Six months later and after enjoying Survivor Series 2011 I absolutely loved Mania 28 and got into the Rock's comeback huge, after second year exams I found an xtremely-great way of obtaining shows old and new enabling me to familiarise myself with the stars and characters of yesteryear and today. Even on my year abroad in Spain I kept track, watching Mania 29 on delay after an MDMA fuelled Elrow rave on the outskirts of Barcelona (Ricardo Rodriguez's voice makes fucking horrible listening on a comedown it must be said) and first visiting the hallowed pages of the UKFF when I should have been writing assignments.


Whilst I haven't consistently watched Raw or Smackdown during this time I've never failed to keep in touch with developments (as much as these even occur nowadays) via the web or forums. The UKFF helped immeasurably with making me take a look at old-school/classic stuff with a different eye, all those guys like Rude, Savage, Steamboat etc were just "guys that were Rock or Austin for people who watced during the 80's" when I couldn't have been more wrong in that they had their own special attributes and needed to be appreciated as having such.


Of course, the development and acquisition of the Network has pretty much ignited my fixation, I can watch basically anything I want to and in addition to the PPV shows (which despite the negative sentiments almost always deliver) and NXT (the best episodic show in wrestling in terms of character development and storytelling if you ask me), I can relive those halcyon days of TLC 1 and Kurt Angle's mong brother costing Undertaker the title back in the day. Mania's 30 and 31 were absolutely boss too and Summerslam 2014 was a welcome relief from post-graduation unemployment/signing-on monotony at the time. Who doesn't love Brock Lesnar when he performs like that btw?


Interest in wrestling status: Cautiously coming to terms with the fact that wrestling is in fact one of my biggest interests


So looking to the future; I've just bought tickets to my first live wrestling show (NXT Takeover: London) and I can't wait to see Bayley (who I have a complete schoolboy crush on), Finn Balor, Samoa Joe (liked him since his poster appeared in PS) and the rest.


To wrap this up, and without wishing to blow smoke up rears, the contributions by many of you on here and the humour, knowledge and insight these boards radiate keep me coming back for more not just on the ukff.com site, but for wrestling content I'd skipped over or neglected too. I'm truly grateful we can harness the internet to indulge and share our common passion no matter how jaded, cynical or unsure we are about the way things look.


Here's to another 15 years!




PS The several pints of lager I've imbibed tonight may have had something to do with the length and content of this post

PPS SCG radio is boss

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Yeah, around late 1999 - 2000. Probably around the time of the Radicals coming in. I just lost complete interest in it. Didn't read anything about it. A bit odd looking back. Ended up back in when Rikishi was getting the push in late 2000, but not as much as before. Just skim everything.

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I stopped watching RAW after the 2nd 3 hour episode. Stopped watching Smackdown when Heyman left the GM postition.

I read up and then go and watch certain bits online (which nowdays only if Brock is involved).

I stopped watching PPV's a few months ago.

No-one interests me and i find the product stale.

I will only watch WM next year if it's Sting/Taker.

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Well I plan to give it another go during Mania season, so no, but I am only watching with the hope they do a good job, rather than expecting it like years past. If Mania season is as terrible as this year it's probably a sure sign WWE isn't for me in the future. That's how I felt when Goldberg lost that Elimination Chamber match and I didn't even bother with any wrestling for 5 years or so.


A mate that is the only real person I know that watched WWE has given up this year. He's not one to know who Meltzer is either, his reasoning is most weeks there is a serious lack of proper stars leading to him not caring, which is a fair point I thought. Everybody that is on every week is worst off for it, for the most part.


It's at this moment I remember Ian posting that out of touch video featuring Vince, post-Rumble. He's had a terrible year and a bit, with his shows.

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My interest was at it lowest after Mania 26 when HBK, HHH and Taker wernt on TV, Swagger got the belt and Batista became a jobber for Cena.


The interest is there for this current lot but like the sentiments echoed on here, the bloody shows are so tedious and hard to watch. The in ring stuff is great but everything else is shocking at the minute.


Some pet peeves for the past 6 months...


Sandow was what the New Day are now, the most entertaining part of the show, cant remember him doing anything for months? A total waste of talent.


The Authority, mainly Stephanie, whats happened? She was epic, i thought, in the Bryan fued late 13 early 14 but now shes just a scrunched up face who is either trying to be 1994 Vince as a face or 1999 Vince as a heel... in the same show.


Big Show and Kane.


The stop/start pushes of Ambrose and Cesaro.


Bray Wyatt and Rusev should be legit main event heels and they just arnt at all. Nothing to do with Cena beating them in fueds, it was after the Cena fueds that they get screwed over, throw Owens in there too now he has been handed the IC.


The commentary team are shite.


So yeah the best way to watch Raw is watch 90% x30 on Sky Plus.

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It has indeed. I used to absolutely adore wrestling - and still do when I revisit the old stuff - but I've been more into MMA for years and each year I get more and more lethargic towards wrestling. (I hate posting on sporting forums about footy or MMA because I get far too wound up, so I give them a wide berth, whereas movies and wrestling are fake so there's nothing for me to get wound up about, if that makes sense).


I'm more invested in NXT than anything else at the moment, and that would be nothing more than fleeting.

If an old hand returns, I'll get excited, but that lasts about a week and I drift back out again until Rumble/Mania season where I roll back the mental years and throw myself headfirst into it.

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I first learned of wrestling as an eight year old primary school child in 2000

Great post Otto. Sorry about your Dad. As a fellow broken-homer, I can imagine the pain of losing wrestling and your Dad!


Funny how often Royal Rumble and SummerSlam 1992 comes up on here and we casually discuss those great memories. And yet we have people who were only born that year. And, want to be scared shitles? They're now in their motherfucking twenties.


this particular PPV streak was cruelly stopped by young Otto failing to understand that Armageddon 2000 was to be broadcast on Channel 4 (I set the video to record Sky Sports 1 where instead of white-hot Hell in a Cell action I got You're on Sky Sports with punters discussing Stan Collymore's move to Bradford).

As a footy DVD-er, I have to ask. Have you still got the tape? Ha!
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My interest is still pretty much where it's always been, I'm just not watching it anywhere near as much as I used to, if that makes sense.


I ditched Sky about a year ago, so haven't watched Raw or Smackdown in all that time. I used to watch Smackdown religiously every week, until they ended the brand split and Raw became the focus for everything. Then Raw went to three hours, and no weekly show should ever be three hours long. I do have the Network and watch NXT a lot, plus all the PPVs. I don't have the time to watch other stuff, although I have really enjoyed the bits of Lucha Underground that I have seen.


I still check wrestling news websites every morning and evening, get friends round for the PPV, I'm trying to get my eldest daughter to like it, so my interest is still there, and in terms of actual wrestling, WWE is as good as it's ever been (Seth Rollins especially at the moment, I can't remember seeing anyone on anything like the form he's on at the moment) in a long time.


I did give it up entirely in the mid 90s, but that was more because wrestling wasn't cool and the one kid who did openly like wrestling at school got bullied to hell (he did turn up in a Hulk Hogan coat, though), kept a vague eye on what was happening,  I was at Uni for the Attitude era but still watched whenever I could (I loved that Channel 4 had Heat and PPVs), and then got drawn back in around 2004/2005.


I honestly cannot see a day or time when I won't have any interest in wrestling at all.

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Funny how often Royal Rumble and SummerSlam 1992 comes up on here and we casually discuss those great memories. And yet we have people who were only born that year. And, want to be scared shitles? They're now in their motherfucking twenties.




What makes me feel old is remembering watching the like of Mr Perfect, IRS, Jim Neidhart wrestling, and now seeing their kids doing it...

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