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What Do You Want to Do?


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OK, you know how I'm a neurotic whiny little fuckwit right?


Stop nodding.


Well, recently a girl I was friends with but always thought there might be more to it has moved in with her boyfriend and is probably engaged or pregnant or something, I don't know I avoid facebook and deleted the picture update my e-mail gets before I had a chance to add to my misery, but I assume it's the case.


Anyway this isn't about her or that. Another thing I feel awful about is discovering Linkara (Internet Comic reviewer) is 26. A whole year younger than me. I can't tell you why I find that depressing, I just do.


Anyway, as I said earlier you know how I'm a neurotic whiny little fuckwit? It got me thinking, 'What is it I what to do now?'


I know some of you were driven enough and talented enough to become whatever you want, I'm sadly neither but there is one thing I want to do and please feel free to completely dismiss it.


I want to make youtube videos.


Little music videos at first and maybe try my luck with an internet sketch show. That is my big dream right now. It's sad and pathetic but I love watching That Guy With the Glasses and Roosterteeth and Blame Society, and I think I could do something along those lines.


Other than that, I want to find a girl and have a family. But I can't help but feel that it's futile for me. Oh and go to Japan next year.


How about you?

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I want to either run a haunted house, get paid for saying sarcastic things, or hand-build ironic pinball machines. True.


EDIT - to clarify. If I'm ever in the position to afford the outlay to get a lock-up somewhere, and the means to get there and back easily (publics transports or otherwise), I want to use that for some sort of hands-on enterprise, building artworks. Failing that, I want to say/so something creative online that makes people notice me).

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I want to write a full length animation script and get back onto the games journalism horse.

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I want to write movies. I mean, I've written screenplays, but I want to sell them and see them get made.


But I'm so far from LA, I might as well be at the bottom of a well shoving them right up my arse.


And this is the only thing I want to do. I never gave a shit about having a family or whatnot, I just wanted to write and create stuff.

I want to write movies. I mean, I've written screenplays, but I want to sell them and see them get made.


But I'm so far from LA, I might as well be at the bottom of a well shoving them right up my arse.

Have you ever done anything with them? Sent them to any competitions, production companies, readers, BBC etc? 99% of those things are probably useless/fruitless, but if it's any good, Writersroom would at the very least give you feedback on it, and in a best case scenario, you could get an agent or development talks via them.

  • Moderators
Have you ever done anything with them? Sent them to any competitions, production companies, readers, BBC etc? 99% of those things are probably useless/fruitless, but if it's any good, Writersroom would at the very least give you feedback on it, and in a best case scenario, you could get an agent or development talks via them.


I only really knuckled down on the screenwriting recently after wasting spending all those years on books and trying and failing to get a foothold that way. I quarter-finalled in a big screenwriting contest a few years ago with a script that seems fucking dreadful now, and then concentrated on books, but nothing I've written since is a good fit with British agents, just setting and budget-wise and whatnot. There's been a ton of spec sales from the Blacklist lately, but I'm at the point financially where I can't really afford to do anything with any scripts anyway, as all contests are pay-to-enter, and you kinda need to reg your script with the WGA beforehand etc. A few UKFFers did have a read of a wrestling-set one.

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First off, I love this thread already. I am absolutely all over it. I must sleep now but I'm going to back to this thread tomorrow.



Secondly Astro - I know someone very well who has a film finance company. Always more than happy to look at screenplays. And they have some very, very, very good contacts. If you ever want to do anything with anything you've written I'd be more than happy to be the middle man. I once asked you about any screenplays you'd written and one of them sounded fascinating. I'd love that shit to happen. Also , I've long felt you'd do great having you're own animated sketch show. Literally just a show full of short animated sketches. You've done comic strip style stuff before in a similar vein and I think a bunch of the short stories from Frantic Planet lend themselves to the idea nicely too. You should look to YouTube it or something.


I want to be a Stand Up Comedian as a full time job. I already get paid to do it but I don't have the bravery to take the plunge and quit the day job.


The idea of just scraping by and living in one room in a shared house in a shit area of London just doesn't appeal to me.


For now I'd rather keep my day job and the relative comfort it provides. Although I have to admit waking up at 7am everyday after not getting home until gone 1am is quickly losing its appeal.

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I want to teach History to A-Level students.


I'm teaching English to 11-16 year olds so I'm sort of getting there?

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I always hoped in the back of my mind that I'd be able to promote comedy full time. Given that the circuit is on it's arse with full time clubs shutting their doors it'd about as sensible as investing my time & money into a video shop.

I always hoped in the back of my mind that I'd be able to promote comedy full time. Given that the circuit is on it's arse with full time clubs shutting their doors it'd about as sensible as investing my time & money into a video shop.


Spot on mate. At the minute there's not even a circuit to break on to.


I trained pro-wrestling in my early twenties, before (stupidly) sacking it off to do MMA full time because there was a few quid in doing amateur and semi-pro fights. Now my leg is healed, I want to actually start wrestling again and getting on shows. I'm 26 now, and in pretty good shape, so I'm not exactly past it. It's still possible.


I do beat up on myself a little bit for packing up on a dream for the sake of a bit of pocket money.


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