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Smackdown Discussion Thread

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Think its just a case of so many PPVs over the last few weeks, personally im really looking forward to the show, SmackDown is by far my favourite show since the brand split and theres some real potential for some decent stuff on this show.


Itll be an entertaining 2 and a half hours if nothing else

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Well thats shit. I hate when the main title match doesnt main event the show...its a strange tactic by basically saying watch the first match and then thats it. Unless theyre planning a big angle in the match to keep people tuned in

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Curt Hawkins getting battered by Goldberg in the main event will do nicely. Curt Hawkins getting battered by Kane in the second match is much more likely.


At least with the triple threat going on first you'd imagine Styles will win. They surely won't give Cena his record-equalling title win whilst jerking the curtain.

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I don't understand the thinking behind putting it first. The PPV business is more or less dead in WWE and the Network works as an on demand service so they aren't losing money or potential viewers based on a more popular option on a different channel. People that want to watch both can watch the debate live and then go onto the Network. That being said it's better for the rest of us in a way as the title match is almost the only thing on the show i'm looking forward to. That and the possibility of Dolph Ziggler retiring. However if he doesn't lose and go away for a while i'll be very disappointed.

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I don't understand the thinking behind putting it first. The PPV business is more or less dead in WWE and the Network works as an on demand service so they aren't losing money or potential viewers based on a more popular option on a different channel. People that want to watch both can watch the debate live and then go onto the Network. That being said it's better for the rest of us in a way as the title match is almost the only thing on the show i'm looking forward to. That and the possibility of Dolph Ziggler retiring. However if he doesn't lose and go away for a while i'll be very disappointed.

The social media business is also a very large percentage of cross over, most people with the WWE network will have WWE Facebook, twitter and YouTube updates on their phones and probably want to watch the match live and don't want spoilers hurting it.

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Decent show this week, enjoyed the Miz/Ziggler segment and hope Spirit Squad come into the tag division now, they'd be perfect for it and I believe Heath & Rhyno coming out for the save indicates they'll stick around.

Quite impressed with not only Carmella but Naomi as well just being a good, fun babyface.

Well impressed by that creative finish to the Gable/Uso match, never seen that before. 

That Ellsworth match was a lot of fun, though that Styles Clash looked pretty nasty. Be pretty shit if something drastic happened while he worked and we're all like "haha, he has a funny chin"


Survivor Series not sounding great if we're getting 3 Team Raw vs Smackdown matches. I mean, there's people on either respective roster who I'd like to see mix it up with each other, but not for BLUE vs RED please

Hype Bros and Ascension getting TV time but no sign of BreezeAngo - for shame


Main event not up to much but I do hope this "WHERE'S KANE!!" thing is going somewhere. Anything for the Wyatts other than vague assed spooky promos and losing is a positive

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I tuned in while the AJ Styles match was on and I just couldn't get away from how awful the commentary was. All three guys shouting over each other, as well as generally just being idiotic towards what was going on in the ring. I hope they're not like that through the whole show...

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Mauro is a corny motherfucka who I reckon believes his own hype a wee bit much as this supposedly amazing commentator. If he'd been with the company for 20 years, people would want him burned at the stake.

JBL is nonsensical and Thingy is white noise

It's pretty damn bad, one of the worst teams they've compiled but I do well to tune it out.

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Cracking show this week.


I'm sure the challenge for 5 on 5 Survivor Series matches from Smackdown to Raw will please everyone! Two challenges though, men and women. I'm not massive on the rivalry so far but I do like the idea of them trying to pick their best guys. This could lead to matches to prove you deserve to be in and feuds fueled by jealousy at not been selected. I say could because it won't. I'm assuming there'll still be World Title matches on the show but it'd be good if the main players were involved in this.


Styles/Ellsworth was a great segment. Match of the year contender. Superb work from all three guys involved. When Ambrose let go of Ellsworth on the ramp and he just collapsed, I LOL'd.


Ziggler's mic work was shockingly good again. Miz was great too. Big time opening that continues the brilliant work these two have done over the IC Title the last couple of months. No idea what they were trying to say was the justification for that handicap match. They seemed to be saying Dolph asked for it but his facials said otherwise. JBL with great thinking to cover Mauro's "Daniel Ziggler" flub. Mauro's "He killed Kenny" line off the superkick was fucking brilliant.


Usos continue to be great heels. Didn't like the gear of the one wrestling though. He looked like a guy playing wrestling at his local youth club. Would love it if they could drag this out to American Alpha taking the tag titles off the Usos at Mania.


Orton & Kane is an odd couple tag team I don't mind. That's really the best use of Kane these days. Fuck that finish though. Spookie wookie bollocks. Not even Luke Harper and his gloriously happy stupid face could save this shit.

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