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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The Dean Ambrose feud was my breaking point with Brock to be honest. Or rather this Suplex City era of Brock. I don't care if Brock doesn't give a fuck about wrestling as long as he's entertaining and the last year or so he's not been. He's been fucking boring.


We're never going to see him do anything else though, he's not going to change anything of his own accord, it's up to Vince to book him differently.

Edited by digforvictory
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That Raw was a right old dog's dinner. Next to nothing on it was decent.


Strowman and Zayn's bit was the best thing on the show however everything else was a total chore.


I usually start watching it about 4.45am on Tuesday mornings. This week I only got through about half the show before work. It was pants up to that point and I thought "Well, the second half probably won't be as bad, I'll not be as tired and the second half looks decent enough." It was even worse!


That Lesnar Segment was, as others have quite rightly stated, a shambles.


I could go on about each segment, but what would be the point. Such a comedown from last week's incredible ending.

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Enzo & Cass are just fantastic innit. Dana also a tremendous bitch this week.


The Lesnar segment was bloody rubbish. I know it's Brocks hometown but they could mention about Brock's adopted home and how he doesn't give a shit about this place anymore or something. Then they just gave up, it was absurd. Heyman talking on behalf of Lesnar for this segment was lame anyway Bill's already called out the fat little stooge

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Raw is just a total mess. It's so bloated and directionless top to bottom. Smackdown is usually never below average since this brand split came in to place and there has been some weeks where it has been very good.


I think how in the last month Smackdown has made James Ellsworth and Dolph Ziggler in to must see performers (even if it does end up being brief) and Raw has turned Seth Rollins and Kevin Owens in to fast forward material says it all really.

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Most of the time I don't know why they bother to fly Lesnar in for these appearances, it's the same old shit every time. I'm surprised the 'boring' chants didn't break out during Heyman's promo.  You could tell he was pissed off when the crowd didn't play ball with him.  I don't think they would get Brock to do his own promos as he would probably charge by the word.


Jericho's 'You just made the list' has become another victim of lazy writing. It's now no longer funny.


I thought Foley tried to push the danger of HIAC too much that it became laughable in the end. But Sasha looked fantastic in that white outfit so it wasn't all bad.


I enjoyed the Enzo & Cass segment more than I should've.  I like those two. 

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Yeah. Smackdown have AJ Styles, Cena (some weeks) and The Miz filling up the show, who usually always take their time and shine with it, while the likes of Dolph Ziggler have been surprisingly half decent with what they've been given.


Outside of a part-timer coming back (and as we seen this week, it's no guarantee of quality), Raw is the show with no stars and inferior talent.


Smackdown still has JBL though, which will always drag the life out of any show.

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I'm starting to think WWE don't have a clue these days. Did they try and get a weak Goldberg chant going knowing that they were in Lesnar's hometown of Minneapolis while Lesnar was in the ring for God's sake? Not even the greatest promo person in history Paul Heyman could save that segment. I sense WWE are going to do a number on Goldberg like they did with Sting (like a final f**k you to WCW). I could be wrong but I doubt it.


I think the bookers/writers are listening to podcasts and/or reading the dirt sheets. I heard one podcast recently with one guest (can't remember who, I listen to a lot of them) who mentioned how Mick Foley should do a promo warning Charlotte and Sasha of how dangerous Hell in a Cell is. And that's exactly what happened!


What a stupid finish to the main event. How does Rollins pinning both Jericho and Owens build their credibility as the top heels on the brand? Is Vince even watching right now or is his eye off the ball? Seriously, it's an awful show right now and I'm close to finishing watching. Might just watch Smackdown instead. And I'm not bothered about that either. Sod the brand split.

Edited by LCJ
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Are today's fans the worst ever or what? Ruin a guy's last match in the only time his kid ever sees him? Wow. I really hope not.

Why should fans care about any of that?



Because they're so belligerently desperate to pull back the curtain and make sure everyone knows they "get it" these days that they will shout "YOU DESERVE IT" when the biggest onscreen prick in the company who abuses them every week wins the title. They all care infinitely more about making sure they recognise the skill of the actor rather than the actions of his character. It's going to be a struggle, not because they disapprove of one wrestler's actions towards another, but because they probably can't figure out if Goldberg gave enough of his heart and soul to them to deserve a good send off or if he was pushed too hard and took from the business more than Brock did.


Great post, Arn. Goldberg cut an incredible promo last week that sold this thing brilliantly. You'd have to be a fucking mutant for not being invested. Sadly, they are the many.

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Sod the brand split.

Fuck you. If not for the split, this shite would be all over both shows. Thank heavens for small mercies.

Bit of an overreaction. The brand split hasn't exactly improved Raw though has it? Smackdown is a better show though in fairness. Can't help but think that WWE did away with the original brand split for a reason last time.

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The brand split has turned one dead format and one entirely missable puddle reflection of it into one dead format and one oddly endearing, quirky 90 minute watch.


Go brand split. Raw looks worse than ever which is great because this thread's the only entertaining thing about it and now I'm not even tempted to watch it and Smackdown's just weird. There's great stuff on it then other segments with some of the newer guys look as low key as a random episode of Superstars you'd catch on Sky One at 11 in the morning years ago. It's like the happy face of a product with serious illness at it's core. Like a really good hour of Raw from 95.

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