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Last night got me thinking, why has nobody done a jackhammer since Goldberg as far as I remember? Such a cool looking move. We've had loads of spears since and even the odd gore, but can't recall anyone else busting out the jackhammer


Not sure what I thought of the opening segment, really happy for women's cell match and that'll be the hook of the show for me, interaction with Rusev was a bit awkward. Sasha and Roman teaming up later on just adds fuel to the "Roman must turn" fire.


Foley and fucking Steph really didn't need to be out there to underline "yes....women!.....cell!". Just announce the ting you pair of cocks

Jericho saves everything he is in however.


Titus needs to go, sorry lad. Lost to Truth in a "this new gimmick.. thing isn't working" story. Whatever potential he had is obviously not there now. World's greatest dad can spend more time with his kids.

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What's the big deal with Goldberg's entrance music? I listened to his WCW and WWE ones right after each other, and if no one told me they were different themes I'd be unable to tell. Such minor changes, like a altered tempo or something? Why do so many get their knickers in a knot over it?


Unless, YouTube failed me and the versions are drastically different.

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Nah, it's quite noticeable the difference. Particularly if you've watched Goldberg for years boss things in WCW before he turned up with his remixed version. The WWE version is probably decent entrance music, but it always takes me out of the big Goldberg entrance because things aren't quite right.

So I assume nobody thinks we are getting a rubber match down the line?

If this match does silly business and isn't total rubbish, then you'd imagine they'll take notice. Well, you hope they are paying attention of the match being a rare draw. Right now, it just screams of a one shot gig to promote the game and help them maintain their winter subscription numbers.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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His WWE theme was proper shit, it didn't 'peak', the keys were all wrong to give him that 'FUCK YEAH' response from the crowd. His WCW theme was bloody perfect, in spite of it being whored around to jobbers before it was given to Goldberg.


The exact same can be said about Sting's theme. Just crap.

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Ahh thanks fellas. I had the right tracks after all, but the explanations helped, I didn't quite know what I was meant to be listening for before.


I like them both TBH, but I get why people prefer WCW's now. Not enough to make a song and dance about it, but still.


Be interesting to see what Goldberg looks like next week too. Looked okay in the 2K17 video, but it was a bit shadowy. Does he Just For Men the beard or go all Bad Santa with it?

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Bloody hell it's weekly crickets isn't it for these cruiserweights, not a single fuck being given. They are missing a trick with TJ and this gamer stuff, that Yellow Life bar that fills up on his titantron should be put up as the match is going on and each time he takes damage it should decrease, have some fun with it.

I quite like that idea.


It doesn't help the cruiserweights when they are only given 5 minutes (or three minutes with the tag match this week) to do their stuff, and very little focus is put on giving the audience an idea of who they are outside of a five second clip/promo before the match. The Perkins promo with Kendrick was poor as well; no one speaks how Perkins spoke in that promo.

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Be interesting to see what Goldberg looks like next week too. Looked okay in the 2K17 video, but it was a bit shadowy. Does he Just For Men the beard or go all Bad Santa with it?

I know this has been discussed before, but that is the likely end game with Lesnar? I assume that he beats Goldberg then fights Shane at the Rumble or Mania. Surely they are not stupid enough to have Shane beat him. Are we looking at Lesnar/Reigns again at Mania? Are we going to get Joe or Nakamura promoted to the main roster and get a rocket attached to them by beating Lesnar? Would WWE then be able to maintain the momentum a Nakamura or a Joe would have if they beat Lesnar (or would they just be back to 50/50 booking soon after)?

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