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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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The argument that only wrestling fans are bothered about ratings is fucking stupid. Big fans of all shows stateside are concerned with ratings because if they're not good, something you like is getting canned.


That's where my interest in Raw ratings comes from. Not only do they give a indication of whether something's successful but when they're consistently low, they give an indication that things aren't working. And from a fan's perspective, I'm interested to know if that's going to lead to big changes and speculate what they may be.

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Ratings annoy me because they don't include people who recorded or watched something On Demand which I'd say about half a viewing audience could now come from these days.


Especially if someone is watching their favourite NFL team, they're more likely to record RAW and watch it later.

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Of course it matters, it's very important. TV rights is one of the big 3 revenue drivers for the company, just purely from that point of view how can you say it does not matter, that is the WWE narrative that people like fucking Road Dogg or JBL or Adam Pearce want you to believe on twitter when they deliver a 1.8 rating. It's bollocks, you can bet your bottom dollar it'd matter if there was an upswing and they went the other way.


In just over 2 years they renegotiate with NBC, taking to the table tumbling ratings and viewers tuning out by the hundreds of thousands, as well as not being able to hold viewership throughout the 3 hour show, all these questions are going to be thrown at WWE and what will the response be? So when NBC offer X amount less in TV money in 2 years of course it's bad, the last time they did a TV deal in 2014 the 3 years leading up to that they averaged 3.21 in 2011, 3.0 in 2012 and 3.01 in 2013, what will they be able to offer this time around, I reckon this fall will see an all time low rating, last year was flirting around that mark and with fewer stars on Raw and absolutely senseless booking including no clear fucking babyface on the flagship show it's a lock in for me that we see 1.5 or something.


WWE pushed the product as "DVR Proof" and must see live TV, essentially comparing it to sports programming, the NFL draw 15-20 million viewers, Baseball is a lot higher.


Also, I don't buy the streaming or on demand argument, the Hulu deal existed 2 years ago, Youtube existed 2 years ao, as did Facebook, Instagram and any other social media outlet, the product is driving fans away it's as simple as that.

Edited by Ambulance Chaser
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I never hear fans of any other tv show discussing the ratings of them. It's an odd hangover from Monday not wars thats no longer relevant. You get fans of soaps who are interested in who's shagging who, or who's contract is up, but never breaking it down to how many people switch over when Robbie gave wellard a bath

Wrestling, as much as it is a TV show, is about promoting. It's a business where fake matches and storylines are created and promoted with the goal being drawing money, which in this day and age is primarily two things, TV revenue and Network Subs. You'd be better comparing it to Boxing or MMA where PPV numbers are routinely a huge topic of conversation.


If you're only interested in the surface level "who is shagging who" within the TV narrative, that's fine too - but this board would probably cease to exist if that's all there was to talk about.


Ratings annoy me because they don't include people who recorded or watched something On Demand which I'd say about half a viewing audience could now come from these days.



Those numbers are there (the live figures even include upto 3 hours DVR/time shift viewing) but they are admittedly hard to find. As an average, each hour of Raw tends to do numbers in the 300,000's as DVR views by the end of the week. So it's hardly half.


Source: http://www.pwtorch.com/site/dvrtable/#KfSi42HbygzHYFRP.99


I don't disagree entirely though, the rating system is increasingly outdated - you can probably even factor in Youtube views, individual segments can do from a couple of thousand to a Million views - although those numbers are worldwide.


The likes of Watchwrestling probably factor in too. Raw can do a few hundred thousand clicks just on there some weeks.

Edited by Benno
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What about the Smackdown ratings? Have they gone up at all since its gone to Smackdown Live?

Yes, Shane McMahon said so on the PPV!


They're irrelevant though. Look at the graph. Raw's fallen massively all year and the numbers were only average to start with.

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Smackdown certainly was fairing better (until a low rating last week) so that's an argument in favour of the split. It's possible that Smackdown could even win this week. They do tend to mirror each other though. Here's a lovely graph as of 2 weeks ago.







And here's their usual difference in ratings as a percentage. The draft was 19th July and there's a clear narrowing of the gap.







My take on it is the brand split gave them a short term boost in interest but in the medium term the weaker rosters are going to hurt them. Long term you'd think they'd be able to use the time to make new stars but I don't think anyone would bet on it.


Overall though, the problem probably is just there's such a thing as too much fucking wrestling.

Edited by Benno
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Below is the audience for RAW against the Monday Night Football season-opener for every year since 2012, when the show went to three hours. The number in parenthesis indicates the increase or decline from the prior year. The fall from 2015 to 2016 was the largest yet:

2012: 4.136 million viewers
2013: 3.886 million viewers (-6%)
2014: 3.987 million viewers (+2.6%)
2015: 3.397 million viewers (-14.8%)
2016: 2.69 million viewers (-20.81%)

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In addition to all the other arguments people have given about why ratings are worthy for discussion wrestling is also much, much more flexible and unpredictable in it's creative direction than anything else out there. Only soaps come close. Unlike Game Of Thrones or the Walking Dead which will take a full season and production cycle to distil what aspects of the writing - if any - affected the ratings you're talking about a medium which can more or less change it's main character and uproot it's entire narrative in 7 days if it wants to. With social media it can do some of it in 7 minutes.


These kind of changes can be caused by ratings and can have fallout in the form of ratings, causing even more change which as fans we want to follow and understand. Admittedly it is less dynamic these days and the WWE sort of just chugs along for the most part but still.


Bizarre to question why people give a shit about it.

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Still nothing in any of that that makes me care too much about what the shows do. One Way or another wwe will always be on tv, not an aspect of the company I measure into my enjoyment of a show. Each to their own though

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