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How many great matches does Roman Reigns have to have before the fans stop booing him ? Personally I think he's class and one of the best wrestlers in the company at the minute.


Womens stuff was great, I'm glad they didn't blow their load on Sasha vs Bayley this early on. Everyone looked good and there's plenty to look forward to in the future.

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How many great matches does Roman Reigns have to have before the fans stop booing him ? Personally I think he's class and one of the best wrestlers in the company at the minute.



It's beyond a joke now. The fans are truly embarrassing themselves. Fair enough boo because he was 'The Chosen One' and they wanted to rebel against that but the "You Can't Wrestle" chants are a disgrace. After being boo'd at winning the Royal Rumble he replied with an excellent match with Lesnar at Mania and has been consistent ever since.


They do need to change some things about his character and look now though. Still in The Shield gear is pretty lazy stuff.

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I liked how they stopped him coming out through the crowd just in time for Mania, it would've been chaos trying to usher him through that crowd. Mania 31 was bad enough. But yeah, he's delivered in more or less every match he's had to, even when they took him off the boil for a bit, he still had good bouts with Big Show(!) and Wyatt. Since then, he's knocked every main event out of the park. I'm a fan of Ambrose but there's just no comparison between those two when it comes to match consistency. Roman has the style down to a tee

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They nee to turn him. It's that simple. Booing him is just a thing to do now. It's obvious he's good at this wrestling stuff, he's not cutting Cena promos, he's not being pushed massively, etc, etc. And he still gets booed because it's now a thing.


He needs to turn and use that as motivation for murdering fools.

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Sasha's shoulders were down too on the pin to Bayley.

I figured they might use that as an excuse to have a triple threat match at COC.

Yeah I thought that, seems that it was a cock-up then rather than planned. It looks as though she stumbled over Dana. Blatant double pin though.


Dana has such small, stumpy legs. I can't unsee them. They're so disproportionate.

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Zayn was surprisingly good on the mic during the highlight reel, thought the whole thing was a great little angle. Owen's promo on Rollins was very good too, loved the bit where Foley stepped in that suggested Owens went too far. Nice touch.


Everything else was fairly dull, still don't understand why they're persevering with the most nonthreatening and boring woman alive, Nia Jax.

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This was the best Nia has looked on Raw, not that that says a huge amount. The dragging Fox by her hair into the barricade over again was good, as was the spear. It's gonna be slim pickings for her until she can have a programme with a Sasha or Bayley who can actually carry her to a good match though. The roster split at a bad time for her.

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Foley is making me cringe so much. Is it just me or what, just everything feels really forced, the opening segment I swear I could see his semi on the old creep, then the really weird way he channels old Mick and goes into passionate ECW anti hardcore mode for no real reason, then he strolls in to break up this shitty argument between Owens and Rollins and literally acts like a teacher telling 2 ruffians to go there separate ways. It's all just weird and it's distracting me. 

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I'll tolerate Foley at the moment, both him and Bryan have had their drawbacks in their roles but I do think respected babyface GMs is the way to go right now. Fuck that dude's suggestion of Laurinaitis 

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Foley's too serious. They seem to forget the reason he was such as hit last time as an authority figure was down to him being some much needed light-hearted relief. Of course, WWE comedy can be genuinely abysmal, so no guarantee he'll be any better.


Anyway, I think the GM thing is proper old hat.

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I think it being 2000 or whatever helped his last GM run more than anything



They'll insist on the GM stuff though so I reckon this is the best we're gonna get.

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