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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Have to say AJ's heel turn this week caught me off guard. Makes a change because you normally see stuff like this coming a mile off. Loved how Styles kept running back to the ring to batter Cena. Great stuff.  MITB is looking very good.

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The only thing that put me off about it was how much shouting about "thats the AJ we love", it just seemed a bit odd. 


Are we thinking that its going to be set up as an elaborate plot or that Anderson and Gallows words about AJ being a kiss arse, got to him to the point he snapped and went after Cena, hence consistently coming back for more shots?

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Tama Tonga and Bad Luck Fale (and Rocky Romero) were reported to have offers on the table but chose New Japan. I think Jeff Jarrett and Scott D'Amore might be the only "members" WWE could get until the Bucks contracts run out in January. Sign them up.


Vince hates Jeff Jarrett and made it clear when he bought WCW. But the expansion of The Club would be interesting.

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Vince hates a lot of people but he works it out if he thinks he can make money.


AJ & Gallows & Anderson aren't big talkers but Jeff can talk well and they maybe use it as a way of bringing in former TNA guys, Roode, Aries Joe etc. They would probably build to a match with Triple H with Stephanie Vs Jarrett with Karen Jarrett

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Vince hates a lot of people but he works it out if he thinks he can make money.


AJ & Gallows & Anderson aren't big talkers but Jeff can talk well and they maybe use it as a way of bringing in former TNA guys, Roode, Aries Joe etc. They would probably build to a match with Triple H with Stephanie Vs Jarrett with Karen Jarrett

That sounds like the ultimate wrestling bad acid trip of 2003.


Jeff won't make them money. Nobody is going to start watching who isn't already watching because J-A-Double-Ha Ha has showed up. And they certainly wouldn't shove all the TNA guys together to even remotely hint at the idea that TNA was at any point anything more than the most nugatory quark floating around wrestlespace.

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Vince hates a lot of people but he works it out if he thinks he can make money.


AJ & Gallows & Anderson aren't big talkers but Jeff can talk well and they maybe use it as a way of bringing in former TNA guys, Roode, Aries Joe etc. They would probably build to a match with Triple H with Stephanie Vs Jarrett with Karen Jarrett

That sounds like the ultimate wrestling bad acid trip of 2003.


Jeff won't make them money. Nobody is going to start watching who isn't already watching because J-A-Double-Ha Ha has showed up. And they certainly wouldn't shove all the TNA guys together to even remotely hint at the idea that TNA was at any point anything more than the most nugatory quark floating around wrestlespace.

And copying an idea from Japan will the same people, besides the Young Bucks they got everybody that's any good under contract, I never said they would bring them all in together but Bobby Roode or Samoa Joe are going to make a bigger mark than Tama Tonga.


Almost nothing makes money in wrestling anymore and Triple H has faced everybody he should have wrestled, him Vs Jarrett along with a bunch of other matches will draw the same amount as him Vs Shane were Shane has to jump of titantron or some shit to make the match memorable, at least Jarrett could put on a decent match, without taking some ridiculous bump.

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No, he's not. I'd like to see Jarrett back. He's a solid hand, and, most importantly, a really good heel - he won't ever be cheered for being too cool, and he's great at pissing people off on the mike.

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It wouldn't be a full time gig unless they wanted him helping backstage, he would be a mouthpiece for The Bullet Club or whatever they are called, it's not Japan where you don't have to cut loads of promos, he would basically be the manager, who wrestled every now and then.

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