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Sheamus was excellent in his attack on Apollo Crews.  It's a massive shame he's so overexposed and suffers from the faced-everyone-a-million-times because he's one of the better guys on the roster when he's got something interesting to do.  I'd love to see him against Lesnar.

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Cesaro is a face though.

His work is the same regardless.


In fairness to a lot of the guys, WWE doesn't help them be great heels with the apparent limits on cheating. They need to bring that back. A lot of guys need to tone down their flashy moves too.

I didn't realise there was some kind of limit on cheating. I always think how heels should be doing simple things in a mischievous way like grabbing by hair, nose, run face along ropes, strangling. Obviously if that's done all the time, it's going to be formulaic and you'll get bored of seeing it but you don't see it much now.


The other seemingly lost art is just performing moves in a heelish manner. Reigns is one of the few who moves about like a heel, has the intensity in his attacks, and does his moves in a cold way rather than with fire when they're after a heel reaction. And he's a face.


Definitely agree with Owens, though it's not limited to him, and it has been toned down since those ludicrous Cena matches where he's flipping about all over the shop. I'm all up for being vocal and having a go at your opponent in the ring, but I don't feel he's a dick when he does that either.

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Apparently Owens worked a match on Superstars or Main Event as a heel recently. I didn't see it and I don't even remember who it was against, but the bloke who wrote the review said it was very well done. I think it might have been when they were over here, or one week either side of that.

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I've no problems with Owens having flashy moves. He is what he is. He just wants to win. And he considers himself to be better than everyone else so he goes out there and shows it. His personality is what gets him over as a heel. Just so happens people enjoy his heel act rather than get bored of it like Rollins/Authority etc.

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That standing moonsault Crews done on to Jericho's... hand from the ring apron to the outside. Somebody needs to tell him to never, ever do that again. If he had my family I wouldn't sell that for him. 

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Cesaro is a face though.

His work is the same regardless.


In fairness to a lot of the guys, WWE doesn't help them be great heels with the apparent limits on cheating. They need to bring that back. A lot of guys need to tone down their flashy moves too.


I didn't realise there was some kind of limit on cheating. I always think how heels should be doing simple things in a mischievous way like grabbing by hair, nose, run face along ropes, strangling. Obviously if that's done all the time, it's going to be formulaic and you'll get bored of seeing it but you don't see it much now.


Big Show mentioned it on his Stone Cold podcast. It's apparently that they don't want referees looking stupid so they've stopped a lot of it. I can see their point in some ways. Like the old hokey grab-the-rope-in-an-abdominal-stretch spot. Where the ref would wander around to check the heel wasn't cheating, ignore the shaking rope and then return himself to his blind spot for it to continue. But really, it's just a lack of imagination.


I have noticed the low blow is back with a vengeance recently.

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I'm hoping this AJ/Gallows/Anderson stuff is a swerve that'll eventually lead to a heel turn for AJ. I don't really see the point of bringing these guys in together if you're not going to give them a good run as a group. I like Anderson and Gallows but I worry they'll get lost in the shuffle without a strong, main event calibre leader type to front them. Balor could be that guy perhaps but he strikes me more as Intercontinental-tier, for now at least.

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I've never watched any of their Japan stuff and was more than happy to hop aboard the Bullet Club bandwagon but they look like absolute scrubs. 'The Club' is a terrible name for a faction that even on television seems to only exist in theory. Just do it or don't. About four seconds after it became apparent they wouldn't be the all-posing, cool shirt wearing, gun toting Bullet Club of Eastern mythos I lost all interest.


WHY have they their initials printed on their ring gear as a hashtag? It just looks like the Social Outcasts have gone out and downloaded themselves a pair of Bull Buchanans from the PlayStation Store to give them back up.

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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I think their gear is great when they've got the jackets on. Agree with the points a few pages back that Gallows ring gear isn't great.


I'm still prepared to wait and see with this because they've done nothing beyond making references to "The Club" the three were part off in Japan as a way to introduce Anderson & Gallows. So far they've been booked strong over the Usos and the stuff with AJ has been intriguing and still is.


I think it leads to Balor coming in and them re-branding him, Gallows and Anderson into a faction to feud with Styles which will be fine. The Styles split might be a swerve leading to them formalising that faction which will also be fine.


If they ever cement the name "The Club" then it becomes a problem because that's a LOLTNA thing to do.

Edited by tiger_rick
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If they ever cement the name "The Club" then it becomes a problem because that's a LOLTNA thing to do.

It reminds me of 'The Band' in TNA, when they had the nWo sans name during the Monday Night Wars mkII days.

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Apparently Owens worked a match on Superstars or Main Event as a heel recently. I didn't see it and I don't even remember who it was against, but the bloke who wrote the review said it was very well done. I think it might have been when they were over here, or one week either side of that.

Main Event against Ziggler about a month ago. All he did was headlocks. For about 80% of a 15 minute match.

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