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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I dunno about anyone else, but my absolute favourite stuff to watch in wrestling is people standing about in suits talking about legal issues and contract regulations. Ideally for fucking ages and ages while the live crowd gets bored.


I almost felt sorry for Big Show when he was having Triple H repeat the "your match at Survivor Series is on" line over and over - and it was not even slightly having the desired effect of getting the crowd heated up and into the idea of the match. I mean... why on earth would anyone want that match? All the beef is between Show and Triple H. Besides, even if Show wins the title Randy will get his belt back somehow, just like the matches with Bryan.


I did like that Kane came out looking a bit like Aaron Pierce from 24 though...



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I wonder if the draw of being Survivor Series outweighs the draw of a Hell In A Cell match. If so, it would be funny/sad if Orton-Big Show winds up doing less than the final Orton-Bryan match, particularly as it'll be a couple more months of Orton on top before we find out.

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Are they trying to hide the Bella Cena is slipping it to's inflated chest by having her wear that white vest or what?bit odd they have them dressing differently after years of them always wearing the same gear.

I'd say it's because the whole "Twin Magic" deal they did was a heel move, and they're trying to move away from that association. I'd have changed their narcissistic theme song first, but that's just me.


I tuned into Raw about halfway through the show, in the middle of the 6 man tag. My two main takeaways:


* Goldust is incredible. By far the hardest worker on the roster not named John Cena. Loved the frenetic pace of that match.


*The final segment seemed to last 3 hours in itself. Mildly intrigued by suited up Kane, as at least they're moving in a different direction to the last time Kane un-masked ("YOU WILL FEEL MY PAIN!") Orton/Show does nothing for me. Big Show is getting great reactions from crowds, but I can't remember the last time the WWE Champ was such a non-entity. The feud is with HHH, who is at least a few months from wrestling again.

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"How can you trust Kane after everything he's done to you and your family"? What the fuck has Kane done to Triple H? Triple H has done all sorts to this poor cunt dating back to 99 when Chyna broke his heart, to getting X-Pac to turn on him, to when Tori broke his heart, to when he dug up and shagged Katie Vick. He's burned him with a bazooka, nicked his mask, hit him with sledgehammers. This poor bastard has been ran through the mill by Triple H. Fuck that. HHH owes Kane one I reckon.


Speaking of which, this is the best thing ever.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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"How can you trust Kane after everything he's done to you and your family"? What the fuck has Kane done to Triple H? Triple H has done all sorts to this poor cunt dating back to 99 when Chyna broke his heart, to getting X-Pac to turn on him, to when Tori broke his heart, to when he dug up and shagged Katie Vick. He's burned him with a bazooka, nicked his mask, hit him with sledgehammers. This poor bastard has been ran through the mill by Triple H. Fuck that. HHH owes Kane one I reckon.


Speaking of which, this is the best thing ever.

The one thing that stands out in my mind is when he raised Stephanie above his head next to the edge of a railing at the top of a set of stairs in the run up to Triple H's WrestleMania X-Seven match with 'Taker. I'm sure Kane has deft pair of mits on him but it always struck me as incredibly hazardous and I almost felt vertigo watching it. Like you say it's nothing compared to what Helmsley's done to him though [The McMahon Helmsley faction used to call him a retard constantly when that was very much allowed and in fashion for about a year].


I'm really giddy for his new role, though. It could be WrestleCrap and maybe I shouldn't be anticipating it in this annoying ~ironic "so bad it's good" kind of way but with a character like Kane you just don't know, do you? The guy's been through the ringer creative wise so much that any new character could literally mean anything for him. It could be the greatest thing ever or the worse. It probably won't help his career but almost definitely won't kill it either.


I love the idea of him using Twitter. I hope he is vocal in his new role, giving seminars to the board of directors on how maybe an inferno match would be a decent idea. If he stays quiet he just kind of reminds me a bit of The Wall.

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In the main event on Raw, was there a fuck-up with The Shield's music? Did it kick in about ten minutes before it was meant to?


at least they're moving in a different direction to the last time Kane un-masked ("YOU WILL FEEL MY PAIN!")

That's the main thing for me. It's automatically better than Kane's last fifty or sixty heel turns, which are always the exact same thing. "I'm a monster! Hate! Hate!"

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In the main event on Raw, was there a fuck-up with The Shield's music? Did it kick in about ten minutes before it was meant to?


at least they're moving in a different direction to the last time Kane un-masked ("YOU WILL FEEL MY PAIN!")

That's the main thing for me. It's automatically better than Kane's last fifty or sixty heel turns, which are always the exact same thing. "I'm a monster! Hate! Hate!"

Looks like the ad break wasn't meant to happen :


Major Production Error Happens On RAW During Commercial Break

Posted by Joseph Lee on 11.05.2013


Triple H and Stephanie had to scramble...


Those watching RAW last night (from Greenville, South Carolina) may have noticed an awkward commercial break that interrupted the final segment involving Big Show, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. Just as The Shield came down to the ring, The Big Show started asking Triple H why they were there, and was cut off by the production team.


The ring then went dark, indicating a commercial break. Triple H, who was visibly irritated, was given a production headset (with microphone) and he began to talk with the team in the back about what was happening. Everyone in and around the ring seemed confused. McMahon went over to the Big Show and talked to him about the situation, going back and forth between him and Triple H.


It's unknown what the exact issue was, but it appeared to throw everyone off. Once the show came back from commercial the segment continued as if nothing happened.


Credit: WrestlingRumors.net

Edited by Gay as FOOK
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Enjoyed Raw. I did get to a stage where i'd simply fast forward the matches and just watch the segments to keep up but ive gone through a steady period now where im watching it from beginning till end, as someone pointed out above the match quality on the shows is really good so its worth watching...i actually prefer the Raw format to a straight 3 hour PPV these days.


As was mentioned the 6 man was great, i didn't see the Smackdown one but this was quality stuff. I love wretling when it seems chaotic and out of control and that's what happened at the finish, shit was going off everywhere.


Oh, i'll drop my props in for Luke Harper as well, that dude plays the big lumbering redneck psychopath perfectly. His moveset and ring mannerism's fit his character down to a tee, i love the little looks to Bray for approval and that crazy shouting shit he does. Harper's the man.


Main event storyline is all abit weird for me. It's improved since the crying Big Show shit which for me was just intolerable but I still don't really give a toss about any of it.

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New drinking game: every time "The Authority" are mentioned on Raw, take a shot. I'd have been slaughtered by the end of the opening segment, and literally would have been dead by the end of the show. Again, neither Triple H and Steph are wrestling (although we'll likely see Hunter in the ring at Mania), but right now we have one more Raw before Survivor Series, and our card is Cena/Del Rio and Orton/Show.


Looks like a 6 on 6 Survivor Series match is happening at the PPV, that looks like all sorts of fun. Shield/Wyatts vs Punk/Bryan/Rhodes/Usos. Hopefully the next saga with the Authority (shot) doesn't overshadow it.


Truth pins Ryback and Heyman throws Ryback under the bus. Looks like the rumours are true and the big guy is fucked.


Cesaro looked good against Cena. I'm apparently the only person who enjoyed him as a singles star, but seriously, sticking Colter in there as his partner would have roughly the same contribution as Swagger. They tried to make Swagger "Kurt Angle lite", but he's more like "Charlie Haas lite".


Not a bad show, apart from The Authority (shot) mess and the entire authority figure situation. Well, that pervaded most of the show, so I guess Raw did veer into "bad" territory. But the wrestling was enjoyable and nice chaos with the show closing brawl.


Also, Big Show looks like a boss in his cut-off jacket and jeans, chokeslamming Orton through the table then going to have a pint. He's great.

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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No idea how it played out on TV, but live I thought this show was pretty rotten. Going to the Raw shows makes you appreciate the torture of sitting through all of those three hours, without skipping. The crowd was great until Kofi v Sandow happened, then it seemed like the longest time until we got some proper stars. Big E got a good reaction, which made me happy.


Big Show looked and acted like the great man that he is.


Some fans are utter bellends, though. I witnessed quite a few idiots berating kids for wearing Cena gear.

Edited by ColinBollocks
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Seemed like there was a lot of good stuff on the show, from a live perspective, but the three hour format means that you're gonna burn out eventually. The ending to the show was really got though, which is the most important thing, and I bet the Real Americans vs Cena was really good on TV too.


A loud "this is awesome" chant broke out during the divas tag on Superstars, which made me laugh nearly as much as Zeb ripping on Mr Bean. Though the latter was a total babyface move in my eyes.

Edited by Big Rob
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