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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I've always hated when men beat up women in wrestling. I wonder when the last time it happened on WWE TV?

I couldn't tell you because they had the face male get one over on the heel female without violence for a good while before and after the "hit women for heat" spell in the attitude era.

Or rather, the "hit women for a pop" era. The Dudleys powerbombing Trish through a table or Stone Cold stunning Stacy were meant to make you cheer them!

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It was accidental, I mean look at those tears! The poor bugger was devastated.


I think I've seen Big Show cry more than any other wrestler, come to think of it.

Ric Flair, surely? Big Show has probably done the most scripted crying, but there's no way he's shed more on-camera tears than the wreck of a man that is Naitch.

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It was accidental, I mean look at those tears! The poor bugger was devastated.


I think I've seen Big Show cry more than any other wrestler, come to think of it.

Ric Flair, surely? Big Show has probably done the most scripted crying, but there's no way he's shed more on-camera tears than the wreck of a man that is Naitch.

Yeah true, but as you say he's an absolute emotional wreck. I bet he'd cry if he opened a new box of Frosties and didn't get a Tony the Tiger bike reflector.

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