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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm just glad they've taken the belt off fucking Sheamus. It was much needed, and definitely the right decision.


I hope with Reigns now Champ they change things up a bit, don't have it carry on with the Authority stacking the deck against him and him being portrayed as the underdog. He should be the one with the upper hand now,less Daniel Bryan style booking and more Stone Cold style. 


Stephanie is the fucking worst character in the history of television though. She's unbearable. 

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They would have, but big muscly blokes slapping women about is abhorrent, even in fake gay wrestling.


I only caught the ending of the past two shows, seeing as everybody seems to be back on the Roman train. It's slightly amusing it has taken them about a year for them to finally realise what fans want from Reigns. Of course, next week Reign could be in tears and doing them jokes.


Interesting to see what they do on the road to 'Mania. They can have Triple H v Reigns for the title as soon as the Rumble and have the night end with Cena/Lesnar coming back to win the Royal Rumble. Or, of course, another bloody Sheamus match and maybe Triple H uses all his power to win the Rumble. Either way, Triple H v Roman Reigns has me excited for WWE again (or at least their segments). You've also got to wonder where Lesnar and Cena fit into all of this too.

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Do u think Trilpe H is going to win the Rumble. Makes sense to get him into the main event of WM with Reigns


That's the first thing I thought of when I read the results. It's clearly the big match they're building to, unless he gets the Trips feud done and dusted at the Rumble, with Brock maybe winning the Rumble and setting up a Mania rematch?

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Have him whip Sheamus at the RR, possible 8 man against the LON at FL and the Triple H at WM. U could hold the Lesnar match off till SS


Brainache. You kids need to hold off on abbreviating everything, FFS.

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But what would you do with Lesnar in that case? I know some places have reported rumours of Lesnar v Owens, but I'm not buying that for a second

Lesnar is a problem, but when you have a clear money match for Mania I think you need to go with that.

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