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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Am thinking The Wyatts are on the Corporate pay-roll.

I agree and HHH is "The Devil" Bray is speaking of.


Brain-washing Kane into doing Stephanie's bidding.

Would it not have made more sense for him to only attack the Miz at HIAC then and not attack the Wyatts?



As for Raw itself, most of the main points have been commented on.


Just want to add, Los Matadores vs. 3MB? AGAIN??? :sleeping:

I know there are only a few teams that Los Matadores can fight with their gimmick (including the new #1 contenders Real Americans who they beat), but having them fight 3MB twice every week is just really, really tedious to watch.

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I enjoyed the HBK-Bryan exchange, Shawn is brilliant as a nob and it was nice to see Bryan get a little bit of revenge out of all of his shortcomings of late. Bryan as a silent angry type could work for a bit until he has something to 'Yes!' about again and add a new layer to his character.


I'm so happy to see Punk on the screen with Heyman nowhere in sight. Ryback's probably off for a bit too, if he had any immediate plans of any importance then there was no need for him to get beat by Punk for a second night in a row.


It'll be a nice change to see the Wyaat family finally involved in something more important.


Oh, and Orton vs Big Show sounds boring. Their match at Extreme Rules was good but that was one of Orton's more inspired babyface efforts, this current dynamic doesn't sound too appetizing when it comes to a match between the two.

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Bryan's still a star. He managed to get the crowd to go along with a SHAWN MICHAELS heel turn and got cheered when he beat him up. Bryan can do no wrong, holding him down will probably do better for him in the long run, especially if he can cap it off with a big Mania win.


In other news, the whole show was fucking bizarro land. Sandow cashed in and lost, and the fact he's the 1st guy to cash in and complete lose was treat like it was nothing. Bray Wyatt kicked the shit out of the only 2 main eventer faces not called John Cena, The Shield teased breaking up, Kane dropped the mask and turned heel in a promo and the guys who lost to Los Matadores and got beat up by a midget afterwards beat the Tag Team Champions.


It's like someone's started an new EWR games and fucked off everything that might have been planned previously.

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I've just watched Raw. I thought it was really good.


John Cena was absolute gold. He was clearly having the time of his life being back out there opening the show, and him and Sandow pulled off a corker of a match.


Bryan and Michaels was the other highlight. I'd love it if they ended up fighting each other at WrestleMania. I doubt that's where it's going, but stranger things have happened.


Whatever's going on with Kane/Stephanie, and with Bray Wyatt attacking Bryan and Punk, has my attention. Is "Follow the Buzzards" finished?


I liked Ambrose being cocky and the little moment of upset with the other two. WWE have lazily relied on The Shield to save shows with pointless six-mans for too long. It's about time something shifted there. Reigns annihilating The Usos with a handicap spear was good.


Big Show is really good, and I'm interested in the lawsuit, but I'm not interested in a Big Show vs Randy Orton match. Big Show vs Triple H, maybe.


Reading that back, this feels like the most that's happened on a Raw in ages.

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Whatever's going on with Kane/Stephanie, and with Bray Wyatt attacking Bryan and Punk, has my attention. Is "Follow the Buzzards" finished?

Apparently, right now the match at Survivor Series is an 8 man with Bryan, Punk and two other people (Miz is one of them I imagine) vs. Bray, Harper, the ginger and Kane.


They seem to have went full on with the Wyatts. Sort of like when Ryback did nothing for months when he first started and the lack of anything happening was actually hurting him instead of getting him over, so they threw him into the main storylines to see if the fans would accept him as a top act. If they'd have debuted the Wyatts by attacking Punk or Bryan they would have been so over by now. Last night was by far the best they have came across.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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If you are a gimmick you are the most vulnerable. You can reboot characters. You can always go back to Kofi or The Miz because they are portrayed as real people. Wyatts act is the most fragile, because its a total gimmick. If you expose a gimmick, you're pretty much Vladimir Kozlov or The Great Khali. One minute you're a cult leader and the next they are shaving your beard off and El Torito is running headfirst into you. They better get it right with Bray Wyatt, because he's not going to be able to take to many more failures in his career. He's already been in developmental twice now.


Saying that once you get over, you can pretty much survive anything. Kane proves that. But Bray Wyatt isn't over to a significant level yet. People have been bored with him by the looks of things.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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As much I enjoyed the barminess of Raw, Survivor Series looks like it could be a right shambles. They've got loads of good players, so to speak, but they're all stuck out of position. It's like Iain Dowie's been given the keys to the castle.


Big Show/Orton; Cena/ADR; Wyatt's vs Punk/Bryan and possibly the Rhodes Boys/Real Americans all look shite on paper.


Paging Mr. Wig Splitter.... Paging Mr. Wig Splitter...

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I think if done right, Rhodes/Real Americans could steal the show. Cody and Goldust are arguably two of the most over and consistent guys on the roster, and the Real Americans have really been coming into their stride lately.

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