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rumour is that Seth Will have to wrestle twice Cena for the US belt then the stinger in the main event therefore my theory is the first match is a war then Sting nicks the belt over a warm down champion


Just a month long run nothing big just a nice little angle

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More likely Seth does open challenge to prove he's better than cena, then sting costs him the Match.

Edited by Louch
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The Divas Revolution is the shittest thing in years. It's made all the worse knowing that Nikki Bella and Paige were crying on social media about how disrespectful the Brooklyn crowd were. Fuck off girls, your angles and matches are absolutely awful. People aren't going to get on board with a supposed revolution just because you tell them to. You have to actually, you know, deliver. That god awful MizTV segment where they were all bitching at one another couldn't have been more removed from how awesome Bayley vs. Sasha was. It's night and day. The only difference between the Divas division now compared to beforehand is that their matches are slightly longer. Everything else is exactly as shit as it was previously and absolutely nobody on the writing team understands why it works so well in NXT.


Loved the Sting angle at the end, but I simply have no trust in Vince's obsession and insecurities over WCW. Sting will undoubtedly cut a bunch of promos specifically saying this has got nothing to do with WCW, but by the time of the match he'll likely be booked to lose and the commentators will be chuckling and harping on about how Sting may have been able to become WCW Champion, but this is WWE, where the real competition is, or whatever. "Ha! WWE wins again!"


New Day are the best thing in the company by far. Love them.


Returning Dudleys and debuting giant Wyatt member was great. It really felt like they were trying to make the post-Summerslam RAW a big deal similar to the one after Mania. Hopefully they do that every year.


But yeah, fuck the Divas Revolution.

Edited by Supremo
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No-one looks less like a wrestler than Cesaro. When the camera cut to the four babyfaces standing and watching he looked like an amatuer cyclist who'd happened upon a news crew on his Sunday morning ride.


He just looks so uncomfortable all of the time and he makes me uncomfortable watching. Shame because he is genuinely excellent once the bell rings.


Who would you say looks like a wrestler these days, out of curiosity?  While he talks like he's got a mouth full of marbles, I'd say he looks more like a wrestler than loads of others.


Orton, Cena, Sheamus, Reigns, Rusev, Ryback, Swagger, Big E, anyone in a mask...


Cesaro's just perculiar looking. And not a freak-show wrestling way, just perculiar. I think it's those long, really thin legs.


But yeah, fuck the Divas Revolution.

Amen. Absolute bag of wank. Edited by tiger_rick
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I can deal with the Divas revolution, as the division is the strongest its been in years, but the constant multi person matches are getting boring and just jumbled, the Divas are much more heard calling spots as well (I know its the mic's being so close but hearing the Bellas shout at Fox to tell Paige to come over here right before she knocks them both off the apron was a bit ridiculous that I picked up on it at 3am)


The angles, eh, there's a level of over scripting there. Its like they get what they're told to say, memorise it but then add nothing too it. Its not all dead in the water though, I wouldn't mind a league structure or a 8 person knock out for the next person to face Nikki, give a chance at some singles matches each week where they can all get a decent amount of work in.

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They should never have teamed the Divas up, it didn't need to happen.


I get Team Bella but the way the NXT girls were introduced on Raw and teamed with either Paige or Noami made little to no sense.


I also dislike the multi women matches, they come off looking a mess and very disjointed and no one woman gets enough in-ring time to impress at any rate.


I would rather see two single matches per Raw and the use of video packages explaining more about each woman on the roster and why we should care about them.

Edited by Brock Goldberg
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Lots of people have been excellent at pointing out the problems here, so don't need to say too much. But to make it even simpler: would the women in NXT have broken out the NXT pack without the great singles matches? No. They haven't had one here, the results will not be the same no matter what.


Crying on Twitter as if the fans owe you a great reaction fucks me off too. Especially Paige, who hasn't done anything as good as the Charlotte/Sasha/Bailey/Becky matches yet.

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Lots of people have been excellent at pointing out the problems here, so don't need to say too much. But to make it even simpler: would the women in NXT have broken out the NXT pack without the great singles matches? No. They haven't had one here, the results will not be the same no matter what.


Crying on Twitter as if the fans owe you a great reaction fucks me off too. Especially Paige, who hasn't done anything as good as the Charlotte/Sasha/Bailey/Becky matches yet.


Well said mate. The issue to me isn't that they were chanting, it was partly what they were chanting. "We are awesome" is the most pathetically cringe-worthy thing to chant as a fan. The "Boring" chant was just a vent of frustration.


The idea of having this Diva Revolution come about did turn heads but you can't just unlearn so many years of being used to the way things used to be without having something special happen. 3 new faces have appeared t shake it up, what looked initially as a way to make the others step up is actually just allowing the new faces to get watered down. It's a shame.


And Paige can fuck off. She is the biggest guilty party of the lot. Started well, it was different to what was about, then she turned shit, then she had the opportunity of a new lease of life with this revolution, she hasn't capitalised on it, and now she complains that the fans don't respect her for doing fuck all.

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People are under the illusion Paige was ever good. She started as a crap, pale AJ Lee knockoff, then transitioned into absolutely nothing of note with a horrible sense of entitlement.

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I enjoyed what she did in NXT, and when she got bumped up I did think it was a breathe of fresh air. If I remember right, she had an alright match with AJ too. Yep, then she went shit.


I wouldn't have said she was good, but there was something there that "could have been".  


... transitioned into absolutely nothing of note with a horrible sense of entitlement.


100% this.

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If I remember right, she had an alright match with AJ too.


Their match at SummerSlam last year I thought was pretty good. But then, emotional investment can affect judgement of a match, and I was heavily into it, because I like Paige. I really got into her off how good I thought her matches with Natalya and Emma were in NXT. I still think she's better than every main roster Diva before she got called up, but not as good as the company wants her to be. She'll look better for a one on one match with Sasha. Sasha's great.

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if Paige would fuck off, and we could have those 2 + Sasha and Bayley step up we could have something cool . Tamina should be the Bellas' muscle, I don't know what the fuck she's doing with Naomi besides being allergic to crowd reactions. Naomi's not bad, she can just be a roster member, not every woman on the mains has to be involved in your big storyline, she's just somebody who can have matches so we do get something different rather than constant variations on that 9 people. Paige can wrestle a bit so she can be around, but her on the mic all the time, her seemingly being the one they want to push as the face of the 'divas revolution' and they're just gradually ruining it because she's so obviously a rung below the newer women in every department. Becky Lynch on the mic is kind of weird, she carried herself okay, but the content of what she was saying might as well have been gibberish. Sasha should've been introduced as a face, she has the most range of any current woman and would easily adapt, rather than this tweener or whatever-the-fuck-its-supposed-to-be role.

But yeah, they've done far too much Saying and not nearly enough Doing. Even at Takeover, Steph fucked me off thinking she had to give that introduction to the womens title match and put it over as 'our first main event' with a smug look when there's no reason not to make it literally the last match of the night when Bayley and Sasha had that up their sleeves. It all just comes off as Steph covering her tracks from some AJ Lee comments a while back. Stop saying and start doing and we'll get somewhere.

Paige doesn't really have that much right to moan at the crowd, but it's worth noting the chants were "CM Punk", a mexican wave, a really short "JBL" chant and a "we are awesome". Cringeworthy stuff, what a bunch of complete and utter twats. What the hell's wrong with just saying "booorring"? Was cool the first couple of times you saw a wild crowd like that follow their intuitions but the rip-offs and the mini-tributes you've seen since can Fuck Right Off!


Best episode of Raw of the year though, probably even longer.. I was expecting Enzo & Cass and it's a bit disappointing they didn't make the step up after not being on Takeover main card, but the DUDZ...just an awesome moment, fucking hell and yeah I definitely strained my shoulder going mad for that one, gobsmacking stuff. I wanna see lil Spike as well so he can neutralize Xavier on PPV!

Stinger was awesome too. I suspected it was coming unlike the Dudleyz which were just utterly leftfield but that reveal was awesome.



- Lilian or whoever the ring announcer lass is, his name's Randy Orton...not OrTan. nearly as annoying as Justin Roberts' "JYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHN CEEEEEEEENAAAAAAAR"

- Stardust beating on Barrett who then swiftly slinked off was weird. I'd like to see them give Neville v Stardust some breathing time though, could be a great low-card fit and the vid packages have been on point.

- Random massive Wyatt was an alright moment. Weird to see someone come up who hasn't really been featured on NXt as far as I know. Bit of a nail in the coffin for Erick Rowan though when he gets back. He was already odd one out. Not sure who will side with Ambrose & Reigns if anyone does. Guy looked fairly green in-ring but I liked his take on the sleeper hold and he looks badass. Braun Strowman's an unusual name, he's a former strongman apparently. When the roster isn't full of average workers who happen to be huge, it actually has the desired effect when you do introduce one. Good stuff.

- Also whatever was going on with Owens, Rusev & Show was weird. Plus the faces then ganging up on Show.. I always groan when a 6/8 man tag is booked, but I do like seeing the put-together heel teams disintegrate. Wasn't sure what they were trying to get across this time though.

- Jon Stewart suuuucks, Jon Stewart suuuuucks. Jon Stewart SUUUUUCKS. Jon Stewart SUUUUCKS. chant that, bastards. Tolerable stuff with the putting over as Flair as the reason, but still can't get past it just destroying last night's match. He's still awkward though and I don't think I liked it til Cena FU'd him

- Bo Dallas' music hitting when Lesnar's n the ring. And him going back twice to add more punishment. Brilliant stuff. I wanna see them make more of Bo, it seems like he's in a 'occasionally gets destroyed by the stars' role but I'd really like to see him in midcard status, I wanna see him piss off Ryback I think.

- Nearly completely forgot about it cos of what happened after but Xavier Woods and the trombone needs to be a long-running thing. The funeral march during the finisher, absolute genius. They are so awesome. Dudleyz v New Day what a dream

Edited by sj5522
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WWE's use of Jon Stewart has been weird. He's a cultural icon who's just had a huge send-off from his show, but they've had him assist a heel. His career is built on his wit, incisiveness and ability to bring perspective, but they've made him look impulsive and unable to understand consequences. I can't help but think this was so that Vince could see, even in kayfabe, his top star slap about Jon Stewart, a satirist who mocks a lot of what Vince believes in.


I'm not saying that Stewart has been great, either, which he, sadly, hasn't

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