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Maxwell: He isn't turning heel unless there's a massive babyface to oppose him. Your scenario is suggesting that Reigns will be at Cena's level at the Royal Rumble in FOUR WEEKS!




Reigns who hasn't beaten anybody noteworthy.


Except for pinning Orton at one of the biggest PPV's



Edit: Then had to leave because he was injured, removing any kind of benefit the win against Orton gave him.

Edited by neil is brill
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Well my idea is to position Reigns as a massive babyface using this story. It also leaves Bryan in a pretty good spot after sending Lesnar packing at Mania.


The heel turn is like the streak in a lot of ways. No one really thinks it will happen, but if it does it needs to be used to make someone. I'm suggesting using both to strap the rocket to Reigns

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I understand that, positioning Reigns as the successor to Cena just isn't going to happen in such a short time frame. I'm not saying it can't happen at all, having him randomly beat Cena and Lesnar between now and Rumble just isn't the way to do it.


Have Reigns win the Rumble, then beat Lesnar at Mania as planned, Reigns then becomes the unstoppable. Infact, make him a white whale for Cena which forces Cena to finally turn.

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What's happened over the last half a decade is that they have rushed into pushing stars and putting the belt on guys like Swagger, Ziggler, Sheamus etc and not followed up in making them constant main event stars like they did in the years before with Lesnar, Orton, Cena and Batista. You look at Swagger now and never think of him holding a World title and Ziggler seems stuck in the mid card even though he's held the big one and I hope they don't mess it up with Reigns. With one World champion now and that man being Brock Lesnar it would be the huge win that would elevate Reings to the next level. The only thing is that the fans might shit on him especially at Mania despite being behind the guy less than 12 months earlier.

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You have to say the way they're building the current crop indicates they might've learned their lesson from hot-shotting the belt on a Swagger, Sheamus or Del Rio here and there and are reverting to something closer to how they built Cena and Orton (Batista to an extent too, but his was a real lightning in a bottle moment).


It's incredible to think that Seth Rollins hasn't been world champion yet, despite pretty much being one without a belt for months now. If this were a few years ago, he'd have won it a couple of times by now. Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt and Reigns have main-evented quite a few PPVs this year between them yet none have been champion. I think that's a smart move.

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The Authority are back because ratings are down and Vince cannot see that this is because the show is too long and often awful with or without the Authority and admitting that would be admitting he is ever wrong.


When you sign lucrative TV deals to provide a three hour show every week, going "I admit it's too long lol" isn't going to help you in any way, shape or form. So I don't know what your point is. Vince can't breach the contract with USA and the company can't afford to turn down money. He's already admitted that people don't sit and watch the whole show, he knows loads of it is shite.


So why do the same thing, again and again and again, and expect different results? You know what that's a sign of, don't you?


You could use the 3 hours in an utterly different way. Have some semi-squash matches so the top guys aren't fighting each other EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Do personality segments on the lesser guys to build them into top guys. Have the lesser guys fight good, long matches instead of the top guys, and save the top guys' long matches for PPV.


It's not that it's 3 hours - although it is, but I take your point that it's locked in - it's that those 3 hours are used very, very badly.

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The Authority are back because ratings are down and Vince cannot see that this is because the show is too long and often awful with or without the Authority and admitting that would be admitting he is ever wrong.


When you sign lucrative TV deals to provide a three hour show every week, going "I admit it's too long lol" isn't going to help you in any way, shape or form. So I don't know what your point is. Vince can't breach the contract with USA and the company can't afford to turn down money. He's already admitted that people don't sit and watch the whole show, he knows loads of it is shite.


So why do the same thing, again and again and again, and expect different results? You know what that's a sign of, don't you?


You could use the 3 hours in an utterly different way. Have some semi-squash matches so the top guys aren't fighting each other EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Do personality segments on the lesser guys to build them into top guys. Have the lesser guys fight good, long matches instead of the top guys, and save the top guys' long matches for PPV.


It's not that it's 3 hours - although it is, but I take your point that it's locked in - it's that those 3 hours are used very, very badly.


Before it went three hours, they used two hours just as badly which is Pitcos's point. It's like when people mention that it's PG. They forget that a) they like alsorts of wrestling that's PG in the past and b) WWE put on some awful shite for years before the PG move.


Do personality segments on the lesser guys to build them into top guys.

This is something we've been suggesting for years. They gave up on this stuff a long time ago. There are some theories as to why, such as the editing for foreign versions.


Have some semi-squash matches so the top guys aren't fighting each other EVERY SINGLE WEEK.

That would be shit and everyone would skip or fast forward. Squash matches suck unless it's Sid or Vader destroying someone.


Have the lesser guys fight good, long matches instead of the top guys, and save the top guys' long matches for PPV.

Do you not watch the shows? Overly long midcard hell is a regular feature. And 8 out of 10 times, it's a fucking rematch.
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So why do the same thing, again and again and again, and expect different results? You know what that's a sign of, don't you?


It's a sign of being a disgruntled wrestling viewer, apparently. Why watch the same thing, again and again and again, and be surprised each week that it hasn't turned into a for-jaded-Internet-fans-only show? There's lots wrong with Raw, generally boiling down to too long spent having matches and not enough time spent building matches. And in the month without The Authority, that problem seemed worse than ever. 

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I'm glad The Authority are back, as much as a like to see HOF'ers return to host the show it's kinda pointless them getting involved in the storylines when you know that they wont be back the following week. As far as a Cena heel turn goes I can't see it happening. Vince knows the kids think that the sun shines out of Cena'a arse. And plus with all of this Make A Wish stuff he does I don't think it will be worth it for the sake of a storyline. Like him or not I don't think WWE has ever had such a clean cut guy represent the company like Cena does. Also I think Vince gets a hard on over the fact that he can divide an audience like nobody else.

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John Cena's heel turn, if it ever happens, needs to be a shock moment. I wouldn't even hint at a turn coming, people have been waiting that long and teased so often that they won't give a shit about a 'will he, won't he' scenario.


Just read there that Edge & Christian have launched a 'multi-million dollar' lawsuit on WWE after Monday's RAW. Storyline of course but interesting where they go with it.

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So why do the same thing, again and again and again, and expect different results? You know what that's a sign of, don't you?


It's a sign of being a disgruntled wrestling viewer, apparently. Why watch the same thing, again and again and again, and be surprised each week that it hasn't turned into a for-jaded-Internet-fans-only show? There's lots wrong with Raw, generally boiling down to too long spent having matches and not enough time spent building matches. And in the month without The Authority, that problem seemed worse than ever. 


I don't think that's particularly fair. None of us actually believe we can change Raw for the better and anything we argue for or against is purely for argument's sake. I certainly don't want Raw to turn into a "for-jaded-internet-fans-only" show, I'd simply like it to be fun, consistent, and entertaining. And, currently, that doesn't happen very often.


If I'm being truthful, I do like watching car crash TV, and at least it's not boring. However, in that I'm not a typical fan and I will stick with something long after others have given up on it. The Authority missing wasn't the problem, and you and I both know that. It wasn't the lack of The Authority that hurt the last month, it was a lack of anything else put in their place, which sage minds warned off even before Survivor Series. All their return means is the same things we've seen for the last few months, only with a less whiny Rollins. That's a victory of sorts.

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I watched the early Raw's at 3 hours because I was off work and the Chatroom was pretty good at that point, however it's a slog and I much prefer 1 hour shows. I guess that's because I grew up with Superstars/Wrestling Challenge/Power Hour etc, rather than the 'main shows' and as a result it's a chore to sit through.

I've not watched a Raw other than segments of for two years or more, because it has little appeal, and that's a bad thing for your 'main' show. 

The hour recaps coming to Sky may help, but Linus's reviews are pretty much the main thing keeping me in the loop for PPV time. Even then away from the Big 4 I'm not watching lots as it's a chore.

It's not a fall out with wrestling as Lucha Underground and NXT are fresh and exciting and manage to do the hour with storylines that make sense, get people over and so on.


RAW has become a bloated horrible mess, for storylines. Ironically the bits I have seen, the actual wrestling has been the best it's been. Yet because it's rematch 24million no one cares.


Give people a reason to care. Focus on the whole roster to make them seem a big deal (much like Lucha) even if they are jobbers and give them stuff to work with, rather than autopilot and people would at least take interest again.  Occasional Tournaments for the IC Belt or whatever being the focus whilst the World Champion is 'missing' would at least give people a reason to watch. could make having a belt important again. There's no need to spunk 'everything' on Free TV though, especially when there is no competition and it's taking away from the Network, (which is mad in it's own right) Why sign up to watch A PPV match when you have already seen it a zillion times on 'free' TV... Booking 101 surely?


Mind you I'm probably out of date on that score

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I enjoyed this Raw with judicious use of FFWD.  I can't imagine watching a show like this live.  With ad breaks.


They found a shock way of bringing back the authority, and I'm glad they did as I miss my weekly dose of Steph.  How bored did Brock Lesnar look out there on stage at the end, though?  He really doesn't give a shit about all this any more.  I guess WM will be his last match, again.


I can't see a Cena heel turn this time round - if he didn't turn against The Rock, or Brock, I can't see him doing it until they have a properly established face for him to do it against.  Bryan or Ziggler aren't enough of a threat.


It feels like they're already taking their foot off the gas with Reigns, which is wise.  His time off has only served to emphasise his weaknesses, when you have his old compadre Rollins tearing it up.  Big Show will make a great colour guy some day, he did an excellent job in burying Reigns and pushing Rollins.


So, at the moment it looks like for Wrestlemania:


Lesnar v Bryan (Championship Match)


HHH v Sting



And then you've got Cena, Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Wyatt, Rusev, Ryback and Ziggler to pair off.  Will Orton be back?


Reigns v Rollins, or Reigns/Ambrose v Rollins/Show?  


Who's getting Cena - Rusev?  Is there enough time to build that match after the Rumble?  If Rusev is in the final 2 in the Rumble, that would help.


Ryback v Wyatt?  Ryback's promo was awful this week, but I suppose Wyatt could mess with his positivity if that's where they're going with him.  Pity, as I wanted Ryback front and centre with Lesnar.


It's certainly not locked down this year, but they've got plenty of options.

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