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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Cody Rhodes was by a million miles the best thing about Raw, better than the Big Show whose sad giant act has already gone on for a bit too long. Great back against the wall babyface performance and natural, well delivered promos. The pain and passion in his eyes made me want to cheer him more than Bryan and his new wwe face style dickishness. I hope they have something decent planned for him, he's shined in his new role in a way that Miz/Ziggler never will.


The other highlight was Ryback bowling it to the ring with his curly upper lip after Ambrose softened up Ziggler. Ryback is so fun at the moment, the crowd need to stop shitting on him.


Solid show mostly although the diva's bit was pure dogshit. The 'Natalya is good' thing looks like it's sadly a myth and, now that I think about it, the only time I've seen her and she's looked decent was against Sara Del Rey, which doesn't really count. AJ verses the Total Divas is an odd fucking mess, especially with AJ as the heel(?). I would dig it if they went the full hog and brought in Paige, Rebecca Knox and Death Rey herself to side with her and beat the shit out of them but that's not going to happen.


Didn't like the last segment much. The babyfaces being dead again isn't as much of a problem as is the execution of it being exactly the same. Mix it up a bit! Show/Bryan really didn't work and DB needs to look abit stronger if he's gonna spend the show closing on his arse.

Edited by Mr Butternut Squash
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Just watched RAW and I thought it was pretty good. I'm enjoying the McMahon/Helmsley Era V2 storyline, Bryan has been beaten down every week and if that continues it will annoy me but they're still establishing this storyline at the minute. I liked how a lot of the show was based around it too and they involved several people; Ziggler, Big Show, Rhodes etc. That's one of the things that was great about the Attitude Era, one big story that affects everyone.


Big Show being forced to work for The Corporation against his own will is a good, traditional wrestling storyline that I look forward to but I could've done without the crying. It gets a little cringeworthy now.

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Curtis Axel is the turd worst, isn't he?


I'm catching up on the last two Raws, as i've been away, and on last weeks episode when him and Heyman are going kendo crazy on Punk he is just...rubbish. He's so, so wooden. When he's just shouting at Punk 'I'M THE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION, HE'S THE PAUL HEYMAN, YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON, HUH? YOU LEARN YOUR LESSON' I could only think two things; why was he speaking in a language that can only be described as Japanglish, and why won't he just fuck off.


And, was that a 'boring' chant at the end of that segment?


But, yeah, he hasn't grown into his role at all. He's every bit as 'dark match' as he's ever been. Just rubbish. No charisma, no presence, wooden delivery, awful laugh. He needs to fuck the fuck off.

Edited by d-d-d-dAz
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Mark Henry's cleared to wrestle again.

Thank fuck for that. When they said he had a hamstring injury I was worried that he would be out for months. I hope that they work him into the current Big Show angle, it would be a shame if they just ignored the fact that Show and Menry were just about to become the best tag team in the world.

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I honestly don't know why the whole Show and Mark Henry as a babyface tag team has had me marking out like a mental about it for weeks. But it has. I'm actually very, very overexcited about the whole thing. To the extent I can't stop grinning like a loon and doing that weird "can't sit still" hand clenching when I think about it.

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Finally caught up with my Raw's (I've been running behind since before Summerslam). The last one had great moments (CM Punks promo, Daniel Bryan's first promo against Orton and HHH, Cody Rhodes.) and had some dire bullcrap, pretty much all from The Big Show. Stephanie wasn't very good, I get she was trying to be fake sincere and caring but walking up to someone and saying 'hey you're going to die soon, frowny face' was pretty crap.


Daniel Bryan I'm still firmly behind. But I'm guessing what will happen is Bryan will feud until the next ppv (unless he's killed at NOC) then Big Show (boo) then say Dolph Ziggler or Cody Rhodes then John Cena will be back and the angle will die at Wrestlemania.

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