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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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NIB, did you actually get abuse from people for trying to enjoy the show and for not acting like a nerd cunt like the rest of them prats?

Yeah, it didn't go beyond them calling us a couple of pricks, and calling me a poofter for chanting let's go Cena but it's still annoying. I'm glad my son isn't old enough to join us at the events yet because he doesn't deserve to have his night spoiled by idiots. Ah well, it's done. These Heelbook twats don't go to Smackdown because it's not cool, so tonight will hopefully have a nicer crowd.

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Will be a better crowd tonight, always is.  Smaller though.  The nobs only go to Raw.



Nah the Luke Harper thing wasn't played to the crowd. It probably could have almost saved the show if they'd done that out on the stage at the end.

We stayed until the end of the dark match, and honestly don't remember seeing the Harper thing on the tron. 



That's odd, seeing as there wasn't a dark match.

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Will be a better crowd tonight, always is.  Smaller though.  The nobs only go to Raw.




Nah the Luke Harper thing wasn't played to the crowd. It probably could have almost saved the show if they'd done that out on the stage at the end.


We stayed until the end of the dark match, and honestly don't remember seeing the Harper thing on the tron.


That's odd, seeing as there wasn't a dark match.

I think he means the "dark seg" with Cenas crew and Rollins' crew.


You're right about the crowd being less nob headish tonight for Smackdown. I got 4 free tickets off Jost Matthews for a Liverpool SD 3 years ago. Might be worth going down on the blag.

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NIB, did you actually get abuse from people for trying to enjoy the show and for not acting like a nerd cunt like the rest of them prats?

Yeah, it didn't go beyond them calling us a couple of pricks, and calling me a poofter for chanting let's go Cena but it's still annoying. I'm glad my son isn't old enough to join us at the events yet because he doesn't deserve to have his night spoiled by idiots. Ah well, it's done. These Heelbook twats don't go to Smackdown because it's not cool, so tonight will hopefully have a nicer crowd.


That's awful, sir! Fucking septic behaviour from those scrotes. Can't believe that!

I don't know how you held it together, but fair play to you. I'd have been page 7, top right hand column in the Mirror the next day for assualt.

Unreal! What gets into these people??? I really, genuinely am angry here!

Edited by Scott Malbranque
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I turned round to one of the pricks behind me that was screaming EC dub as loud as he could, stuck my finger in his face and told him to pack it in. He grovelled like a snivelling child and apologised profusely. I'm no hard man, but in general these people are insecure losers desperate for attention and won't cause you any harm if you tell them to fuck off. The odd one might be mental though I suppose.


Side note, what's happened recently with all these people dressing up? Not even as wrestling characters, just random stuff! Don't know if anyone checks on the f4w board but there's a thread about Mick Foley that's turned into a Noelle wankathon....anyway, there's loads of stuff about this stupid kid she's banging that goes to all the WWE events dressed as a clown. Dreadful. Point is, I saw seven clowns last night. Not together either. It's just 20% wrestling fans, 80% dick heads that want to be looked at and be best friends with Justin Gabriel.


I think I had a bad time last night :( Regal show was amazing though. Only a few dickheads in there.

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You know the answer already.  Dressing in the same outfit/costume for every TV taping is another form of stupid chanting.  It's people desperate for attention who want to be recognised by other fans and the wrestlers.  Regal was awesome...agree with you there.

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At the risk of sounding whipped, I was going to kick off but the Missus told me to just ignore it. These are our first 2 days to ourselves since becoming parents. So getting all stressed about it would've just put a downer on our break. It was a good day in general, we had fun so can't complain. Plus I didn't want to ruin my chances of a shag after the show.


I don't know what gets into these people though. Last November in Manchester we were sat in front of a group of twats who were quite loudly talking about how they could plot to murder Cena and get away with it. Fucking cretins!


Edit - Speaking of costumes. That Superman idiot was once again there, and for the millionth time he snatched the hat that Cena threw out. He's another cretin that needs a slap.

Edited by neil is brill
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Complaining about the crowd is getting really boring now. It seems every time they tape over here these threads just get clogged with people moaning. Did anyone honestly think this year would be different? Was anyone shocked by any of it?


At the end of the day if you are going to any event with a large amount of people, some of those people will be dicks. If your enjoyment is really that effected by other people just stop going. No point spending money if there's an extremely high chance you are just gonna be miserable all night

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