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Excuse me, because I've been away, but how did Cesaro NOT become part of the main events in New York?

Because he's spent the last thirty months proving himself to be completely devoid of any personality when it comes to a wrestling show, despite repeated attempts by WWE to try and do something with him. He's a Lance Storm, only he's had way more chances.

Edited by King Pitcos
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Excuse me, because I've been away, but how did Cesaro NOT become part of the main events in New York?

Because he's spent the last thirty months proving himself to be completely devoid of any personality when it comes to a wrestling show, despite repeated attempts by WWE to try and do something with him. He's a Lance Storm, only he's had way more chances.



Amen. He's fucking dull in and out of the ring.

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I can't but feel that had the Real Americans stayed together and became a babyface team it could have been good for all involved. They were good together, they could have a good second wind in them.

Edited by Sexy Dad
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- We noted before that there was talk of doing John Cena vs. Dean Ambrose on an upcoming RAW with the winner facing Seth Rollins in a Cell match at WWE Hell In a Cell. The loser would then face Randy Orton at the pay-per-view.


The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the current plan is for Hell In a Cell to start with Cena vs. Ambrose. The winner of that would main event the show with Rollins in the Cell and the loser would face Orton, also in the Cell.


WWE is expected to finalize Hell In a Cell plans this weekend and make an announcement on RAW.


Source: WrestlingObserver


Surely they're not going to Cena/Orton (assuming Ambrose gets the win) on PPV AGAIN!? after it died on its arse at the Rumble

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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At least Lance Storm found a way to embrace his boring personality and use it to his advantage to develop a heel character that effectively got under the skin of fans pretty much everywhere that he worked.


Cesaro's latest thing seems to be to wear a dressing gown to the ring, with a towel on his head. Looks awful.


I'm consistently amazed by the number of people asking why Cesaro isn't being pushed harder to be honest. I get that he's great in the ring, but on the mic he might be one of the worst I've ever seen in a major promotion.

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I bow to superior knowledge on Cesaro. Shame he can't be sent to another territory for a year or so. Shame on you, the march of time!


In other news, you'll be pleased to hear that the principal owners of the UKFF have decreed that you don't have to read my ramblings if you don't want to! And also that I'm off to watch the rest of Raw!

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At least Lance Storm found a way to embrace his boring personality and use it to his advantage to develop a heel character that effectively got under the skin of fans pretty much everywhere that he worked.


Cesaro's latest thing seems to be to wear a dressing gown to the ring, with a towel on his head. Looks awful.


I'm consistently amazed by the number of people asking why Cesaro isn't being pushed harder to be honest. I get that he's great in the ring, but on the mic he might be one of the worst I've ever seen in a major promotion.

Doesn’t WWE have or hire people who are specialised in basically getting a wrestlers personality across? Something I guess actors, musicians would use?


Someone who can give a wrestler a bit of confidence or belief in front of the mic, walking to the ring, in-ring confrontations and can work with them finding out how to connect with an audience and developing a personality etc?


I don’t know what the correct job role is....? Acting class teacher???

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Doesn’t WWE have or hire people who are specialised in basically getting a wrestlers personality across? Something I guess actors, musicians would use?


Someone who can give a wrestler a bit of confidence or belief in front of the mic, walking to the ring, in-ring confrontations and can work with them finding out how to connect with an audience and developing a personality etc?


I don’t know what the correct job role is....? Acting class teacher???



The answer to that is either yes, and those people haven't been able to get blood from a stone... Or no, and all the other wrestlers who do have personality haven't needed it. Either way, there's no point blaming the system for someone being a dull bastard when the same system produces plenty of wrestlers who aren't dull bastards. It's like blaming steroids for Chris Benoit.

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Yeah, yeah, I know. More bad jokes and bewilderment.

John Cena said some stuff to Renee Young. I've always liked Cena, despite myself at times. I can see how he splits opinion but I think he's incredibly valuable. And he acted a bit scared of Ambrose, which is awesome.

Oh, Christ, who did I piss off in a past life to get another women's match? This is no better than the others. Why does AJ Lee skip? What's with that? Is she supposed to be crazy? Then why isn't she ruining men's lives, like all the other crazy women? Am I right, fellas? Paige has an odd accent. It's as off-putting as her pallor. I get that they're going for the goth thing but it just makes her look like... shit, who does she like? Wait, VAMPIRO! Paige looks like Vampiro! Fail. Oh, that Alicia woman won. And then got pointless beers. I don't understand anything.

Luke Harper is free! Where's he going? Is this care in the community? That-cherrrrrrr!!!

Okay, here's the thing about Sheamus. He's a decent enough hand, and he has a perfectly acceptable wrestling match with Mizdow here, which he wins. He's got a good size, and some good offence, even if he's clearly not wearing brogues and therefore shouldn't be allowed to call his finiher that. The thing is... he's so pale. He so pale that I can't think of anything else when I see him. I know Irish people. They're not pale. Even the Scotch (that one's for you, Kenny) people I know aren't that pale. He just looks ill. Does he have to cover up wherever he goes? Does he ever see sunlight? Tan up, man!

The orange goblin comes out in pink to big up the breast cancer thing. It would be stupid of me to make fun of it so I won't. Good work, fellas.

Kane looks like such a geek fighting in suit trousers. This is a DEMON. A man who fucked a dead girl. The one who burned his family to death. And now he's a businessman, in his suit and tie, and his fat head makes me laugh. How the mighty* (*may not have been mighty) have fallen.

It's ironic that they call Ambrose the lunatic fringe because the way he's losing his hair he soon won't have one.

They have a match here, with the heat on Cena, and some very audible calling from Kane. Remember I said last time about Ambrose having that charisma, that star appeal? I've always thought Orton has it, too, despite shitting in people's bags, yewtreeing, and what have you. That he's still around after all the shit he's pulled tells you how valuable he is, or how low the moral standards of this company are. Both, probably. Anyway, in with Ambrose & Cena & Orton, Kane looks even worse.

And then Rollins - with his perfectly sculpted, sexually-satisfying arms (okay, fella?) - comes out and he's only marginally above Kane. Orton's mere presence next to him in the beatdown at the end - and it's Orton's RKOs that finally down the heels, look - reduces Rollins's heat. Weird booking.

It's rumoured they're going with Cena & Ambrose at Hell In A Cell, which makes sense because they've got nothing else, but needs to be a schmozz to save it for the down the line. A whole PPV based around the ultimate feud blow-off is utterly stupid, anyway. Unless it's a shark cage match. That would rule.

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