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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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I'm not sure I can put aside the time to watch RAW (or Smackdown!) anymore — they're so moribund. It's not like there's much that's offensively terrible, it's just all such a big unseasoned porridge of predictability and general inertia, and I don't want to give up five hours a week of my free time for it.

I've been following through Observer Radio, but haven't watched in months. It just seems so bloody homogenised and paint by numbers. I have noticed that since it went 3 hour, Raw has really allowed more midcard storylines to be developed.

Edited by Ladiesman345
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WWE's dip in quality are as predictable as an Arsenal season. Great TV between Rumble to 'Mania (usually crammed with star power), followed by the inevitable post-'Mania lull (all the part timers piss off). Things pick up again around Money In The Bank to Summer Slam, when some part timers turn up. September arrives and we all question why we watch this shite. Rumble....


It's a shame things get so tedious in the Winter, these days. Remember that one year where they did a John Cena/Rock tag match, where the big hook was seeing The Rock in his pants.

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Caught Raw...


- The Ambrose/Rollins comedy was well played throughout the show.

-Big Show was on form. Really enjoyed his seg, which may be testament to the writers because we have been waiting a long time for Rusev to be shown his arse.

-AJs face is punchable

-Miz and Sandow were quality again! Enjoyed Miz gettin a shot back in on HHH after "the straight to dvd" line. Go Miz.

-Henry gave Bo a hell beatdown with those boxes backstage.


Not a brilliant Raw, but I think these days aslong as you dont watch it live then you can fast forward most the tripe and condense it into a good hours veiwing.


Also, last week I read online that apparently Hell in a Cell will feature a Ambrose/Cena match at the ppv with the winner getting Rollins in the Cell later on that night. With no Lesnar (it seems) for the ppv I think that scenario looks a winner.

Edited by Fanny Pack
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Surely 3 diva's matches on one show is two too many? Thought it was ok actually, Ambrose seems to be taking off as a face, certainly good more personality than Reigns. Good to see Bo Dallas get a big win but they'll probably ruin it by jobbing him out again next week. This is a character with potential in my opinion. Interested to see where they're going with the Wyatt's as well.

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The only thing I took away from Raw this week is that Hulk Hogan looks great in pink and black. It's pretty cool that they push the breast cancer stuff so hard and all the pink merch usually looks better than the standard designs. Freshest thing on the show.


Other than that my favourite bit was Triple H telling Kane and Orton that they would be fighting Cena and Ambrose later on, only for Randy to come back with '...but we did that last week?!' Made me chuckle as that pretty much sums up the whole fucking promotion at the moment.

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For the last few weeks I've tried to stay up for Raw, and I always get to the half way point and think 'theres another 1 hour and 30 mins left of this, what on earth can they possibly fill it with', then I resign myself to sleep. There's nothing at the moment with the product that will keep me tuned in for the full advert ridden duration. 

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Also find it hilarious how stupid they're making Tyson Kidd look.

It was a unique look though, standing ringside on his phone, headphones on, not giving a shite about the match taking place right next to him.

Maybe would have come across better if he was wearing jeans,not cutting about with the full kit wanker look to not watch a match

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