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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Nowhere is it more evident that scripted promos suck than when Reigns is doing one. He's playing the ice cool, man of few words destruction machine. But he sounds like a man geeing himself up for another difficult trip to the toilet and it's really hard to get behind him. And there's no reason for it not to suck - the people writing it clearly have no concept of coolness or toughness so it immediately sounds like a 13 year old's promo. Couple it with his wooden delivery and the guy's getting noticeably colder every week.

I think his delivery is decent. I don't think it works especially well in the backstage promos, he seems too quiet and the crowd can't hear it.


Is there such an absence of trust in letting the wrestlers talk for themselves, they think they'll say something homophobic/racist/offensive if they dare let them go off script? Surely that's what all the media handling training is for? I know we're in the traditional lull period now, but almost everything, bar Cena/Lesnar, is so sterile.

Watch TNA if you want unscripted rambling shit promos. WWE have it right I think. They script promos but there is room for the delivery to be improvised. It's miles better than the alternative. As much as we harp back to great unscripted promos of the past, we seem to forget most were boring, nonsensical or both.


If they put the title on Reigns it's going to be like 1995 with Kevin Nash all over again.

WTF are you on about?
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Nowhere is it more evident that scripted promos suck than when Reigns is doing one. He's playing the ice cool, man of few words destruction machine. But he sounds like a man geeing himself up for another difficult trip to the toilet and it's really hard to get behind him. And there's no reason for it not to suck - the people writing it clearly have no concept of coolness or toughness so it immediately sounds like a 13 year old's promo. Couple it with his wooden delivery and the guy's getting noticeably colder every week.

I think his delivery is decent. I don't think it works especially well in the backstage promos, he seems too quiet and the crowd can't hear it.


Is there such an absence of trust in letting the wrestlers talk for themselves, they think they'll say something homophobic/racist/offensive if they dare let them go off script? Surely that's what all the media handling training is for? I know we're in the traditional lull period now, but almost everything, bar Cena/Lesnar, is so sterile.

Watch TNA if you want unscripted rambling shit promos. WWE have it right I think. They script promos but there is room for the delivery to be improvised. It's miles better than the alternative. As much as we harp back to great unscripted promos of the past, we seem to forget most were boring, nonsensical or both.


If they put the title on Reigns it's going to be like 1995 with Kevin Nash all over again.

WTF are you on about?


He'll be a champion that the fans would get tired of real soon. His character sucks now that he's on his own. Give me Ambrose and Rollins over Reigns anyday. Point is Nash looked like a good champion on paper but look how it turned out. He's like Nash in many ways i think. Just quicker.


Put it this way would you want to sit through endless title matches with him and Orton? Cause that's what would probably happen.

Edited by Lemon Juice
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Is there such an absence of trust in letting the wrestlers talk for themselves, they think they'll say something homophobic/racist/offensive if they dare let them go off script?

They dare to let all the wrestlers ignore/alter their script, and not just the long-standing guys. Bray Wyatt has been doing it every week. The thing is, if you deliver the shite that's written for you, you can't be entirely blamed for it flopping. If you ignore it and improvise your own shite and it's no better, you're totally to blame. Very few of the wrestlers have the confidence, desire or creativity to come up with something they think is significantly better than the script, so they don't risk the backlash.

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Figured this is the best place for this.


There's a bit of buzz on twitter at the moment from WWE about the 'next generation' making an impact and knocking doors down starting on 22/9, which is this coming Monday and after NOC.


So, let's speculate:

A mass call up of NXT guys?

A RAW of title matches for people who never had shots certain belts before?

Vince has bumped his head and thinks it's 1995 again?

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Figured this is the best place for this.

There's a bit of buzz on twitter at the moment from WWE about the 'next generation' making an impact and knocking doors down starting on 22/9, which is this coming Monday and after NOC.

So, let's speculate:

A mass call up of NXT guys?

A RAW of title matches for people who never had shots certain belts before?

Vince has bumped his head and thinks it's 1995 again?

On the WWE website and Facebook page there's an article that mentions the 'new generation' that focusses only on Zayn, Neville, Steen, Devett & Itami. I'm guessing we'll see them on Monday.


Also Night of Champions is on Sky Sports 3

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On the WWE website and Facebook page there's an article that mentions the 'new generation' that focusses only on Zayn, Neville, Steen, Devett & Itami. I'm guessing we'll see them on Monday.


No, we won't. For the most part WWE.com just do what they want when it comes to their articles and are pretty much detached from the creative team.

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You're cooking the books, there.


You've brought Breeze in to lower the average age, you mischievous little so-and-so.


I'll be honest, I think in wrestling age is much less relevant than 'screen age' so as long as these guys are fresh to the audience, which they are, they'll be fine.


It's just interesting to note the change in policy; does anyone remember the other year when they had the 'nobody 28 or over signed unless they've got a decent profile in other sports' policy?


That was odd.

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