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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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A lot of good stuff on RAW.


The main event of Reigns and Rollins was excellent. Surprised at them going one on one considering it's happening on PPV, but both guys had a good outing. Done a lot to get me back on side with Roman Reigns actually. Seth Rollins is just excellent though. Would say there's a good chance of Ambrose having a say at Night of Champions.


Really good confrontation with Cena and Lesnar too, made Cena look a threat again after the SummerSlam squash.


Plenty good mid card stuff involving Miz, Sandow, Ziggler, Truth, Cesaro, Sheamus etc but at this moment in time they are all miles away from the World Heavyweight Championship. Good mix of talent to make the IC and US titles relevant again though.


Honourable mention to Henry and Rusev too. Actually looking forward to their match.


Severe lack of actual tag teams though. The division is pretty much non-existent. They need to get 2 or 3 teams up from next just to make up the numbers really. Ascension & Vaudevillians would be 2 good heel teams for the Uso's to go against.

Edited by Winston
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Agree with above. Decent show with some good mid-card matches.


Not sure about ending the way they did. It was a nice angle to send the fans home happy but it felt very mid-card after Cena/Lesnar and Reigns/Rollins. Good job by all involved. The fans don't seem that bothered about booing Russia. Lana's promo was very good but didn't draw heat like you'd think. Still, the fans got behind Henry when it mattered. The commentary was nauseating though. Ugh.


The Cena stuff was all over the place. Occasionally embarrassing, definitely conflicting but in the end very effective. I still think they'd sell the PPV better if they treated it like a sporting contest and analysed Cena's performance and explained what he'll do differently. You don't have to lose the skits to do that. And fans will buy it because Lesnar is as "real" as it gets.


Baffled by why Reigns is pinning Rollins clean 6 days before a PPV. I know the model is changing but they are still trying to sell subscriptions based on monthly events that are bigger than Raw and Smackdown. I'm always baffled as to how a first class promoter like Vince McMahon can be convinced that it doesn't matter? Good match anyway. Both continue to look like real top level guys. Rollins music is fucking shit though. Not at all fitting or befitting.

Edited by tiger_rick
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I agree with Rick there with regards to Rollins’ music. It’s generic, septic shit and is very unbecoming of the character. To be honest, I just hate how most of the entrance themes are now just generic metal or hip hop.

I miss the days of themes where JJ put effort into them, like Jake, Sid, Razor, Diesel, Mankind (Entrance and Exit), Billy & Chuck, Strike Force, Austin, Rock etc. I’m not saying go back to synths, but themes like the aforementioned helped define a character.

Ambrose also deserves something better than what he has and despite many people thinking his theme song to be fitting, I find it to be the absolute pits.

Wyatt’s really suits him though as does Reigns/Shield, but at the mo, there’s fuck all entrance themes for new characters that stand out.

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I can see what they've tried to do with Rollins' music as he is a metal fan, so it is reflecting a personality trait. Saying that, it's still not great but it's far from the worst. The dishonour I think belongs to Cesaro at the minute


Seems odd to have Rollins/Reigns 6 days before their already booked PPV match.

I seem to recall them doing the same when Booker T and Mysterio were feuding in 2006 over the world title and they had a non-title match on Smackdown 2 days before the PPV match, and Rey (champion) beat Booker clean. If Booker had at least won it would have sewn that of possibility of him being able to winning the belt

Edited by WyattSheepMask
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Does anyone here actually stay up til over 4am to watch Raw live? I have to watch it the next day i can't stand sitting through adverts every 10 minutes for 3 hours.


I use to watch it live as a student, I can't even stand sitting through the whole thing without adverts these days though.

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I agree with Rick there with regards to Rollins’ music. It’s generic, septic shit and is very unbecoming of the character. To be honest, I just hate how most of the entrance themes are now just generic metal or hip hop.

I miss the days of themes where JJ put effort into them, like Jake, Sid, Razor, Diesel, Mankind (Entrance and Exit), Billy & Chuck, Strike Force, Austin, Rock etc. I’m not saying go back to synths, but themes like the aforementioned helped define a character.

Ambrose also deserves something better than what he has and despite many people thinking his theme song to be fitting, I find it to be the absolute pits.

Wyatt’s really suits him though as does Reigns/Shield, but at the mo, there’s fuck all entrance themes for new characters that stand out.


That's because Jim Johnston seems to be on his way out/retiring. All the new themes are done by a new song writing duo called CFO$ who are clearly nowhere near Jim's level.


The Wyatt's theme was already a song which WWE bought the rights for and Reigns/Shield is a Johnston track which is why they are both great.

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The thing that everyone was probably thinking after watching this weeks Raw would've been why was that Henry and Rusev segment on last to close the show? At the end of the day i think it's obvious that Henry is not the chosen guy to beat Rusev's undefeated streak. Surely it would've made more sense to close the show with Lesnar and Cena being pulled apart ? Unless Brock didn't want to hang around the arena until 11.00 to close the show. I hope that Bray is not going to be booked in a programme with Big Show next. I find the Big Show to be so fucking boring. If he was to leave it would be fine with me. And when is Sister Abigail going to join the Wyatt family? They used to drop hints on commentary that she could be on her way but it seems to have gone quiet. Unless we just have to wait for another Diva from NXT to be ready for the main roster. It seems like the whole "Authority" angle is slowly being phased out. Shame if it means Triple H and Steph aren't going to be on Raw every week. I was loving Steph's promos lately.

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