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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Dont understand the lack of Ambrose? 


The "promotional tour" line was just to explain why Ambrose didn't help Reigns when he got beaten down. He appeared in a dark segment after the show teaming with Big Show.




Frig Reigns, where was Big Roman when Ambrose was getting his head smashed in by Kane, Orton and Rollins on Raw the other week?


Another thing, i may have missed it but did Ambrose and Reigns ever have any interaction discussing the end of the Shield? Seems strange that they didnt? Rollins turned heel and the week after they were still a stable (albeit 2 of them) but after that just nothing?

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I don't watch any WWE programming except for WrestleMania on a Tuesday I watch the highlights of Raw on WWE.com.


So you choose to log onto a forum to discuss what you don't watch ?

should start a new thread ... 'talk about what you don't watch' ... Me first ... I haven't seen the new Planet of the apes film, Its shit

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I don't watch any WWE programming except for WrestleMania on a Tuesday I watch the highlights of Raw on WWE.com. Sorry that I'm bashing your precious WWE, I find my statements to be my honest opinions, but alas with ratings, live event numbers and buyrates on the drop and WWE loosing a fortune...I'm not the only one obviously switching off.


Oh piss off you pretentious twat, if you hate WWE that much then stop watching it, even in highlight form

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I don't watch any WWE programming except for WrestleMania on a Tuesday I watch the highlights of Raw on WWE.com.


So you choose to log onto a forum to discuss what you don't watch ?

should start a new thread ... 'talk about what you don't watch' ... Me first ... I haven't seen the new Planet of the apes film, Its shit


 You don't need to watch TNA to know it's shit.

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Steph's "I've got you people and you're yes's" is one of my favourite lines ever in wrestling, I know she gets all the plaudits (and she certainly deserves them) but Brie has improved no end since she started working with her, Summerslam is looking good

Brie may have improved but she's still horribly wooden on the mic.  It just shows how awesome Stephanie is that she has dragged Brie into one of the hottest storylines in WWE at the moment.  Brie will probably win the match at SummerSlam, but anyone with eyes will know that the real hero of all of this was Stephanie.  She's also the best promo in WWE at the moment too.

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Like C-Rock these days I can only realistically watch the Raw highlights myself, though I don't then come on here to comment on the show from a viewer's perspective. Sometimes I'll say "it LOOKs like a good show" or "reads well" but I agree with the majority that unless your watch the whole 3 hours it's unfair to judge the show in its entirety.


But in all seriousness how do you guys find the time to watch Raw every week?! 


I'm just too busy these days to sit down and watch all three hours (five if you include Smackdown). If I'm lucky I squeeze in Main Event every week, and the occasional Network special, and I always make time for the PPVs... but Raw and Smackdown is strictly reserved for the rare occasions I'm ill on a Monday morning sadly. :(

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It seems that the ratings took a bit of a dive in the last hour of RAW this week. Dunno whether there was unusual competition or if the fans at home just weren't that into the Brie/Steph stuff all that much. Shame, because it was pretty good. Brie's delivery is rubbish, it has a real "Sunset Beach" feel to it, but Steph was gold.

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I thought that was a cracking Raw. Pity the discussion of it has been hijacked by a fucking retard. Just ignore the cunt in future.


John Cena's promo in that opening segment showed why he is the best promo guy on the planet. Sure they're not all home runs because often the material is shit or the direction is crap but when you want a money promo - he's your go to guy.


The match with Cesaro was excellent too. Cena is one of the best 10 workers in the history of WWE. He's superb. Cesaro is alright an' all. He's technically decent but fuck boring. In there with Cena, he means something. Cena's also the most unselfish main eventer they've ever had by a country mile. What a dude.


Didn't like the Steph/Brie confrontation this week. I cringed through most of it. It turned out Steph was deliberately acting shit so in retrospect, that was OK. Brie was fuck awful though with her massively over-punctuating the last word in every sentence.


Orton's attack was ace and hopefully they keep giving us a reason to want to see Reigns beat the shit out of him.


I even found Jericho OK for once. What happened to Seth Rollins when the Wyatts came out? Did he just vapourise? Or was I half asleep?

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Only just saw Raw. Did anyone else notice when Randy Orton was lashing everything off the announce table all haphazard, he realised JBL had left his iPad on it and carefully picked it up and passed it to him?


Can't afford to break the iPads with all these cuts.

Edited by Pinc
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