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The Official UKFF RAW Thread...


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Good Raw.Christian/Sheamus was good fun,Cesaro/Big E was sloppy as fuck.Emma/Summer Rae was far better than Cameron and AJ's effort at EC.Surprised they gave away Reigns vs Wyatt for no reason whatsoever,not surprised that the crowd acted like total cunts and tried to get themselves over.I'd be well up for HHH,Steph or Big Dave trolling the Chicago fans next week just to annoy the smug pricks.



Great to see Hogan back,and I have no problem with Bryan/HHH at Mania.Taker,Brock and Heyman played a blinder in the closing segment and I'm actually quite lookng forward to their match now too.


Wonder what Aaron Paul will get up to next week,can't be any worse then that granny they had as guest host a few weeks back anyway.

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Thought that was fuff. Hogan's return wasn't as good as it should be. He's Hogan. It was just generic.


Batista/Rio- shite. Nobody cares, and why should they?


Sheamus/Christian was alright but a bit too long IMO


Same for the other matches, half decent.


The commentary is truly CRAP mind you. JBL especially. The silly bickering, they are just getting the worst out of each other.

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Really awful crowd. Dead throughout the matches and too concerned with 'funny' chants. "Husky Harris!" yeah, brill. Although I did love the Saved by the Bell style gasp of "OHHH!" when Brock prodded Taker with the pen.


It was incredible how hard and fast the crowd deflated when Hogan talked about "The launching of the WWE universe!" and then went on to babble for ages, saying the words 'universe' and 'network' about a dozen times to try and correct himself. It's like they instantly saw an old human man instead of a superhero, and there was no way back. He didn't even get to do his 'pick up the mic like he's about to speak, then look amazed at the reaction, mouth "Wow", rub his head and put the mic down for another round of cheers, looking around at the crowd with amazement like can't believe it' spot, which usually drags a good ten minutes airtime out. Flattest Hogan return by a zillion miles.


Glad bald Taker's got the Anton LeVay Devil beard. It's the only way he can get away with short hair.


Exact same finish in the two big matches too. The dissenting partner of a group causes another member's DQ by attacking their opponent.

Edited by Astro Hollywood
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Hogan was there to plug the Network, which he did. He isn't there to take away from the people who are going to be wrestling at Wrestlemania

He will, he's Guest Host. He'll end up playing a big part. He wont just plug the Network the entire time. They are right to have him plug the Network. But it's a massive return. Stir the pot. Set something up. Nothing happened- flat.

Edited by LEGIT
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I can't wait for Orton/Batista to happen just to witness the craziest crowd riot in history of wrestling.


Goldberg/Lesnar type shitting-on I reckon

I don't see that match taking place whatsoever. If it does, at least with Brock/Goldberg you had Austin in there to give the crowd some upside. For Orton/Batista they crowd would be brutal. Much worse than Cena/Orton at the Rumble.

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Doesn't matter that he was only on TV a few months ago, I still marked out like fuck for the Hulkster last night. Him, Bryan and Taker got the biggest pops of the night it sounded like through the telly. Love the fact Taker's grown the Ministry beard back, makes him look even more demonic with that buzz cut Mohawk on his head

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Undertaker v Lesnar is the biggest match.

No idea what they will do with Batista v Orton but if they want Bryan in there then they have to start presenting him a bit better. Right now he is nothing more than an annoying wee loser who gets what he wants by whining and moaning,


Batisata/Orton is the Main Event, thus it'll be what the show will close with.


Batista vs Orton closing Wrestlemania 30 is the least sensible idea since Princess Di decided she didn't require a seat belt

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Most who watch the current WWE product have a fair idea of what next weeks raw crowd in Chicago will be like.


I really really want to see them open the show, have a few seconds dramatic pause then hit Punks theme, give it a moment or so then have Big Dave walk out in a Punk T shirt smirking all the way to the ring.

Heel Dave is brilliant and this would be white heat were it to occur.

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He might be back next week. 7 days is a long time in wrestling. The big thing is, they've set up Bryan vs HHH. Which for me sort of ruins the idea of what they had for Punk at WrestleMania. What's being battered about is that if they get Punk it'd be HHH and Punk, and Bryan vs Kane where if he beats Kane he'll get added to the main event. But they've just done Kane vs Bryan, so it looks as if they'll be doing the Goldberg/Scott Hall match where if he beats HHH he goes onto the main event. They've arranged the pieces to the point where you think "what can they do with Punk if they have him"? They've set up all the big matches, really. Bryan needs to win the title, so he'll probably be added to the Orton/Batista match. HHH has an opponent. Cena has an opponent. Lesnar and Undertaker are wrestling. It seems like plans are already set in motion.

Edited by IANdrewDiceClay
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