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Huge main event announced for next week:


Cena vs Orton.


Can't wait.

I am going to guess that we will be getting Orton vs. Sheamus on Raw the week after, which I would expect to get a negative crowd response as well.

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I hope we get an undercard of:


Kofi Kingston vs Dolph Ziggler

Kofi Kingston vs Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio vs Zack Ryder

3MB vs Los Matadores

And a 30 minute Triple H promo.

Alberto del Rio vs Rey Mysterio in a 'best of ∞ falls' match.

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Thanks for the vague bit of info there, dodgy wrestling website that has a misleading BDSM name. The superstar in question was:


<-- click on 'spoiler' to show/hide the spoiler

Shelton Benjamin, wrestled Tyson Kidd


[close spoiler]



Good Raw. All the matches were well wrestled (I heard the Divas match was bad, but I went to the servo during that one) and Batista didn't botch this week. Although he didn't play to the crowd at all, no arm raising, no high fiving, he barely even looked at them. I get that it might have been just him playing the intense role, but it still felt a bit off.


WWE have done well in crushing the CM Punk backlash. The opening segment had a different speaking tempo again, and according to godsofwhipsandchains.net, Michael Cole informed the crowd that Raw was about to go live, and they started a loud Punk chant, to which he responded, "How about you just... go away". The more reliable prowrestling.net mentioned that Seth Rollins got on the mic during the Henry/Ambrose commercial break and responded to a Punk chant with "CM Who?" Crafty bastards, they're acknowledging it apparently but just not on air.


Highlight of the show was the Wyatts and Shield face-off. And Betty White saying, "I'm here to kick some ass". :D


EDIT: Okay, spoiler tags don't appear to be working?

Edited by Shane O' Mac Version 2
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Thanks for the vague bit of info there, dodgy wrestling website that has a misleading BDSM name. The superstar in question was:


Shelton Benjamin, wrestled Tyson Kidd


and according to godsofwhipsandchains.net, Michael Cole informed the crowd that Raw was about to go live, and they started a loud Punk chant, to which he responded, "How about you just... go away". The more reliable prowrestling.net mentioned that Seth Rollins got on the mic during the Henry/Ambrose commercial break and responded to a Punk chant with "CM Who?" Crafty bastards, they're acknowledging it apparently but just not on air.


The Superstars match was Big E against Drew. Crowd were well into Langston with a vocal minority chanting for 3MB.


As for the Michael Cole thing, firstly, Justin Roberts was the one giving the crowd 90/30 second warnings about going to air, secondly, he never mentioned punk. Rollins did indeed go on the mic during the break, his "CM Who?" line probably got the most heat of the whole night. I was sat 11 rows behind the announce team, and for almost the whole show, I could see two guys with headsets on just standing there looking at the crowd. I'm guessing they're the link back to the truck to tell them when to turn the crowd down for chants they're not keen on, but there were hardly any Punk chants after about 20 minutes of going live. The loudest Punk chants were probably during Superstars so they'll easily be able to edit them out.


Haven't watched the show back yet. Row 11 floor seating was bobbins for any kind of view. Crowd was super hot for about the first 90 minutes and even then they stayed with most of the matches. Cesaro had a good amount of people behind him, really enjoyed that match. Biggest pops for Bryan and Cena. There were a few mongs around where I was sat. I don't know if the "boring" chant during the main event was audible on the telly, but it was a handful of mongs who were desperately trying to get themselves over. Seemed to get under Orton's skin as well, which was ridiculous. He got great heel reactions the whole night.


Wyatt got a stellar reception. People seemed to forget that they'd booed him the shit out of him when he backed down from the Shield, everyone was cheering for him again when he came out for the dark match. Finally got to see Bryan wrestle in that, albeit for 2 minutes. Last week he had a 25 minute main event. Fuck you, WWE scheduling. I paid to see Bryan! Anyway. Enjoyed it. Summerslam confirmed for LA. Curry and beers round mine first if anyone's interested.

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Sheamus & Christian vs. Real Americans was fantastic. Really enjoyed it. The Shield Wyatt family segment was perfect too, buzzing for their match at Elimination Chamber. I'd like to see the 6 man happen at Wrestlemania, possibly in some sort of gimmick match. Skipped the main event. Good raw otherwise.

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The Sheamus/Christian vs Real Americans match was fantastic, and the opening six-man. The showdown between the Shield and the Wyatts was cracking. The stuff with Bryan and Kane was fine, I suppose. Cena vs Orton, I skipped most of it, but the last few minutes were good. The Outlaws thing with Betty White was useless. Henry vs Ambrose was shit and went on way too long. Batista was a bit weird, like he doesn't want to be there.

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